• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Ebon Shar

    Huge collection of RPG books for sale

    I hope it's okay to post this here. I have a large collection of classic games I'm looking to sell. The list is here: Grid 2 - Airtable If you're interested, please email me at ddbenson at Comcast dot net. Thanks.
  2. Ebon Shar

    Let's cast the D&D movie!

    Okay, assuming that they will involve the works of R.A. Salvatore somehow (and how can they not dip into that cash cow?), let's cast the parts: Drizzt - Wulfgar - Bruenor - Cattie-Brie - Regis - Others?
  3. Ebon Shar

    Why does ENWorld hate Burning Wheel?

    Kidding...sort of. I never see any discussion of Burning Wheel here, which is a shame. I wanted to share my blog, in which I write about my current BW campaign. Enjoy and comments are very welcome. http://dorkrage.blogspot.com/
  4. Ebon Shar

    Hero Pack 5

    Has anyone purchased Hero Pack 5? If so, what did you think of it? Thanks.
  5. Ebon Shar

    D&D 5E White Plume Mountain - The Weapons

    I'm getting ready to run WPM for my DnDNext group, so I've whipped up my (probably sad) versions of Wave, Whelm, and Blackrazor. Overpowered? Underpowered? Am I on the right track? I'd love some feedback and alternate ideas. Thanks. Wave – This trident is ornately decorated with aquatic...
  6. Ebon Shar

    How to online game?

    I'm a complete neophyte when it comes to online gaming. I was hoping to get a brief primer. What program is best? How do I find a game? What equipment do I need? For those of us who cannot find the time or the people to game in person, is it a worthwhile substitute? Thanks all.
  7. Ebon Shar

    Losing interest....

    Okay, I'm starting to lose interest in 5E. I realize we are in the early testing phase, but I'm losing steam. When 5E was originally announced, I LIVED on ENWorld to get the latest news and rumors. I eagerly downloaded the first playtest packet and played a few test rounds with a group down...
  8. Ebon Shar

    OSR Modifying 1E (OSRIC) with elements of 5E

    I'm running an ongoing TOEE campaign using the OSRIC ruleset, but I've fallen in love with some of the rules elements of 5E. Dropping in Ad/Disadvantage seems a no-brainer, but it may be a bit more challenging to add additional elements. Skills: My idea is to allow the players to select three...
  9. Ebon Shar

    Seeking Randy Madden...

    or Eosin the Red as he's known here on EnWorld. He hasn't posted in 2 years and I'm wondering if anyone has heard from him. The website for his busines, Pencil Pushers Publishing, is no longer active. I worked closely with Randy editing the "Under the Dragon's Banner" netbook and I'd love to...
  10. Ebon Shar

    Two stupid questions before playtest....

    1. Does Detect Magic have a duration? If so, what is it? 2. How does the Stirge "blood drain" actually work? As written, does it mean death in three rounds if the stirge is not dislodged? Thanks in advance for clarification on these questions.
  11. Ebon Shar

    Crusader superhero art...

    I've uploaded a superhero picture as my profile picture. Does anyone know where this image comes from? I have saved on my hard drive multiple images in this "Crusader" line and I have no idea where they came from. Thanks.
  12. Ebon Shar

    New campaign help...

    I've been thinking lately of starting an M&M campaign using heroes plucked from literature and history. I'd really like them to have something about them that makes them somewhat "super" in a modern 4-color comic sense. I've been able to think of a few and I'll list them as examples of what...
  13. Ebon Shar

    Going to Portland, OR

    My wife and I are going to Portland for a few days in a few weeks. I'd like some advice as to what to do and where to eat while there. We'll be staying close to Lewis and Clark College and we'd love to find some fun while there. Any advice from Oregonians?
  14. Ebon Shar

    Midnight RPG

    Whatever happened to the Midnight RPG? FFG has no mention of it on their website whatsoever. Why let a great property like that just wither and die?
  15. Ebon Shar

    Recommend a good Star Trek Novel series...

    I'm particularly interested in post TNG/Voyager series, but I'll take a great ST novel regardless of the era. There are so many, I can't wade through them all. If you've read a series or two and can give me a recommendation, I would greatly appreciate it. By the way, I've heard both good and...
  16. Ebon Shar

    Holy Cow! It finally shipped!

    My Pathfinder Core Book finally shipped from Borders. I only had to wait 3 months! I hope the second printing will incorporate all the errata updates. Let's play!
  17. Ebon Shar

    Do people enjoy reading campaign blogs?

    I'm curious, do people enjoy reading the campaign blogs/websites of others? Over the past few years, I've tried to maintain a website/blog that chronicles my campaign. I was originally inspired to do this by reading Brent Nall's outstanding Drow War Blog. I have no visitor counter or...
  18. Ebon Shar

    Why does spellcasting provoke OA?

    Since all the classes have been equalized, why do spellcasters suffer from having their powers provoke opportunity attacks? Other than the source of their powers, how do they differ from the powers of any other class? Is this just a legacy rule from 3.5? It makes little sense and adds an...
  19. Ebon Shar


    Edited for clarity: I'm looking for a playable half-ogre. Has anyone played around with this possible race? Thanks.
  20. Ebon Shar

    Worried about spoilers!

    I wont be running my KOTS scenario for a few weeks yet, and I'm really worried that my players will know the module backwards and forwards before we ever sit down to play. I know that at least one of them is a very active participant on these boards and I hope he, and my other players, are...