Recent content by Masquerade

  1. Masquerade

    Sexism in D&D

    Of course there are. Gender is a very personal thing. It's a subject that demands sensitivity. The issue isn't just that sex-based attribute modification is an exceedingly stupid rule; it's that bringing it up in what could be understood as a serious conversation is going to come off as...
  2. Masquerade

    Campaign Settings We Hate

    This was surprisingly easy. I voted "love" for Spelljammer, Planescape, and Dark Sun and "hate" for the others. If a setting doesn't have a unique style or some easy-to-grasp hook with which I can connect right away, I have a hard time getting into it. So, yeah, another Eberron fan.
  3. Masquerade

    Steampunk D&D thread

    Etherscope. Great setting, and the d20 mechanics plug right into D&D 3.5. I especially like the cybernautics system. Magic & Mayhem from the Warcraft RPG has a chapter on steampunk devices with some cool art. Airships by Bastion Press. Can't have steampunk without flying machines. For...
  4. Masquerade

    Thursday Knights, Live Broadcast of Actual Play

    I spend a lot of time in commute, so I'm always looking to fill out my podcast rotation. I've only listened to the first recording so far, but this seems like one of the more fun actual play podcasts out there. Thanks for sharing your game with us!
  5. Masquerade

    What D&Disms have you never liked?

    While I enjoy D&D very much as a game (4e and Pathfinder are both among my favorite rpgs), I've never cared much for its style of fantasy. While I was into greek myths and Tolkien as a kid, I enjoyed playing Final Fantasy and Magic: the Gathering more than I enjoyed reading, so those things had...
  6. Masquerade

    Class Idol Round 7: Only Three Remain!

    With Swordmage out, I'm putting it all behind thief-acrobat!
  7. Masquerade

    Describe your campaign in 10 words or less

    Noir detectives in magical steampunk tower city. No, not Sharn.
  8. Masquerade

    What's your Fifth?

    I've seen the fifth be a defender, but most frequently it's a striker. Warlocks and rogues have historically been the most popular classes within my group.
  9. Masquerade

    Forked Thread: How do you feel about online gaming?

    When I play roleplaying games, I usually do so online. I prefer online gaming, and the friends I enjoy gaming with the most live far away. Even with my DDI subscription, I would continue using RPTools MapTool rather than switch to the gametable. Even when I'm DMing a face-to-face game, if...
  10. Masquerade

    Your experiences with PBP?

    I find PBP far more fulfilling than my face-to-face and virtual tabletop games have been. When they last, that is. The problem with PBPs is that they usually don't last. Still, I wouldn't discourage you for trying, but don't expect every PBP to work out. Occasionally, all the pieces fall...
  11. Masquerade

    Anyone use a "Frankenstein" game system?

    Oh, yes. Spirit of the Century is a fantastic game for Frankensteining. Aspects, skill pyramid, and the group character creation novels all come to mind.
  12. Masquerade

    Anyone use a "Frankenstein" game system?

    I tend to alternate between D&D and Frankenstein for my games; when I'm running D&D, I'm always stitching together the next Frankenstein. The current monster is probably equal parts D&D 4e and Star Wars Saga Edition with further parts borrowed from BESM, L5R, Shadowrun, Etherscope, Anima, Dark...
  13. Masquerade

    Immediate Actions and Forum Gaming

    When running games by PBP in the past, I've handled combat similarly. I required that any action that the character would do during the round had to be stated ahead of time; once I posted what happened, it happened. No retcons. If they have immediate abilities, policies for them must be...
  14. Masquerade

    D20 - Most Aesthetically Pleasing Die

    Agreed. Aesthetically, it has to be the d8.
  15. Masquerade

    Very interesting session last night...

    Sounds like a fantastic session! You are making me a very jealous DM.