Recent content by StupidSmurf

  1. S

    Just Not Feelin' It...

    Just some random points/observations: 1. Although I have nothing to back this up, I have a gut feeling that the resistance to the new system will be proportionately greater among veteran D&Ders than it has been for any previous change to a new edition. (Did that come out right?) 2. People who...
  2. S

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 is the REAL reason everyone is angry

    Wow...what a mess....ok...hmmm.... "Angry"? No, not really. "Annoyed"? Oh yeah. Definitely...and if I stub my toe, lose $20, or get a flat, THEN thinking about 4E makes me angry. ;) "Surprised?" Sadly, no. In my opinion, I think WotC underwent a big hit in credibility with the way 3.0/3.5...
  3. S

    What happens if we don't like it?

    Haven't been around in a while....took an announcement of this magnitude (??) to rouse me out of my Ent-like torpor and actually post something. As far as 4E goes....good luck, WotC. You're gonna need it. What happens if we don't like it? Well, in our little corner of the world, for what it's...
  4. S

    The Unofficial Christmas Swag Thread

    I got, from various sources: - A black t-shirt with the Superman "S" in a sort of fiery style. - A Golden Age Green Lantern (Alan Scott) power battery and power ring. The battery lights up in a lovely green light when you touch the ring to it. - Munchkin Bites 2 expansion deck - And, the...
  5. S

    Late, lamented (or unlamented) fast-food chains

    Never had trouble finding Mexican food up here, and I'm a Mass native who now lives in Nashua NH. I used to love Chi-Chi's...wasn't aware the chain's gone. I used to hit the one in Framingham MA near Shoppers World/Natick Mall. There's a restaurant here called Marguerita's, which I think is...
  6. S

    TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

    Hi Gary! Just wanted to pass on to you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and God Bless! -JT
  7. S

    Santa's got more than coal for the naughty kids...

    I had heard some rumor that Santa has decided to ratchet up the punishment quotient, and plans on leaving live, diseased rats in naughty kids' Christmas stockings this year. :eek:
  8. S

    Expectations/gamer courtesy

    Showing up at a D&D game without dice and books is madness. That's like wanting to play baseball with your friends, but showing up in dress shoes and without a glove. :eek:
  9. S

    Expectations/gamer courtesy

    Observations: 1. Sometimes people bring their dinner over. One of our players is Vegan, sometimes others just want something different than what we're ordering (we usually order pizza, or subs, or some such...). That stuff, clearly no one expects to share. 2. Sometimes, our gamers bring big...
  10. S

    Proactive Players in a Reactive Campaign

    It's a bummer when there's a DM/Players Style Conflict. Sadly, there's no real way out of it except for an abovementioned post that recommended finding a group of like-minded players. If you like strawberry, and six people like chocolate, you're going to have a hard time converting them to...
  11. S

    Unexpected Guests: Look whose coming to dinner?

    Being parents, we try to make sure that our kids are OUR problem, not someone else's. We expect the same sort of courtesy from other parents. My campaign is full. Way full. Waiting list full. When everyone makes it, there's 11 players, 1 DM (yours truly), and an occasionally wandering...
  12. S

    Late, lamented (or unlamented) fast-food chains

    I remember Geno's. Kind of. The only truly significant contribution to my past, though, is the joke we used to crack about them. See, Geno's slogan was "Geno's is the place to go." Which led of course to this fine Elementary school vintage joke: Q: Why aren't there any bathrooms at McDonalds...
  13. S

    As a player, do you enjoy moral dilemmas and no-win situations?

    I've watched movies or read books where the protagonist is screwed from the git-go. When you finish watching/reading, you realize that the hero never stood a chance, and was fated to lose from the beginning. This is especially prevalent in horror stories. And I HATE it. Absolutely DESPISE it. I...
  14. S

    What to do after a not-so-good session???

    One bad session does not a campaign's life decide. Or something like that. Remember: When the horse throws you off, feed it to a griffon and ride THAT instead! In other words, plow on ahead. Not every session is going to be great. Heck, not every session is going to be good. Or average. I'd...
  15. S

    Stupidest things PCs/DMs have done

    Scroll back up the page a little and see the exchange between Savage Wombat and me. :) I was quoting Rolf, the dumb fighter who was accompanying Fineous on an adventure. Rolf got bored waiting for Fineous to unlock a particularly difficult door, so Rolf began shouting out deity names in order...