• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by MacPhail

  1. M

    D&D 4E Fillable pdf character sheet for 4e, version 3.0

    Have I done something wrong that I'm unable to save a completed sheet, or was that your choice in the design? A really awesome sheet, by the way, and much better organized than the WotC one. Top notch!
  2. M

    [Star Wars] Seeking pre-generated characters

    Actually, these should do just fine. A few more folks have expressed an interest, so there might be a good sized group. I looked through the threads in question and all the stat references I found were dead links. Did these characters get Revised stats? And if so where can I find them? Thanks!
  3. M

    [Star Wars] Seeking pre-generated characters

    I have some friends who want to play some Star Wars d20 this weekend, but we won't all be in the same city until then, and we only have one book. They are long-time d20 players, but 1st time Star Wars RPGers. I don't have time to prep the adventure AND stat out characters for everyone... Does...
  4. M

    Players Journal Qs

    Morrus- I have just re-sent our submission from January 14.
  5. M

    [Necromancer Games] The Grey Citadel available for pre-order!

    Glad to hear you're interested. Several of the folks on the Necromancer Games messageboard have reliable online vendors if you have trouble finding the products. I haven't heard of any problems with White Wolf, though. Anyway, stay tuned... it should be out soon, and we'll be announcing the...
  6. M

    [Necromancer Games] Some Product News

    Thanks! When I sat down to write the module, I realized that I had several legal pads worth of content that didn't warrant inclusion in a print product, so I was really thrilled that Necromancer gave me the go-ahead for this website. That stuff wasn't doing any good gathering dust on my...
  7. M

    [Necromancer Games] Some Product News

    The Grey Citadel Thanks for spreading the word, GP! As The Grey Citadel is my own baby, I'll jump in to say that anyone wanting a bit more info is invited to check out my site below. This is something I put together with the support of Necromancer Games to provide in-depth material to DMs...
  8. M

    Modern Drug Addictions

    Thanks for the interest and feedback, everyone. We have run a few sessions, and a couple of snorts after the character found out he had to give up his civilian identity and enter the espionage buisness were well timed and well played. The other charatcers have been handling the talking when he...
  9. M

    Spycraft: opening sequences?

    I just kicked off our D20 Modern campaign. which borrows heavily from Spycaft and also began in Chicago. The street chase culminated in a vehicle jump over one of the river drawbridges ( I recall many of them are actually swing bridges, but who cares). There is also the carnival at Navy Pier, a...
  10. M

    Seeking SW RPG adventures online

    Good leads... thanks.
  11. M

    Seeking SW RPG adventures online

    Does anyone have a favorite resource for supplemental game material? I've looked at some of the play-by-post and news sites, but I don't see anything in the way of downloads, just tons of PrCs. Is Lucasfilm able to limit the distribution of fan adventures, or am I just not looking in the right...
  12. M

    WWII spycraft

    Hellboy and others... Mike Mignola has done extensive work with the paranormal in the immediate postwar era in his Hellboy comics, which I have used for ideas in the past. Also Jack Higgins-- no mysticism there, but a hell of a good read and easily pirated plot elements. Check out Cold Harbour...
  13. M

    World War II D20 Modern

    WWII Which theater/front are you going to set your game in? I'd definately hit the video store first... A Bridge Too Far, The Longest Day, Battle of the Bulge, Das Boot, Tora! Tora! Tora!, Kelly's Heroes, The Great Escape, Bridge over the River Kwai; more recently U-571, Enemy at the Gates and...
  14. M

    [D20 Modern] Anyone using it for a not-so Modern game?

    On French and Indian War era... Chaldfont- You would be well advised to check out the real-life stories behind such luminaries as Pontiac, Tecumseh and other Indian nationalists. The greatest failing of the Native resistance to colonial expansion was their inability to unite; many white...