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  1. EvilMountainDew


    I think you have an .htaccess entry that says: I could be wrong, but it seems as though that's the problem, and it causes me to go from typing in enworld.org/forum to go to www.enworld.orgforum instead of the intended /forum. Perhaps it should look like this:
  2. EvilMountainDew

    MindBender PrC (Complete Arcane)

    Has anyone played this PrC? How did you accomplish it? What sort of character was it? Good vs Evil? I just ran across this again the other day, and I absolutely love the idea behind it. I'm statting one up this weekend, I'll share mine then.
  3. EvilMountainDew

    Constructed Religions

    I'm trying to come up with a few different deities for a homebrew. Generally, I run religions similar to that of the modern world, there are a few different religions which may have their own pantheons, and they all think that they are correct. Deities aren't so active as in other settings and...
  4. EvilMountainDew


    It's been a while, but I've returned. Figured I'd give a heads up to people who were around 5 years ago. Where'd the hivemind go?
  5. EvilMountainDew

    Anubis the Guardian

    The man heard a voice behind him, so stricken with fear he hadn't the nerve to face the voice. His hands clenched together, sweat arising from all of his pores, a wave of heat and cold rolled over his body. He closed his eyes in fear. He had never heard this voice before, he hadn't needed to...
  6. EvilMountainDew

    Allowing Upgrading vs. finding?

    Question is this: Would you allow someone to, instead of buying a new weapon, just pay the difference and have the weapon imbued/upgraded? I do this and I just have them pay the difference of new item to the current one, basically it is the same as selling their weapon and buying a new one...
  7. EvilMountainDew

    Bahamut Baphomet

    I have only know the latter of these (Baphomet) as pronounced, Buh-hah-met, but thought it spelled as Baphomet. I have seen around the IC forums it spelled 'Bahamut' is this a different being, just different spellling, different spelling because of different language??? Just wondering, I...
  8. EvilMountainDew

    NPC/PC names and other games

    I have noticed plenty of names that people use, both for PCs and NPCs, that I have seen elsewhere. Although it never dawned on me that I could do this myself, I feel like I lost something of my character if I hadn't thought up a name. I would name some but I don't want to offend anyone. I...
  9. EvilMountainDew


    I have a problem with a certain player in one of my Pen-Paper gaming groups. He has the knack of finding holes in the rules. I so far have let him get away with it because I'd just make the encounter more difficult, but for this problem could you guys help me out? The player who does this is...
  10. EvilMountainDew

    Im fairly new, curious as to layout

    I notice that when i start a thread, there is a HOLE IN DA LITTLE LETTER TINGY! could someone help me as to why that heppens
  11. EvilMountainDew

    Elvish Misconception Part I

    You [all] seemingly just woke up. You feel the cold hard floor beneith you. Slowly coming to, you can feel a rapidly increasing headache. Just as the color slowly accumulates into your head, your headache get bigger, squinting your eyes to the blinding light. You raise yourself up and stand...
  12. EvilMountainDew

    OOC: Elvish Misconceptions

    [No message]
  13. EvilMountainDew

    Green Bay, Wisconsin Game wanted

    How many people live near/by Green Bay... I dont know yet if I want to start a game yet but im just curious how many Green Bay gamers their are!
  14. EvilMountainDew


    Characters will be created using the point buy method and 34 points as found in the DMG (pages 19-20, and listed below): All stats start at 8 and cost the following 9 stat 1 point 10 stat 2 points 11 stat 3 points 12 stat 4 points 13 stat 5 points 14 stat 6...
  15. EvilMountainDew

    FORGOTTEN REALMS GAME.. I can DM or play

    I am interested in starting a game in the In-Character Forum. I have never played or DMed a game online in a message board but I learn quickly. If interested EMAIL ME AT EvilMountainDew@hotmail.com!!!