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  1. G

    Please recommend some desert adventures

    I'm planning on running a desert themed campaign and would appreaciate any suggestions for desert or similar adventures. Any of the D&D versions are fine, I can always convert to my tastes. Thanks.
  2. G

    GSL Question - Confusion

    Can a company make both 3.5 and 4.0 products? I.E. can Goodman make 3.5and 4.0 DCCs? I'm being told that as the GSL reads Goodman did not have to sell off all their 3.5 DCCs? Can you please provide references?
  3. G

    Help me find this monster's stats...

    I'm looking for the name and stats (3.X) for a monster from a 2nd edition adventure. It was a "Stained-Glass Golem" . The Adventure is on the tip of my tongue, but I can't quite remember it. Any help would be greatful. I'm hoping to us it in an adventure I'm running. Thanks.
  4. G

    MERP Middle Earth Role Play Questions

    I've been looking for a change and was wondering what the system was like for MERP. Is it bad? Good? With all the books available for MERP is seems to have alot of potential and was wondering if Warhammer FRP system would work well with the MERP background books. Comments are welcome. Thanks.
  5. G

    So...How are Sales of 4E Product?

    Since 4E has been out for awhile now, I've been curious to know how sales are for WotC 4E products? Good? Poor? Fair?
  6. G

    Castles & Cusades: Is Crusader Magazine worth getting?

    I've been really interested in possibly using C&C as my main game and wanted to know if the Crusader magazine adds much to the game in a whole? Thanks.
  7. G

    I'm not switching to 4th ed, but I'd still be buying Dragon and Dungeon magazine

    I just wanted to chime in and say that even though I'm not playing or switching to 4th Edition, I would still be purchasing Dragon and Dungeon magazine, if just for the enjoyment of reading them. I continue to believe that the loss of the magazines was a big mistake for Wizards. If the print...
  8. G

    Who Did Not Like 3rd Edition Because of Too Many Fixes/Tweeks/Changes Needed to Play

    Ok, I'm curious as to how many of you wanted 4th Edition so you did not have to put up with all the tweeks/fixes/house rules? FOR THE RECORD: I did not think (and still do not think) that 3.X needed/needs many fixes. I'm just curious as to how many of you thought otherwise because I was told...
  9. G

    I DMed for World Wide Game Day

    Ok. A friend of mine was short on DMs for WWGD event at the game store he works at and asked if I would volunteer to help out. First let me tell you that I have not been a fan of 4th ED. I just have not cared for what I have read about here and elsewere. Call it personal taste. I'm a big...
  10. G

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Question re Bargin Skill

    The group I'm with has been using the PF rules but we ran into a snag, how is "Bargining" handled? We could not find a specific skill that handled this? Diplomacy and Appraise just did not seem to fit the bill. Am I missing something or is this a (small) hole in the PF rules that sound be...
  11. G

    Did anyone receive their free SW minis for taking the poll

    I was wondering if anyone ever received the free package of Star Wars miniatures for taking the poll of the WotC website? Me, nor any of my friends ever received anything???
  12. G

    WotC and Gencon. No Events submitted???

    Does anyone have any information on this. For some reason WotC has not submitted any events to Gencon as of yet and events go live on Sunday. I'm starting to wonder if because of WotC's licence with Star Wars that WotC may be hesitant to go to Gencon due its problems with Lucas Arts? Anyone??????
  13. G

    Pre-painted Western Miniatures (I figured it out)

    I heard of some pre-painted cowboy miniatures that were going to be released. Has anyone else heard any news on this? Thanks. EDIT: The Deadlands folks were going to release some pre-painted western miniatures for a table top game, but it fell through. Too bad! I was looking forward to...
  14. G

    D&D 4E I'm not interested in 4E, but I'm fine with it coming...

    First let me say that I really like 3.0/3.5 D&D and see very little wrong with the system. My group actually plays a mix of the two that we like to call 3.25 D&D. Many of the issues/rules that gamers consider broken or "bad", as presented here over years here on EN World, we have fixed to our...
  15. G

    Help Please: I need to find the rules for "thunderstick" ???

    A player of mine likes to use something called a "thunderstick", which is more of less an explosive, aka non-magic fireball. However he can't remember where he found it and so we have been kind of guessing on what it exactly does... Does anyone know what book this is in? I'd like to read up...
  16. G

    Other Races as Core...?

    Other than the norm, what other races to you think should be core or do you like to use as core. I personally always thought the Kenku was a good race to use as core.
  17. G

    So what edition are you playing on a regular basis

    I'm sure this has been done before, but I was curious as to what system folks were playing on a regular basis.
  18. G

    Origins: Why no Wizards????

    Does anyone know why Wizards does not go to Origins anymore? It's kind of a bummer! :(
  19. G

    Casting Multiple "cloud" type spells

    I wanted to get your opinions on the following that happended in our game last night: The group was fighting Drow in some caverns, and the wizard (Conjurerer) cast Solid Fog, followed by Stinking Cloud, followed by Explosive Cloud (this is not the acutal name of the spell but basicly the spell...
  20. G

    World of Shannara RPG Sites?

    Any of you fine folks know of any good Shannara RPG related sites? Thanks. :D