• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

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    How do you stop an Assassin's poisoned dagger

    A Red Scales assassin can use Poisoned Dagger to deliver poison even on a miss. So, how do you stop it?
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    Essentials Books Binding

    Anyone know the reason why the Essentials Dungeon Master's Book has glossy paper and a lay flat binding and Heroes of the Fallen Lands does not?
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    It's Almost the Season for WOTC layoff!

    It's almost the time for WOTC's annual pre-Christmas layoffs. I wonder who will get the axe this year? Methinks that things are probably pretty 'interesting' there these days based on these recent developments: - The change in direction for 4E marked by the release of Essentials - The schedule...
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    STILL No Character Builder Update?

    Well, the October calendar is up and there is STILL no scheduled Character Builder update dammit. I did my part WOTC. Even though I swore that I would never play 4E again until the Game Table was released, I still bought your Essentials books. I re-subscribed to DDI. I actually even got a...
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    Link for Gen Con DrivethruRPG coupon?

    Can someone please post the URL for the Gen Con DrivethruRPG coupon? Some of us unlucky souls could not makevit to the show!
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    Dungeon Tiles Master Sets - Not a good deal?

    I noticed that the Dungeon Tile Master Sets are going to have 10 sheets of tiles for $19.99. Since the regular sets are $9.99 for 6 sheets, doesn't this mean we are getting less for more?
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    Gabe of Penny Arcade Slams the OSR

    Maybe seeing for just a night what it was like back then, will give them a greater appreciation of the game they're playing now. Nice thinly veiled slam against the old-school players out there. Also, what's with the comments about 'armor deteriorating' and 'magic items breaking'*? Since when...
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    D&D 4E Player's Handbook Collection

    ICV2.com is reporting that WotC will be selling a D&D 4E Player's Handbook Collection soon that will include Player's Handbooks 1 & 2 (plus a coupon for discount on a D&D Insider) subscription for just $34.95. Sounds like a good deal (of course the cynic in me thinks that it also might be a...
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    Help Me Decide on a Project!

    Like many others, I seem to be afflicted with Gamer ADHD when it comes to deciding on a project to work on. I have narrowed my choices down to two possibilities. Both will be based on Castles & Crusades because that is my current system of choice. I would like your help in deciding which one...
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    Is Iron Heroes Dead

    Fiery Dragon seems to be letting Iron Heroes drift into obscurity. Does anyone know if a 2nd Edition is in the works?
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    Hasbro Quarterly Report

    Does anyone have access to the recently released Hasbro Quarterly Report? If so, is WOTC mentioned at all?
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    Are Any of the AEG Mini-Adventures Outstanding?

    DriveThruRPG has PDFs of the old AEG 'mini-adventures' on sale for only 63 cents each. Are any of them particularly good? I'm not just looking for another 'ok' dungeon crawl. I am looking for clever/interesting/unique ideas and adventures.
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    New RPG News Site

    With the demise of the Gaming Report, I have decided to put my toe in the water and reserve www.roleplayingnews.com. My initial thought is to build the site with WordPress and use some sort of 'news' theme, but I wanted to throw it out there to you guys. What would you like to see in a general...
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    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder PDF - Dang It!

    Well, I was hoping to pick up the Pathfiinder PDF before I headed to Gen Con tomorrow morning, but it looks like it won't be available today according to the website - CRAP!
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    Going to Gen Con from Chicago? - Will Trade Room for Ride!

    Here is the deal. I am in Chicago and my ride to Gen Con fell through. I am scheduled to work for Paizo and Kenzer so I really don't want to cancel. I am prepared to share my room with you (at no cost) AND go half on gas if you can give me a ride! Here are some more details. 1. Please be at...
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    Is 3.0 Playable?

    Ok. First things first: WS-EDITION-WAR = 'N' Now that I have that out of the way, I have a question. I can pick up the 3.0 books cheaply. Is there any reason that I shouldn't use them? Is a game using just the 3.0 books playable (and hopefully enjoyable)? Your experiences and/or opinions...
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    Legendary Evils Spoilers - Wow!

    If THIS spoiler page is right, WOTC is actually putting some sweet looking visible minis in the upcoming Legendary Evils set. The Beholder Ultimate Tyrant and the Elder Green Dragon mean that I will be purchasing at least two boxes! Kudos to the folks at Wizards for improving the selection and...
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    3.5 Player's Handbook Outselling 4E PH!!

    It's true. Take a look at the Amazon Gaming bestseller list: Amazon.com Books Bestsellers: The most popular items in Gaming. Updated hourly. In fact, ALL THREE 3.5 core books are outselling their 4E counterparts right now. Before the hate starts...Yes, I realize this doesn't necessarily...
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    4E, the Grind and Why I Play

    I normally post my 'ranty' thoughts about D&D on my blog, but I have been warned that if I put up any more posts that could be considered '4E Bashing' that I will probably get tossed off the RPG Bloggers network. I don't want that to happen and so you good people get to enjoy them here...
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    ENWorld Traffic - Then vs. Now

    Can someone give me an average of the number of visitors to ENWorld in say the period six months after the release of 3.5 versus now? Enquiring minds want to know...