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  1. W

    [UPDATED] TABLETOP RPG Show Starts Filming And It's Starting To Look A Lot [Less] Like DRAGON AGE!

    Wil's coffee mug is resting on what appears to be one of the Dragon Age Set 2 reference cards, which detailed all the actions and stunts in the game.
  2. W

    Dragon Age RPG - Mechanics supporting DA themes

    I've never played the Dragon Age video games, so I can't compare them to the tabletop RPG. I can say that the RPG system is fast, fun, and easy to learn. Character creation is quick and a variety of character types can be made just from the three classes. Yes, the darker elements are there...
  3. W

    We have 99 Heroes of Neverwinter beta keys to give away

    Why Neverwinter Greyhawk deserves love as well Maybe someday soon
  4. W

    Fate of the (New) Red Box

    None of my local Walmarts carried the Red Box. The local Target did, and they sold out of all of them. I don't know if they ever restocked or not, but I do know the box was on sale for only $11.99 at one point. I purchased the 4e Red Box last year from my FLGS and finally put it to use for...
  5. W

    Kalamar Players Handbook Web Preview

    Used less by other companies, or used less by DMs and players? Personally, I don't care how much of Kenzer's products are usable by other companies. What matters is how much of it *I* will find usable. I don't need any d20/OGC cross-pollination between publishers to decide what to include in...
  6. W

    POLYHEDRON: Favorite Designers

    1) Not really. Certain names simply make me more likely to give a product a second look (or even a first). 2) My players don't know one author from another, and tend to get that clueless look on their faces if I ever mention names. They purchase very little RPG product anyway. (I will...
  7. W

    What I hate about A Song of Ice and Fire (Spoilers Ahead)

    It isn't just you. I also don't think this is done simply for 'shock value' or anything as simple as that. To me, it's engaging characters and great storytelling. I've found A Song of Ice and Fire to be the best thing I've read in 25+ years. After reading this part of A Storm of Swords, I...
  8. W

    [OT] Brain Froze during "Time Machine" help please

    This is easily my favorite moment (and concept) in the movie. The shot of the moon breaking up was great, and left a number of ideas zooming through my head. I also feel that Guy Pearce is normally a much better actor than his performance would suggest. In addition to the movies already...
  9. W

    Are Prestige Classes Really Necessary?

    I also agree that making prestige classes into core classes could be a mistake. So many prestige classes have such an incredibly narrow focus that they just don't work in a standard 'adventuring party' campaign. If the campaign were tailor-made for certain types of narrowly-focused classes, it...
  10. W

    George RR Martin Fans, rejoice!

    Re: Re: Re: Okay maybe it just me... You are correct. New books, used books, comics, games- Most of my reading material comes from there. Randy
  11. W

    George RR Martin Fans, rejoice!

    Re: Okay maybe it just me... I've yet to see it in paperback. I waited and waited for the hardcover to show up in my favorite used book store, but it never did, so finally broke down and purchased a new copy last fall. Two weeks later, used copies started appearing at the store. If an RPG...
  12. W

    Buying and Selling of Gems & Jewelry

    I don't give my players full value on gems and jewelry, primarily for the economic reasons you mention. However, I always roll an appraise check for the buyer, and in one case blew it quite badly and the players received *more* than the actual value of the items. My players don't seem to have...
  13. W

    Someone has to do it [Andromeda]

    Actually, this might be after next week. The latest episode (with the rebellion on Earth) and the next are apparently the last with which the former head writer had any involvement. Randy (who enjoyed 'Hercules', but isn't looking forward to 'Hercules in Space')
  14. W

    Best non Role-playing Game

    Hey, I remember these. Heck, my nieces and nephew still love it when I play #5 with them. It's a classic! On a more serious note, I haven't played most of the games on the poll, so I'll put in a couple of different ones: Kill Dr. Lucky (one or two others have mentioned this one) Apples to...