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Search results

  1. N

    "Caped Investigators" (Risus) Saturday 8PM - Midnight

    1940. War rages across Europe. The Great Depression still grips America. In the city of Boston, ordinary folks eke out a living under the thumb of made men and corrupt officials. Like the tides at her port, the people flow in and out of her bordellos, bars, and churches, leaving the occasional...
  2. N

    Boston Area Gaming Group Seeking Members

    Our weekly gaming group is looking for new members. We're a pretty laid back crowd that has just as much fun socializing as we do gaming. We meet each week on Saturday afternoons (we may be able to move to a different day) from 1PM-5PM in Arlington, MA. Rides from Alewife are available, or we're...
  3. N

    Tell me about your best (and worst) campaign endings

    So, next weekend, I'm getting a second chance. The end of my last campaign was rather disappointing, but due to one of our players moving out of town, we are reviving the old characters and the old world for one last hurrah. We're going to do a day-long session, and this time I want to end on a...
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    Gamers wanted in Boston

    Our steady, weekly gaming group is looking for one or two members to help fill in a few gaps from some folks that have moved out of town. We generally game on Saturday afternoons (1PM-5PM, although we'll run later with everyone's consent). It's a great group of 25-35 year olds (5 guys, 1 girl)...
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    Simpsons does on-line fantasy roleplaying

    Just started on the east coast:
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    Would you say no to Druid Shapeshifter + Warshaper?

    I'm not a big fan of saying no to my players during character creation unless I'm fairly certain that what they're asking for is unbalanced. This seemed like one of those times, what do you think? A player came to me with a character concept for our new campaign (I'm being lazy and running...
  7. N

    What's your favorite Mass Combat system?

    This weekend my group could potentially end up leading an army of undead against another army of undead (long story). It'll be one of the last sessions in this plot arch before we switch DMs, so I've been looking for a light-weight, easy to understand mass combat system. I do want *some* crunch...
  8. N

    Sweet (read expensive) Gaming Table

    I haven't been scanning the general forum in quite some time, so this is probably a dupe, but I figured I'd throw it out because I started drooling as soon as I saw this bad boy: http://www.research.philips.com/initiatives/entertaible/index.html 32 inch, table-top touch-screen LCD! And it's...
  9. N

    Plane Shifting to the Material

    If a caster is on a plane other than the material and attempts to plane shift back, can he do so with pin-point accuracy? Does he need to be familiar with the location that he's shifting to? I'm asking because the SRD text only indicates that there's a percent miss chance for shifting from the...
  10. N

    What is your Devil's Due?

    My current campaign world is very undead centric at the moment, and I'd like to give my players a bit of a change-up. At some point in the future, I'd like to bring devils into the game as classicly dark and evil beings who tempt mortals into acts of evil. As I was thinking about how and when...
  11. N

    Quick Draw and Shields

    One of my players has asked me if I would "allow" quick draw to work for the ready/loose shield actions. I.e., if he took quick draw, would I let him ready or loose a shield as a free action. Two questions: 1) Is this already allowed/implied by the rules since shields can be used as weapons? 2)...
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    Zero Gravity?

    I'm toying with having one of my encounters in an upcoming session be in zero gravity. Are there any good d20 sources out there for zero g combat? I know that I could just consider everyone to be flying, or somesuch, but I think it'd be cool if there were some other environmental factors. If...
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    Bullrushing a surprised opponent?

    This came up last session, and I'm curious as how the rules work on this? In our session, a ranger bullrushed a character from hiding (he was behind an illusion of a wall). How do the AoO's play out in this scenario? Does the surprised character get one? NCSUCodeMonkey
  14. N

    FLGS in Boston?

    Well, my wife and I are still unpacking boxes, but the move to Boston is complete and I'm wondering: where do the gamers go in Beantown? We're completely new here, and besides an old aquaintence from high school and the folks in my wife's graduate department, we don't really know anyone. Are...
  15. N

    Looking for a Boston Area Game

    I just moved into the Boston area from North Carolina and I'm looking for a game of pretty much any description. I've been playing mostly d20, D&D 3.5 recently, but I'd be more than happy to play another system. It'd be great for me to find a game accessible by the T, but I'd be willing to drive...
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    Your Gimmicks: Hard at Work (w/Pics!)

    About two months ago, I put out a general call for gimmick ideas in this thread. I used a ton of those ideas to produce and run an adventure. I always see folks asking for help with plots and whatnot, but rarely do I get the pleasure of seeing the result of everyone's brainstorming. So, here's a...
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    What's your Best Gimmick?

    I'm running the third game in a series late next month and I'm trying to find some gimmicks for the game. First, a quick background: The series is Underoo Avengers, in which the players are a group of eight-year-old super heroes who fight crime, uphold justice, and get home before dinner. I'm...
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    Alternate Vehicle/Aerial Combat Rules for d20 Modern?

    So I just finished reading the d20 Modern book, and I've yet to play a game, but the vehicle combat rules seem a bit...complex...for my group's tastes. So what I'm looking for either (1) proof that the Modern vehicle combat isn't as clunky as it looks or (2) suggestions of other rulesets that I...
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    Empowering Evard's Black Tentacles

    I'm betting that this has been covered before, and I'm hoping that someone with a good memory can give me a quick answer on this one: what is increased when you empower Evard's? Surely the roll for the number of tentacles is increased, but what about the grapple checks and their subsequent...
  20. N

    Gamers 2nd Edition

    So I looked around for a thread on this already, and I didn't see one, so here goes. For those of you who haven't seen The Gamers yet, you're about to have some catching up to do, because they're working on a sequel! The Gamers was an great low budget film poking fun at all of the little quirks...