Recent content by Tharkun

  1. Tharkun

    Which team will win Super Bowl XLV?

    I voted NOT Packers. I cheer anyone who is Vikings or playing against the Packers every time.
  2. Tharkun

    World of Warcraft

    I try to play as every class at least once although I think after playing the Horde for awhile I'll start focusing on Alliance.
  3. Tharkun

    Psionics: Yea or Nay?

    I'm for them as long as they are mechanically sound just like any other part of a system.
  4. Tharkun

    Orcus of Necromancer Games says "You were right, I was wrong"

    It takes more to man up to admitting ones mistakes than not and for that you are worth more respect than some.
  5. Tharkun

    PS3 a worthwhile purchase?

    I'd say unless there are some PS3 games that you MUST have then save your money, really.
  6. Tharkun

    Holy cow! Palladium releasing PDFs!

    Aprils Fools joke :) Right... Right... :confused:
  7. Tharkun

    Adventure ideas for campaign based in the Antarctic

    Perhaps the obligatory Nazi secret base with weird experiments going on (monsters and aliens)?
  8. Tharkun

    Inspiration from the Designing a 2e Retro-Clone thread

    I have been motivated to do a Second Edition clone and after reading this thread as well as OSRIC I decided "why not do this?" So here is what I plan on doing. My goals for this is going to be as close of a clone as possible for rules but the artwork will be all new. The streamlining that...
  9. Tharkun

    Temple of Elemental Evil - Does it run on XP/Vista?

    Circle of Eight patches are what you need to get as they work to get the game running as it was supposed to be played.
  10. Tharkun

    Mac or PC?

    I'd only buy a PC because I want to play games and use Linux.
  11. Tharkun

    What motivated you to purchase splatbooks for 3e?

    I only buy books that contain subject matter that I really enjoy in and/or books that I know will get used.
  12. Tharkun

    How Many Beers per Gaming Session?

    We don't drink and game.
  13. Tharkun

    What Do Gamers Eat?

    I tend to eat pizza or when not eating that I eat Organic foods & drinks to almost the exclusion of everything else.
  14. Tharkun

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars Animated Series - Who's Watching?

    I have seen several movies of star wars and played a few games but for the most part it holds little interest for me.
  15. Tharkun

    What we all are really waiting for...

    It really didn't look that interesting for me to want to watch very long.