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Search results

  1. Ion

    Gaming Convention Panels

    People who have been to gaming conventions: What are some of your favorite RPG focused panels? What did they do right? What do people usually get wrong?
  2. Ion

    Looking for a game in Toronto

    Hello everyone, I'm looking to join a game somewhere in the Toronto area. I've been here over a year now, it's time to start gaming again. I'm most familiar with D&D 3.5 and Savage Worlds, but I'm not too particular. If you've got a spot for me, or are interested in putting a game together...
  3. Ion

    Ingredients for my Homebrew

    The last time I played in a homebrew world of mine, I had a lot of fun. I enjoyed the fact that outside of the small area the PCs were in, the majority of the world was a mystery. I liked discovering what was on the other side of the mountain pass along with the PCs. It was quite a fun game...
  4. Ion

    FR - Returning Order to Scardale

    My PCs are in a position to move a large army of mercenaries from the Vast across the Dragon Reach, into Scardale. They plan to restore order to Scardale Town, and dissuade any Sembian or Zentarim forces from carving the dale up for themselves. All in the name of a fairly good natured but...
  5. Ion

    An artifact that grants divine rank 0

    I'm thinking about introducing an artifact that grants divine rank 0 into my game. Reading over this page, I've deduced that divine rank 0 should grant something like: max HP, speed 60ft for medium or 50ft for a small person, a Deflection bonus to AC = Charisma modifier, attacks considered...
  6. Ion

    What happens to a big dead animal in the Underdark?

    A big animal dies in the underdark, and then the bugs move in. What's the decomposition process of a big dead thing look like when you have all the giant and magical creatures of the underdark to consider? So, in the near future some of my PCs are going to have a short trek through the...
  7. Ion

    FR - Map of Westgate.

    Does anyone know which book the map of Westgate is in? I can always find this version over at Raflar's, but he's doctored it. I know I've used the original one back in high school for a game, but I can't figure out which book I got it out of. Thanks!
  8. Ion

    Why can only Ravens talk?

    I've started rereading the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman, and I keep coming back to "man dæmons are cool!" (Dæmons are essentially familiars, with the exception that everyone has one, and all of them can talk.) Which brings me back to Ravens, the only talking familiars. Is...
  9. Ion

    Brainstorming 'roleplaying' encounters in Hell

    So every Christmas, we gather up my old high school gaming group together in one place, and we have a great "mini" campaign for old times sake. Last year's game ended with the PCs chasing a devil named the "Duke of Rams" and his two headed fiendish tyrannosaurus pet back into hell and, in a...
  10. Ion

    Introducing the PCs to their headquarters.

    So my new d20 modern game has started. The United Nations Elite Security force has started training a new multidiciplinary team (the PCs) to deal with anomolies found by the U.N. Minstry of Information. They have completed their first assignment, and now it feels like they should get to know...
  11. Ion

    Tell me your great campaign ideas!

    So though a series of unfortunate events, I'm thinking about taking a break from my D&D game, and running a D20 Modern game. Unfortunately, I don't really know what kind I want to run. Which is my biggest problem with the system...one can run anything with it, and so I have so many half...
  12. Ion

    How would you roleplay a dwarf cleric of the Traveller

    I've decided to play a CN Dwarven Cleric who follows the Traveller in our new Eberron game. The game starts at 1st level. I've decided to name my dwarf Baruder Mroranon. Here is the little bit of character history I've come up with so far: and here is the little bit the DM has told us...
  13. Ion

    Psions and Psychic Warriors

    So my group is just about to start a new Eberron game, and I am trying to decide what to play. My current thoughts are floating around a Kalashtar Psion or Psychic Warrior, but I thought I'd put the feelers out and see what the general opinions were about these classes. Have you found them fun...
  14. Ion

    The Otherworld

    They say the world is full of frightening things. CNN, NBC, ABC... they all show you more than your fair share. Detroit, Los Angeles, New York... these are 'scary' American cities, places where you shouldn't walk alone at night, or let your kids trick or treat by themselves. People, are the...
  15. Ion

    Characters from "The Otherworld"

    This thread is for posting the characters from the pbp game The Otherworld. OOC Thread
  16. Ion

    The Otherworld

    The first to walk the world were Demons. Powers of evil who sculpted empires, fought wars and ruled with a sulphur fist for times untold. Of the chaos came forth Eidos, the mother of humanity; In her womb grew the first two souls. From the birth of her children, humanity spread like a wild...
  17. Ion

    An Aboleth Lair!

    Any days now my PCs are going to have to storm into an Aboleth's lair and retrieve out the giant fire opal they misplaced. (They really though "If we put it in a crate at the bottom of the castle moat it will be safe. :D ) Now given that an Aboleth can use illusory wall, mirage arcana...
  18. Ion

    The Adventuring Circus!

    It's starting to look like a circus when my PCs roll into town. It doesn't start out too bad. There is your typical ranger with his long cloak and hanging back in the shadows. The elven bard and elven druid both wearing shiny new armor made from their first red dragon. The Dwarven monk...
  19. Ion

    Undead with Attitude!

    So, I've been looking through the MM, and I've realised that some of the creatures I usually play as mindless killing machines and what not are actually pretty smart. My current group of PCs is a little undead focused (Necromancer, Ranger's favored enemy, etc.) so I'm looking to throw some more...
  20. Ion

    What's so special about this huge gemstone anyways?

    So my players recently acquired a fire opal the size of a human head that has been shaped into a fist. (It was found in an old monastery where Infernal monks used to live) On one hand it could just be a big gem worth a lot of gold. On the other hand it could be something much cooler. Any ideas?