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Search results

  1. ConnorSB

    OSR [Shameless Plug for a free thing] The Dreams of Ruin, a 236 pg OSR sourecebook, is now free for download!

    You can find it here: http://www.dreamsofruin.com/get-the-book/ The Dreams of Ruin is a 236 page roleplaying game sourcebook, initially published in pdf format. Its author is Geoffrey C. Grabowski, developer of the first two editions of Exalted, as well as a writer for dozens of RPG...
  2. ConnorSB

    OSR New OSR Supplement by Geoffrey C Grabowski (Exalted) will be launching soon, free for personal use

    https://dreamsofruin.squarespace.com/ is the main page. It's a 224 page book, initially published as a PDF, discussing the introduction of an evil magical forest into one's campaign. Full disclosure - I'm helping Geoff launch it. It's a pretty cool project - the blog has all kinds of teasers...
  3. ConnorSB

    Angel 4/28 W/ Spoilers. DELETE ME!

    EDIT: Just saw other thread. reposted there. Please delete me.
  4. ConnorSB

    Psudo-Eberron! Trains, Tribes, and Dinosaurs, Oh My! Updated 4/17

    So I am very excited about Ebberon. I really like the idea behind the setting, so much so that I started running a psudo-ebberon campaign based on the information that has been released. Currently I am using my own blend of the rules that have been published in Dragon Magazine about Ebberon...
  5. ConnorSB

    I Got Into CMU! [Update- Tufts too!]

    I got into Carnagie Mellon University, my top choice, and now I'm totally freaking out with freakish joy! *crazy scream/chortle* I'm so happy I have to tell EVERYONE! Pittsburgh HERE I COME!
  6. ConnorSB

    Help! I missed the Verdict! (may contain L&O spoilers)

    If anyone saw the episode of Law and Order that aired at 7pm Pacific time on TNT, entitled "Castoff", I taped the whole thing save the final verdict... and now I NEED to know what happened. Here's a brief description in case you don't know the episode title: A social worker's public shooting...
  7. ConnorSB

    HELP! My RPG collection might lose some shelf space!

    I'm cleaning my whole room, and of the four bookshelves/dressers (The bottom half is drawers, the top half is shelves) I have, I'm getting rid of 2, in addition to cleaning all my other stuff out. I am using a huge shelf for all my RPG stuff, but its on one of the dresser/bookshelves that is...
  8. ConnorSB

    Building a Unified Monster thread

    Hi! I'm Connor SB, and I am one of the many people who post NPC stats in this forum. Iron Sheep, another monster afficiando (sp), figured out how to build a table of contents for his monster thread, sorted by CR and type of monster (generic vs. unique monsters, good vs. evil monsters, etc)...
  9. ConnorSB

    CSI Miami 2/9/04 [POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

    It seems like no one has started a CSI thread on these boards, perhaps because it isn't Fantasy/Sci Fi. I would make the argument that althought strictly it is a drama show, its really freaking good, and has a lot of things that can be lifted into DnD. I mean, the characters are like an...
  10. ConnorSB

    Belief- A Short Story to be Critiqued

    Hi! I'm Connor, I'm a high school senior, and this is the story I wrote for my midterm project in my Creative Writing course. I've self editted it, I'm had my teacher look at it, and (as part of the assignment) a group of my fellow students "workshoped" it, which was basically a round table...
  11. ConnorSB

    Where would this go, or is it even appropriate?

    Hi! I'm a senior in High School and I'm taking a Creative Writing course. For my mid-term project, I had to write a complete story. I've edited it as best I can, its been group edited by my fellow students, and my teacher has edited it as well, but it still doesn't feel, well done. I've been a...
  12. ConnorSB

    Sharpies and the Art of Basepainting

    Ok, I'll post pictures soon, but here's the deal. I have a bunch of the DND minis, and they look pretty good. I use them in my DND game, not for the minis game itself, and I'm not really a big collector, so I don't mind altering them. Anyway, I have 3 men at arms, and I always confused my...
  13. ConnorSB

    Ability Boost Items: A Crutch or a Tool?

    Really, what are ability boost items beyond being a crutch? Well, items that boost your physical stats I can understand, but isn't artificially increasing your own inteligence a crutch of sorts? Many people in RL take drugs to "expand thier minds." Writers all over the world have used drugs as...
  14. ConnorSB

    Has anyone run "The Stink"? (may have spoilers)

    I'm planning on running this adventure from Dungeon 105. I already have the party hooked in, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for running the actual dungeon or The Stink itself. Thanks! Connor
  15. ConnorSB

    Any tips on spicing up an ocean voyage and/or battle?

    As the opening to my new campain, the players are passengers on a ship voyaging from my worlds equivelent of spain (except its full of elves), to my worlds equivelent of london. Its a renessance, swashbuckling kind of campain, and I really need ways to make the voyage interesting. Its only gonna...
  16. ConnorSB

    YAY! Thread Found! (Was Help! Thread disapeared!)

    About a week or two ago someone compiled about... 117 other threads worth of advice, and made a thread with links to all of them. It was called "117 useful threads" or somesuch... but I can't find it. Can anyone help?
  17. ConnorSB

    Natural Gas Scare

    Wow... that was freaky. Here's what just happened. I heard this loud sound start, like a big car idling, and then about ten minutes later I smelled natural gas. So i checked the stoves and the furnace, and everything was cool, and I couldn't figure out what was going on. So I got a flashlight...
  18. ConnorSB

    My thread got whacked!

    I used to have the screenname Grim, and I had this old thread right here: Grim's Low CR Monster Thread I bumped it recently, and although the reply count says 22, I only see eight or nine replies. Most of the monsters I posted are just, well, gone. As are the comments. Whats happening?
  19. ConnorSB

    Connor's Records of Seacliff- Updated 1/27

    This story hour is not actually based on a campain with PCs. I am between games, and have been for a while. But I'm working on a world, and the easiest way for me to flesh it out is through fiction. And so I've been writing. Some basics about the campain world: Its set on a map of Europe. The...
  20. ConnorSB

    Connor's Sorta Low CR Monster Thread- To be updated... eventually...

    Blackdirge has a very excelent thread which I will eventually put in a link to, but most of the monsters in it are of very high CR. Thats fine for crazy high level people, but what about all those campaigns that haven't been going for years and years? They need monsters too! So thats what this...