• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Chroma

    Dealing with defeated vampires

    I recently ran an encounter for my players that involved a vampire and her two spawn. My players cleverly defeated them by preventing them from getting back to their coffins after they were reduced to 0hp in combat. My question is: what happens to the vampires' stuff? They were in gaseous...
  2. Chroma

    Paladin Mounts

    I've got two paladins in the party I run and they've both delayed getting their mounts until they could get something "special". They've finally decided, with one (6th level) taking a hippogriff and the other (7th level) a pegasus. These are the first paladins I've run in 3rd Ed and I was...
  3. Chroma

    [MiniHB] Mage Slayer

    Was just going over the Miniatures Handbook and saw the Feat "Mage Slayer", which, basically, denies enemy spellcasters the ability to cast defensively. Has anyone used this Feat or have any ingame experiences with it?
  4. Chroma

    [MM2] Spell Weavers - When and where?

    Hey all! I recently finished reading China Mieville's "Peridido Street Station" and I really liked some of the stuff he's put into his world, particularly the "Weavers". I'm thinking about adding some enigmatic ancient "alien" races to a new campaign world I'm working on and the concept of the...
  5. Chroma

    [Complete Warrior] Invisible Blade requirements

    Just got the Complete Warrior and saw the "Invisible Blade" prestige class, looks just about perfect for a halfling dagger fighter in my campaign. But, that perfection fell apart a bit when I looked at the requirements. Feats: Far Shot and Point Blank Shot?!? Why are these necessary for the...
  6. Chroma

    HeroForge and BlackBart

    Does anyone know what happened to BlackBart's DND Extravaganza? http://home.san.rr.com/blackbart/main.html He's been updating HeroForge to 3.5, he had a note on his website that he'd suffered a computer failure, but was still working on the spreadsheet, but when I went to check it today, the...
  7. Chroma

    Rolling damage for area effect spells.

    Something came up that I hadn't thought about in 3rd Edition, since none of the spellcasters in the game I DM have used damage dealing area of effect spells (and I've tried to avoid them as well). For example, when a 6th level wizard throws a fireball that engulfs 3 ogres, do you roll one set...
  8. Chroma

    [OT] Lost a furry friend this morning...

    Well, I've seen other people do this and I hoped I'd never be in the position to do it myself, but here goes. Early this morning our cat, Burger, was hit on the road and killed. She was a stray that my little sister had befriended by feeding her pieces of her hamburger, hence the name. We...
  9. Chroma

    [3.5] When you visit the Astral Plane...

    ...the githyanki kill you *quick*! DMG pg154 Re: Astral Plane "Enhanced magic: All spells and spell-like abilities used within the Astral Plane may be employed as if they were improved by the Quicken Spell feat...Spells so quickened are still prepared and cast at their unmodified level."...
  10. Chroma

    [Magic/Spells] I need a helping hand...

    ...with the spell helping hand. Could someone please explain to me why this is a third level spell? It's not garanteed to find the right person, it doesn't identify who the sender is if it does find them (would you follow a randon ghostly hand that appeared to you?), and it can take hours to...
  11. Chroma

    [Epic] The decandent state of the leShay

    I really like the concept of the leShay, they remind me of Cherryh's qual or the Melniboneans, and I'm thinking of using them in the distant future when my players eventually reach Epic levels. I have a question though. In their monster entry, their advancement is listed as "none", but in part...
  12. Chroma

    [Search] Looking for the thread on making realistic new names

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone with the search ability could help me locate a thread that was going on some time in December; I went on vacation and neglected to actually join it and I've been futilely trying to hunt it down. The topic of the thread was creating realistic names for new...
  13. Chroma

    [OT] I don't know about your supervillians...

    ...but mine shop at: http://www.villainsupply.com
  14. Chroma

    My Campaign's Item Creation Feats

    I wasn't really happy with the way magic item creation was broken down in the PHB so I've been tinkering with how to make something that pleases me. It's just been sitting on the back burner for a while, but now it looks like one of my players is thinking of starting creating things, so I've...