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  1. D

    Do you provoke AoO's while invisible?

    For instance, for moving through squares an opponent threatens?
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    Drowned from MM3 - Q about Drowning Aura

    One of my players is arguing that since the Drowning Aura is listed as a special attack and is a supernatural ability, it requires a standard action to activate. It seems to me that an 'aura' is a constant/continuous effect. Which of us is right ? Quotations please as he's very insistent on...
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    Why is Polar Ray an 8th level spell?

    Title says it all, link for easy reference
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    Help me find Hypnotoad !

    I'm trying to a find a monster that would most closely be similar to the Hypnotoad from Futurama. He doesn't have to be exactly a toad obviously, mostly wondering what would have a similar "hypnotism/dominate large numbers of people" type ability, which is Hypnotoad's dominate feature.
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    Whats the latest rules on how polymorph works?

    Specifically, I want permanently polymorph one of my players(or say, an NPC) into say, a Troll. Whats the resulting creature's capabilties? Does it have regeneration? Whats its physical and mental stats? Should it gain a level adjustment ? From the bit I've looked at in PHB2, it seems like he...
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    Are Aboleth's CR'd correctly at 7?

    I've never ran one before, and looking over their abilities they seem like a pretty tough cookie. Has anyone ran them and found them to be under-CR'd? or are they just right and I'm just worrying too much about TPK'ing my party(all lvl 6)?
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    When you have a - for a save, do you automatically fail?

    Title says it all, monster in question is this guy , who has Ref - .
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    Arcadian Avenger from MMV, Missing ability definition?

    The Arcadian Avenger's Attack Options lists "magic strike' , but I can't seem to find where this is defined. And since there's no errata out for MMV, anyone know what this ability is?
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    Touch of Idiocy + sneak attack

    Touch of Idiocy says "Your successful melee touch attack applies a 1d6 penalty to the target’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. This penalty can’t reduce any of these scores below 1." If a rogue with sneak attack hits with this spell, what happens?
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    Are tieflings a valid target for hold person?

    Title says it all.
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    Can you stack magic weapon special abilities?

    For instance, can you have +1 Dragon-Bane Undead-Bane, or, +1 Flaming Flaming, etc?
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    Help me understand dopplegangers

    If an NPC the PC's meet for the first time is in fact a doppleganger, would they get any sort of sense motive/spot check to tell(assuming they have no previous knowledge of this npc)? What if they interact with him several times? When a doppleganger uses Detect Thoughts, should the PC's even...
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    Improved Familiar req's

    Simple question: Can a human take a fire or earth elemental as a familiar with the Improved Familiar feat?
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    What happens when a necklace of fireballs detonates when worn?

    The SRD just says : I would assume automatic failing any save, but should it be like, max damage? Coup de Gras? roll damage and add 50% ????
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    Help me price: bonus to rays/ranged touch/touch attacks ?

    Ok I have no idea where to guess for the price of this.. I want to introduce some gloves that give one of the following(not sure which, ordered in what i'd think is from least useful to most): -Bonus to hit with rays. -Bonus to hit with ranged touch attacks -Bonus to hit with all touch attacks...
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    How powerful is regeneration?

    I've got an NPC barbarian that I've put with the party that, storywise has "trollblood" in his ancestry and thus has regeneration 1. How powerful of an ability is this, as far as level adjustment? +1 ? +2 ?
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    How powerful is abilty SA things usually immune to SA?

    Two veins to this question: -What would the ~approximate value be of a magic item that allowed sneak attacks versus a specific type that is immune to sneak attacks? (I'm not even sure what slot would be appropriate for this?) Like say, something that let you SA undead or constructs or oozes or...
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    Can you coup de grace with natural weapons?

    Specifically, can a ghoul (bite & claw) deliver a coup de grace?
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    Help me understand this ability

    Shadow Blend (Su): In any conditions other than full daylight, a shadow creature can disappear into the shadows, giving it nine-tenths concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability. A daylight spell, however, will. Is this hiding? If...
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    Giant Ant Worker, CR 1??

    The CR seems a bit high on the giant ant worker, esp compared to the other vermin. Would something like 1/2 or 1/3 be more appropriate ?