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  1. T

    Additional Caster Levels from more than one PrC

    A player in my group has a Cleric 3/Wizard 3/Mystic Theurge 10/Sorcerer 1. He wants to take levels in Ultimate Magus. Do the additional caster levels gained in a prepared spellcaster class granted by the Ultimate Magus stack with those granted by Mystic Theurge?
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    Is there an Arcane Theurge?

    I vaguely recall seeing a prestige class by this name years ago. It allowed you to gain caster levels in two arcane classes at once, rather than the divine/arcane combo of Mystic Theurge or the warlock/arcane combo of Eldritch Theurge. Am I imagining this, or does it exist? If so, what are the...
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    Game specs for thatch?

    What would be the typical hardness, hp per inch of thickness, and Break/Climb DC's for thatch? How much weight would it hold?
  4. T

    Paladin spell affecting mount: SR check?

    A paladin casts a spell while riding his special mount that affects other creatures {say, for example, Sacred Haven (SC 178), with a Target of "You and all allies in a 30-foot-radius burst"} in addition to himself. The spell has "Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)". The mount has SR 21, and has...
  5. T

    Undead, templates, and extreme cold.

    1. A frost giant gains the gravetouched ghoul template (Libris Mortis p.104). Its type becomes undead, with the augmented subtype. This means it retains its Cold subtype also, correct? The resulting type would be Undead [augmented Large Giant (Cold)]? 2. Bleakborn (Libris Mortis, p. 86) are...
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    Confirmation of Song of Timelessness power (Sublime Chord)

    Sublime Chords (Complete Arcane) gain the following bardic music ability: Song of Timelessness (Su): A sublime chord of 6th level or higher with 16 or more ranks in a Perform skill knows the song of timelessness. As a standard action, he can envelop a single creature within 60 feet in a field...
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    Ring of Wizardry

    A Ring of Wizardry doubles your spell slots of a given level. When memorizing spells for the day, does it essentially "store" the additional spells, requiring you to keep track of which spells are "in" the ring, and which are cast? Or, does it just allow you to memorize spells in double the...
  8. T

    Does an extraordinary ability that duplicates a feat count as one?

    The arcane devotee prestige class gains the ability Enlarge Spell at 1st level. While the effect is the same, the ability does not require that the spell is prepared in advance, and does not increase the casting time or use a higher spell slot like the feat does. It works more like the Sudden...
  9. T

    Amnizu-Fiendish Codex 2

    Does anyone know what kind of baatezu amnizu devils can summon? The stat block has the ability listed, but no details as to what kind, how many, what success rate, etc.
  10. T

    Two short questions.

    1. Can a tied-up, gagged druid use his wildshape ability? 2. Can a character with the "helpless" condition speak, cast stilled and/or stilled/silent spells, activate an item or ability that uses mental commands, etc?
  11. T

    Sor/Wiz with Ring of Wizardry 1

    If a Sor/Wiz wears a Ring of Wizardry 1 (doubles base 1st-level spells per day), does it double those of both classes, or must he choose which one gets doubled? The item description says "The wearer's arcane spells per day are doubled for one specified spell level."
  12. T

    Harpy Captivating Song

    The area of effect is a 300' spread. Is that a 300' radius, or a 300' diameter (150' radius centered on the harpy) spread?
  13. T

    Ray of Ice vs. Spellcaster using Fly spell.

    1. If a flying spellcaster (30' above the ground, under the effects of the fly spell, PH 232) is hit by a Ray of Ice (SC 167) and fails his Reflex save, would he be frozen to the ground or just have his feet encased in ice, allowing him to continue to fly? The spell states that "the target must...
  14. T

    Quiver of Ehlonna-extra arrows

    Any reason that a character could not store additional arrows in the javelin-sized chamber? If you can, how many is a reasonable number? An additional 60, or would you calculate it by weight (18 javelins=36 pounds, 36/3 pounds per 20 arrows= 12 pounds of arrows, 12*20=240 arrows), or what?
  15. T

    Do multiple caster level bonuses stack?

    If a character gains multiple bonuses to caster level (for example, has the Practiced Spellcaster and Arcane Thesis feats), would they stack? As a specific example, if a Cleric 3/Wizard 3 /Mystic Theurge 9 has those two feats, would he cast his thesis spell as a Wizard 17 or Wiz 15?
  16. T

    Using Heal skill to actually cure wounds without rest.

    Proposed additional use of the Heal skill: As a full-round action that incurs an attack of opportunity, you may attempt to cure the hit point damage of a conscious, wounded target. You must have at least one rank in Heal to use this ability. Roll a Heal check. For every point your roll...
  17. T

    Multiple Hailstones-single or multiple attack rolls?

    The Hailstones spell (Spell Compendium pg. 109) creates 1-4 hailstones that require a ranged touch attack to strike the target(s). It is an instantaneous evocation. If you target more than one enemy with the hailstones, do you roll a single attack roll for all of the hailstones, or make an...
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    Special Ability advancement

    The winterspawn (Frostburn pg. 161) has an extraordinary ability that allows it to command undead as a 12th level cleric (it is a 12 HD undead). If I advance it to maximum HD (24), does it then command undead as a 24th level cleric? Also, it has the spell-like ability to create a fire shield on...
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    Thrall of Orcus Death Touch ability.

    Text of ability: "Death Touch (Sp): An 8th-level thrall of Orcus can force a living creature hit with a touch attack to attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + thrall's class level + thrall's Cha bonus). If the target fails its save, it dies." Am I correct in that the Thrall of Orcus prestige class...
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    Is caster of spell an ally?

    If a spell says that it effects "Allies in a x radius", does the spell affect the caster if the caster is within the area of effect? I know there are some spells that specify "The caster and all allies" such as Bless. Several spells in the Spell Compendium, however, do not specifically include...