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  1. A

    One person discovers DnD Leveling: Nightmare level side-effects.

    Question If a person of any age was to discover XP and it's ability to level, what are some side-effects they'd have to deal with. Side-effects which would cause others to think hard about giving themselves access to the benefits of XP. Reason Idle speculation on a story where a person in our...
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    If science discovered D&D leveling...

    Topic Todays scientists discovered XP. Today's scientists discovered how to level. It works almost identically to D&D 3.5's system. Leveling presently follows the Commoner class. What does a person who's leveling gain? Bonus Topic How does the ability to level affect the world? Reason I've...
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    What is an Experience Point?

    What is experience? Like many of us I've thought at times of attempting to write stories using the characters from DnD campaigns, and comments from various areas convinced me to try and use a framework that has the limitation of level one being where most people reach and level six being...
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    Flaw Curious: How should such a character act, think, and/or be unable to resist?

    Flaw You are easily distracted by the sights and sounds around you. Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty on Listen and Spot checks. You also suffer a -2 penalty on initiative rolls. Suggested Class/Race: Gnome Source:Dragon Magazine #328 (Nobody’s Perfect – New Flaws for Nonhumans) Location...
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    Flaw Curious, Avoids People, Needs People. Can these Flaws work together? What would a character with them be like?

    A long time ago I came across the Flaws, Curious, Avoids People, and Needs People. And while that probably isn't what their titles actually were, it describes what they were supposed to be fairly well. What I'm wondering is if the Flaw Avoids People can pair up with Curiosity or Needs People...
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    Possible Order of Discovery and Development of Magic.(Arcane or of your Choice.): Character Classes in order from ? to Wizard to ?

    Question If you were to describe the discovery of magic by taking certain classes and setting them in an order representing what was discovered first, what would that order be? Example Rogue: Most skill points so most likely to stumble across and invest time in it. Scholar: Dedicated to...
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    Spells which give +? to skills: In the real world would that be the same as inspiration, speeding up advancement?

    Imagine you're Einstein doing research. Trying to answer a difficult physics question. Frustrated, you cast a spell which gives a bonus of +4 to physics and while you still can't answer the question, suddenly you gain insight into a number of different aspects of physics! You pass these...
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    Quick Question: Wizard from D&D transports to our world. Can they still do magic?

    I'm toying with the idea of a story where someone is pulled from their world (D&D) to another and after reading about the Weave in Forgotten realms am worried they would lose the ability to use magic. Ignoring the massive hand waving ability I'd have as the Author or GM, would magic users...
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    If you're following the "Aragorn was only sixth level" idea in a modern setting, how would college degrees be defined?

    Question If you're following the "Aragorn was only sixth level" idea in a modern setting, how would college degrees be defined? Associate's Bachelor's Master's Doctorate Problems The number of ranks you can attain. L1: 4 L2: 5 L3: 6 L4: 7 L5: 8 L6: 9 Most people's Attribute bonus -4: Not...
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    What skills should a medieval college student who's working part time have?

    Question What skills should a medieval college student who's working part time have? Background I'm attempting to make a medieval character who's background is that of someone who was going to college and working part time, but am uncertain what skills would support this. Since their main...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 Danger Shy Students, Researchers, Inventors, and etc. Would DnD 3.5 support them or their Profession?

    Question​ Does a person in DnD generally only gain levels through life and death combat? Can they not gain ranks in skills or abilities by studying in a library, doing research, or sparring against others on a training field? If this is the case, then I'm curious if DnD's classes have any...
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    Would the spell "Alter Self" give those using it the ability to reproduce as what they've changed into?

    Question Would the spell "Alter Self" give those using it the ability to reproduce as what they've changed into? Would it allow a fe/male who wanted to be a fe/male to become one and create children? Assuming the time limit issue was handled, would the required physical organs necessary be...
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    When Crafting Magic Items, Not Needing a Body Slot Costs More. Would Needing Most of Them Cost Less?

    Question If it cost more to create a magic item which doesn't use any body slots, would it cost less to make one that used most of them? Difference in cost between something like an Ioun Stone and a full body stocking. Something like an Ioun stone would float around, near, or at least not take...
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    Psionics, Learned or Inherent Ability?

    Question Are Psionic powers an ability you either do or do not have, or can they be learned? Reason My current character is built around the concept of a normal human learning everything they can and teaching it to others. Question Should psionics be on their list?
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    Are there spells specifically designed to do non-lethal damage?

    Am looking into becoming a blaster, but want my main weapon to do non-lethal damage. However, there don't appear to be any. Reasons Non-lethal damage spells would probably do more damage per spell level than lethal damage. Have heard of resistance to fire and ice, but only heard of one...
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    How far can a spell be pushed?

    Questions Spells have verbal, somatic, material, casting time, etc. components to them. (Variables.) If you were to pile them all together in the creation of a new spell, how far would it go? Also, is a Level 1 spell less powerful than a Level if they're both being done at Caster level 20...
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    Search for Eternal Youth: Spells Alter and Polymorph Self

    Inspired by the "Cursed Belt of change sex." (Don't remember it's real name, just what it does.) Alter Self If made permanent using a magic item, could it halt or resettle the aging process? If it did, would the person be locked at that age or have to pay the repair cost of the magical item to...
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    Scribe Scroll: Paper Versus Projection?

    Paper Scrolls versus Holographic Scrolls History Noticed Spellbooks have a limited number of pages. Figured a spellbook made out of a permant "Silent Image" would have infinite pages. Then thought, if you can do that with a Spellbook, why not a Scroll? Saw that you can only scribe one Scroll a...
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    Examples and Request of Building Techniques as Applied to Spells.

    Questions If you treated spells, magic, magical equipment, and magic research like technology, what a ways would their be for augmenting/enhancing them? Examples Miniaturization: Refine a spell so it has the same effect at a lower level that it did at a higher level. (Computers used to fill...
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    Is there a History of how the Phylactery and Liches came to be?

    Questions Is there a book covering the history of how Liches came to be? How about theories put up by players? Do Liches automatically go insane over time? Do they always turn skeletal? Is there a book covering the history of the phylactery? Was it given by a god/dess to a mage? Did someone...