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  1. Traycor

    Drizzt Featurette - The Case For Drizzt On Film

    New Drizzt Featurette is now up on YouTube: The Case For Drizzt On Film. This installment discusses the story of Drizzt and why it would translate well into a feature film. YouTube - Drizzt Featurette - The Case For Drizzt On Film New blog entries have been posted: Ruben | MySpace.com We've...
  2. Traycor

    UPDATE: New Drizzt vid & Sword Fighting blog

    UPDATE: New video of Artemis confronting Drizzt is now up! (no HD this time): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dUlSU0WvRI New Sword Fighting blog entry can be found here: Ruben | MySpace.com New photos of the training can be found here: MySpace.com - Ruben Sword Training Enjoy! Hey everyone...
  3. Traycor

    AICN Reviews the DDI Character Builder!

    You'll have to scroll down past the Battlestar stuff. Link
  4. Traycor

    Monopoly goes Blade Runner

    Ridley Scott finally signed on to direct the Monopoly movie for Hasbro and they've found a writer. Link Here's an interesting tidbit: "And Ridley Scott... is now officially attached to helm the project, with an eye toward giving it a futuristic sheen along the lines of his iconic "Blade...
  5. Traycor

    Wrath of the Lich King

    New cinematic trailer released. Regardless of whether you like WoW or not, anyone can appreciate a well done dracolich :devil: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wrath/intro.xml
  6. Traycor

    D&D 4E Drizzt Do'Urden 4E Stats

    I decided to take a stab at stating up Drizzt for 4E. Surprisingly, even a lvl 1 ranger can represent Drizzt's cababilities very well. He was built using point-buy for the ability scores, and he is shown at lvls 1, 11, and 20 (imo he would be 20 after the latest novel, but shouldn't be epic)...
  7. Traycor

    "The Rouse" revealed!!!

    Wikipedia says this about "The Rouse": "The Rouse is a bugle call most often associated with the military in Commonwealth countries... The Rouse would be played to get soldiers out of bed." So, is The Rouse a wakeup call for Wizards of the Coast? Could that be his real job? Does Scott Rouse...
  8. Traycor

    D&D 4E Reinvisioning the Halfling for 4E

    The new design on the Halfling seems to have been met with a resounding “meh”. I’ve not heard too much complaining about the changes, but we’ve not seen much excitement either. Apathy has set in. First off, I like the new ‘swamp rat’ design on the Halfling. The failing IMO is the artwork. From...
  9. Traycor

    New Quickling

    I was very impressed by the art direction for the new Quickling in "Worlds and Monsters". Certainly it surprised me. Very different from the "tiny elf on crack" that was expected. It was so inspiring that I whipped up a piece of fan art for the new critter. So, what does everyone think about...
  10. Traycor

    Rich Baker: Drow & Dwarves the same height???

    Source Drow were always the smallest of the elves, though they technically still have an average height of 5'2". Dwarves are going to be over 5' tall now, which puts them right on par with drow. Drow & Dwarves the same height... huh...
  11. Traycor

    Spell List vs Ritual List

    So, in some of the early 4E info, we were told that a wizard would not have to choose between Fireball and Phantom Steed. I can only assume that Fireball will be a spell, and Phantom Steed will be a ritual. So... what current spells (any class) do you think will make the jump to rituals?
  12. Traycor

    Wizards still cast Enchantment, Illusions, Necromancy

    This may have been mentioned already, but Rich Baker talked about the spells wizards will cast in the Designer thread on the Gleemax boards. Link Specific spells mentioned: Sleep, Charm Person, Hold Monster General spells mentioned: "classic illusions and classic necromancy spells" And the...
  13. Traycor

    Storm-Peace . . . w/Illustrations! (Updated Dec 16th)

    This is an adaptation of the module “A Dark and Stormy Knight” by Owen C.K. Stephens. The characters are still original creations, but the plot and setting are not. For any of you not familiar with the module, it is only 8 pages long, so this will be a short story. It should only take a few...
  14. Traycor

    DragonLance the DVD... Rated NC17?

    So, they posted this still for the new Dragonlance DVD movie...
  15. Traycor

    Two Swords High Decapitating Strike! - Scoop from Rich Baker

    I assume that Rich Baker was being facetious, but he actually mentioned this maneuver in the Ask the Designers thread. “Two Swords High Decapitating Strike!" LOL!!!! http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=702942&page=53
  16. Traycor

    D&D 4E Positive Aspects of 4E

    This purpose of this thread is so that posters can express the things they like about 4e. So much debate goes back and forth, and minor dislikes are harped so heavily, that I think many people have forgotten what it is that they even like in 4e. - Players can be meaningful heroes at lvl 1 -...
  17. Traycor

    Wis & Secondary Stats

    So far we've seen Wisdom mentioned as a secondary stat of sorts for both Fighter and Wizard abilities. I really like this idea, and hope that all classes have a potential use for stats that are typically considered against the grain. We saw some of this in 3E with feats such as dodge or weapon...