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Search results

  1. Lord Ravinous

    Bardic Lore vs. Knowledges

    I'm putting together a Cloistered Cleric (Unearthed Arcana) and since I've never been much on the bard my mechanics knowledge is a bit shakey on the Lore ability. I'm going for the "sagely" character and plan to invest most of my skill points into knowledges, but would I in essence be wasting...
  2. Lord Ravinous

    [ToM] Truespeak...thoughts?

    Ok, so we're starting up a new campaign in my group, and I've been out of the running for a while. In my brainstorming search of google, I've come across Truespeak and the Fiendbinder. Now, I'm in no way asking for any crunchies whatsoever, what I would like to know is.... 1) Is Truespeak as...
  3. Lord Ravinous

    Taking 10; and the crafting of Masterwork/Special Mat.

    One of my players asking if he could take his Craft(armorsmith) into account for buying his gear, and I personally have no problem with this. The only problem I do have is that A) he's wanting to take 10 on the rolls - and i don't know/can't find the ruling on this B) the item he's wanting to...
  4. Lord Ravinous

    [Star Wars] Expanded List of Primitive Weapons?

    Ok, so I've made me a 2nd level Barabel Force Adept. And while I'm looking through the weapons, I find myself in a bind. You see, the only primitive weapon I saw was the Spear, and a couple Simple melee weapons. I'm goin for a certain look here, and Spear just doesn't exactly scream badass in...
  5. Lord Ravinous

    Enlarge Person question...

    Alright, this question came up at last nights game "If Enlarge Person enlarges all your character's equipment (weapon, shield, etc) does it also enlarge your mount to compensate for your new size?" Most people consider mounts to be just as much a piece of equipment as lests say, a backpack. So...
  6. Lord Ravinous

    Lawful Good Archangel for Paladin hook...need some help.

    Howdy all, its been a while since I been here, but I'm back with my usual helpless self and am in need of your assistance once again... I'm plannin' on making a paladin for my DM's campaign and I'm lookin for a Lawful Good Archangel or Celestial Lord that would fit my idea, but alas, I don't...
  7. Lord Ravinous

    Help!!! I need a crash course in Character Description!

    I need any and all pointers/tips on how to describe a person/character, because as it stands right now, I could be mugged in broad daylight and still not be able to give a description of the person (don't get any ideas now, I can still lay the smack down). The reason I'm askin' for help is...
  8. Lord Ravinous

    Mithral Tower Shields?

    Since there are no construction rules for this, I'm assuming it fits here, so anyways... Given the lightweight nature of Mithral, and the poor ability of wood to withstand damage, would you consider it out of the question to craft a tower shield entirely out of Mithral (given that the owner can...
  9. Lord Ravinous

    Tower Shield questions...

    Ok, lets assume that I take full cover behind my Tower Shield...can opponents instead attack my shield and destroy it? I think I remember reading in the PHB that a character can't Sunder armor or shields while they're being worn. Now, does the Tower take damage while your taking Full Cover? For...
  10. Lord Ravinous

    Drow Name Phonics?

    I'm trying to come up with a name for a Drow Warrior, and I'm not too familiar with Drow phonics, I just know they like the heck out of some Z's. I searched for some generators, but no luck. I was wondering if any of you Drizzit fans out there could help (in the form of generator links, or if...
  11. Lord Ravinous

    House Jaelre? How do you pronounce that?

    Not the House part, I think I've got that one right, even w/ my High School Education, I'm asking about the Jaelre part? It's a Drow house if anyone was wonderin'. I'm thinkin' its (jail-re), but I'm usually wrong about pronounciations. Hence the reason my DM calls Bane (Bah-nay) just to urk me...
  12. Lord Ravinous

    Dwarven Catch Phrases...which Issue of Dragon was that?

    What was the issue # on the Dragon w/ the Dwarven Catch-Phrases?
  13. Lord Ravinous

    Low Taxes, as always, I need advice :)

    What would be a low tax rate for citizens of a Small Town? By low I mean, to put "low" into perspective, heres a 5 teir tax tree. High Tolerable Fair >Low< - This is my target area..... "Lemme get the piggie-bank" So, for a small town, about how much would "low"...
  14. Lord Ravinous

    Battle Cleric of Dumathoin, advice.

    We've recently started a new FR game, and I've recently multi-classed my character. So what I'm asking is for some advice on how to make an unconventional character survivable to the higher levels. My stats are as follows: Ranger 3/ Cleric 1 (Dumathoin) [Domains: Cavern, Metal] Str [16] Dex...
  15. Lord Ravinous

    [FR] The mount in the middle of Ten Towns?

    Whats the name of this place? I can't remember to save my life...Its where clan Battlehammer used to reside before going back to Mithral Hall.
  16. Lord Ravinous

    [FR] Cat Warriors?

    Ok, heres tha' skinny... A new player in the group is starting this weekend, and he wants to be a Cat Warrior (an anthropomorphic leopard from SS), but to my knowledge, cat people don't exist in FR, and if they do, they're existance isn't very well documented. So here lies our problem. What...
  17. Lord Ravinous

    A (probly repeatedly asked) question about Mithral...

    Under 3.5 (and 3e I wouldn't doubt), does Mithral make medium armor considered light for the purpose of proficiency? or just for movement and other limitations? I'm thinking not, but I just wanna be sure. Like I said, I'm sure this has come up plenty of times, I prolly just ain't caught one of...
  18. Lord Ravinous

    AOL login troubles...

    I can't seem to log in under my name when I'm using AOL, is this on ya'lls end or mine?
  19. Lord Ravinous

    Point Buy, could ya give me a hand?

    It's been so long since i've done point buy, and now I don't have a DMG, could someone tell me how it works? I'm thinking it's 1 for 1 up to 13 then 2 for 1 for 14 and 15, then so on and so fourth. So for example 9 points would buy me a 15, and 18 points would buy me a 16. Is this right? or am I...
  20. Lord Ravinous

    Artwork on Myrkul?

    Anyone know where I can find some artwork of Myrkul (from Forgotten Realms)? I'm curious as to what he looks like. Any help would be great