• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Quantarum

  1. Quantarum

    Is this WotC's pipe dream?

    I'm not very impressed with what I've seen so far, but it seems to be very much in flux to me. I'm sticking with PF for the foreseeable future; but anything is possible. -Q.
  2. Quantarum

    the polearm quiz

    12, though a swashbuckler with a halberd would be a sight. -Q.
  3. Quantarum

    WotC Discontinues Minis: How Much Does It Affect You?

    Quite a bit, but not devastating. I paint minis to supplement my plastic collection, I'll just being doing more of that to cover any holes. -Q.
  4. Quantarum


    My fav was a cookie jar. Who got the cookie from the cookie jar? Stumpy of course! -Q.
  5. Quantarum

    Steve Kenson's ICONS: Superpowered Roleplaying from Adamant Entertainment

    So by "supers RPGs of ages past" you mean Marvel Superheros? -Q.
  6. Quantarum

    RPGs are ... Role Playing Games

    The only absolute I keep in mind regarding RPGs is that they are all shared experiences. -Q.
  7. Quantarum

    AD&D level limits question

    When I was playing AD&D we treated some rules as set in stone and others as amusing suggestions. For some reason we stuck solidly to the level limits. -Q.
  8. Quantarum

    Potion Miscibility and other Buffing Limits

    You could set some kind of limit based level, say a character can't have more levels of spell effects from potions than his level with a minimum of one potion active at a time or some variation. -Q.
  9. Quantarum

    Consulting the Sages - a Poll by Edition

    To me the concept is broader than presented, a "sage" might be a cloistered scholar of some sort, but he could also be the gossiping barkeep, the grizzled veteran with too many stories or the local kook who's rantings strike a chord with the players. I think it's just a chance for a good role...
  10. Quantarum

    Ignore lists

    It feels too much like censorship for my tastes, so my list is empty. Besides, I have a built in ignore feature that works pretty well (as long as people don't change avatars frequently). -Q.
  11. Quantarum

    Can somebody explain the bias against game balance?

    Not really. If the game was "Lifting and Pressing: A realistic RPG of pumping iron" it might be relevant, but in the context of D&D it's just a curious little aside like Batman being able to toss a hamburger ten miles in the 2nd edition DC RPG or a newborn baby being able to toss a football 25...
  12. Quantarum

    What do you always use?

    A lovable NPC who follows the group around to give them a little kick in the pants or mess up the perfect plan or get captured, kidnapped, cursed etc. It's always a good hook for sidetracks. Of course they have to have some affection for the NPC or they might just leave it to rot :lol: -Q.
  13. Quantarum

    I Need Music For A Ruined City!

    Excellent selections, I'd throw this in from the Final Fantasy XIII soundtrack Dust to Dust by Matsue Hamauzu & Masashi Hamauzu, very sad, mournful music. -Q. YouTube - ~Xx FINAL FANTASY XIII SOUNDTRACK: [ Dust to Dust (Oerba) ] :xX~
  14. Quantarum

    Look upon my works, ye mighty... (my players stay out, please)

    Aware of his own mortality and not too pleased with the idea of a mausoleum, he wants to build a society of clock work replicas to preserve his empire "at it's height", including a mechanical version of himself. -Q.
  15. Quantarum

    The Laws of the Kingdom?

    Since most people have some basic concept of what's illegal, it's usually better to decide how the local law differs from the norm. Perhaps more specifically, what laws are likely to have some effect on the players. I ran an entire adventure once around a player being mistaken for a member of...