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  1. Rex Blunder

    what’s the Armor Class of real-world geniuses?

    what’s the Armor Class of real-world geniuses? AD&D lets you convert IQ to Intelligence (divide by 10), so that means we know the Intelligence, and thus the AC bonus, of real-world geniuses. Richard Feynman: IQ 126. AC 11 Bill Gates: IQ 160. AC 13 Marilyn vos Savant: IQ 228. AC 15 More...
  2. Rex Blunder

    D&D 1E 1e Random Dungeon Generator as an illustrated poster

    I'm drawing a giant poster which illustrates Appendix A from the 1e DMG, Random Dungeon Generation. Instead of a series of connected charts, it's drawn as a dungeon. Here's a tiny piece of the poster: Some of the rules are clarified a little (are room exits doors or passageways? how exactly...
  3. Rex Blunder

    D&D 5E D&D Next Blog: What's in a (Spell) Name?

    What's in a spell name? The question before the table: Should it be "Melf's Acid Arrow" or "Acid Arrow"?
  4. Rex Blunder

    dwarf as a class

    What's better than wild speculation? Wild speculation backed up by A SHRED OF EVIDENCE! My crazy guess: D&D Next will reintroduce "dwarf", "elf" and "halfling" as classes, along with wizard, rogue, fighter, and cleric, so in "core" we'll have the same stable of 7 classes that we had in Basic...
  5. Rex Blunder

    Monte Cook back at wizards

    Looks like Wizards has rehired Monte Cook. I think this is a great idea: Monte is a thoughtful game developer, who obviously has respect for the good ideas of past editions, and it'll do Wizards good to have him in R&D. That is, if he is in R&D? It's possible that I misread it and he's just...
  6. Rex Blunder

    Cheers Gary now being sold online

    Cheers Gary, the collection of Gygax wisdom published by the Gygax Memorial fund, is now for sale online: Buy “Cheers Gary” now! Blog of Holding Cheers Gary was put together from answers to ENWorlders' questions on the enworld Q&A threads. The Memorial Fund sold most of their print run at Gen...
  7. Rex Blunder

    Happy Birthday: World's Hardest Gary Gygax Quiz

    In honor of Gary Gygax's birthday, here's a Gary Gygax trivia quiz so hard that James Mal only got 90%. Can you do better?
  8. Rex Blunder

    character sheet on a business card

    I made a 4e character sheet that's about as small as it can be, and maybe a little smaller. You can carry a stack of pregen level-1 characters in your wallet so that you're always ready in case a game breaks out. Note: You MIGHT want to take a short name like "Gus". Here's the front: You can...
  9. Rex Blunder

    picture of every creature in the MM1, where they live, and their level

    I went through the Monster Manual 1 and crammed a picture of every monster into one illustration. Full-size version at blogofholding.com It could theoretically be used to create on-the-fly encounters (cross-index the character level with the area type) although, truth be told, it might not...
  10. Rex Blunder

    a hand-drawn city map you're free to use

    I drew a city map for my weekend D&D game. If it's of any use, please take it. There's a bigger version at blog of holding, along with a PDF version. Feel free to use, edit, spindle or mutilate.
  11. Rex Blunder

    Heroes of the Fallen Lands analysis

    At blogofholding we're reading Heroes of the Fallen Lands cover to cover and posting extensively. We'll be adding posts for the next couple of days. One of the things I noticed so far is that the Thief is almost totally a Single Ability Dependent class. There are no class features that rely on...
  12. Rex Blunder

    dissecting the Red Box

    If by chance your Starter Set thirst is not yet quenched, at blogofholding I'm liveblogging as I go through my copy of the Essentials Red Box. So far I've written about a dozen posts from the Player's Book. All my Red Box posts can be found here, and I'll be adding another post about every...
  13. Rex Blunder

    gencon celebrity game?

    Has the Gencon "celebrity" game (with greenwood, salvatore, elmore) been posted anywhere? or is it known if/when wotc is planning to post it?
  14. Rex Blunder

    Essentials: Magic Item Rarity Explained, it's actually good!

    magic item rarity article The article on item rarity is up. This is actually one of the Essentials changes I'm most looking forward to. Common items are the boring stat-boosting items like +2 swords. They're the ones that characters can make and buy. This is a huge fix: I'm sick of giving out...
  15. Rex Blunder

    Fighter Slayer preview

    Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Fighter Preview, Part 2) The Weapon Talent is a +1 bonus to ALL weapon attacks, which is a nice upgrade. Also, "You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks. The bonus equals your Dexterity modifier." Pretty strong...
  16. Rex Blunder

    Gen Con: Slavicsek says core books will continue to be published, other tidbits

    We went to the "Gen Con Design & Development: Presented by D&D Insider" talk. Bill Slavicsek was among the presenters. There were some answers about Essentials as well as other miscellaneous future-plans comments: 1. Bill Slavicsek confirms that Essentials will not be replacing the PHB 1. They...
  17. Rex Blunder

    Mazes and Monsters retro clone

    I'm reverse-engineering the Mazes and Monsters RPG rules, using the movie as a primary source. Because the movie's creator Rona Jaffe knew so little about D&D, her rules are AMAZING. For instance: Mazes and Monsters seems to use ONLY THE D12 Mazes and Monsters: retro clone « Blog of Holding
  18. Rex Blunder

    Dark Sun Preview at Pax East

    We played in a Dark Sun delve at PAX, fighting, among other enemies, a savage halfling and some githyanki guards. I grabbed a couple of the 1st-level pregen character sheets (human warlock and goliath fighter) and noted a few fun Dark Sun-specific rules. Some highlights: -Wacky critical fumble...