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Search results

  1. E

    Deadlands-The Savage West

    The sheriff of Oil Springs was an old cuss, with a a lazy drawl and and equally lazy demeanor. "Yep, we'd pay a posse the bounty of a hundred dollars for each of the brothers. Y'all interested? I only ask cuz them four Calloways a wild bunch. Been whoopin it up all over East Texas- murder...
  2. E

    Star Frontiers d20-(Abandoned)

    Im abandoning this game proposal. So nothing to see here. Thanks for the interest.
  3. E

    Fable finally has a release date...

    ..so preorder now. I command it! Seriously though, Im glad tosee this. I was starting to fear vaporware was setting in. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/07/14/news_6102607.html
  4. E

    Horray for Pip Boy! Good Fallout 3 news (for once)

    Despite the crash and burn of Interplay and all the gloom and doom about the future of the Fallout series, theres this glimmer of light thanks to Bethesda Software: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/07/12/news_6102349.html
  5. E

    The Legolas Feat

    Ive searched but cant find it. I am sure that a couple of years ago, there was feat in Dragon mag that duplicated Legolas' (in the movies) ability to use an arrow as a stabbing weapon. Or to use it efficiently. Maybe Im dreaming. Anyone? Thanks.
  6. E

    Savage Tales of Solomon Kane

    I guess this just came out in June, a trade paperback collection of Howards stories just like the Conan vol.1 Ive never really read the Kane stories, I may have glanced over one a long time ago. And I didnt have alot of time in the bookstore Friday to get a feel for the collection. The idea of...
  7. E

    So how many settings came out of the Search?

    So Im setting around reading the Eberron threads, just thinking about 3.0 and 3.5 etc.. I know that alot of other submissions to WOTC's setting search were published by other game companies. Some are even being published by individuals. Just wondering...Anyone have a list?
  8. E

    House Medani Detection Office:The Lady in Blue (Updated 12-03-05)

    Ok been a while...... 1. Rainy Day Doldrums What can I say, it started just as a regular day, Mol to be exact. It was a cool day, mid morning and raining. And as usual, the office was dead. Myself, I was seated at my desk reading the Korranberg Chronicle. It was an old copy but I was...
  9. E

    Is anyone else excited about Guild Wars?

    Just wondering... Ive played nearly every MMORPG but get bored. World of Warcraft seems interesting, but just seems a variation on the same old theme. Then during E3, I played in the free Guild Wars online offering. Guild Wars actually looks different. Actual "video game" gameplay based on...
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    Wil Wheaton in Dungeon Magazine [merged]

    Wil Wheaton in Dungeon Magazine Dont know if this has been posted by an scoopers but: Just got this over at WilWheaton dot net, evidently Wil Wheaton (Ensign Crusher to trekkies) is going to be doing the back page column in Dungeon starting in issue 114. Ive been a fan of WW's blog/site...
  11. E

    Guild Wars -

    (I see now that I missed another thread about this on the board. I really read before I posted, honestly but missed it :) Ok heres a game, a MMO for ppl who maybe dont like MMO's. As part of E3, NCSoft is letting ppl play for free. This game is a fantasy MMO with solo, team and competitive...