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    Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

    I just caught the Apes of Wrath episode, and I am in love. It is funny on so many levels. I can't stop thinking about this show. It is available on DVD from AmazonUK. I wonder what the shipping would be to the U.S.? I will try and find it here first.
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    Favorite Class Progression for Sidewinder: Recoiled

    The game is based on D20 modern and I have just recently started playing. There are a ton of great advanced classes and it makes it difficult for me to choose. I enjoy roleplaying but the kind of character I roleplay fits in really nicely with a couple of the advanced classes so I do take...
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    2006 ENnie Awards Fans' Choice Nominations Thread

    I will second this nomination. They do a fantastic job, and have oustanding customer service. It is obvious they care deeply about their products.
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    ENWorld, what is best in d20 modern?

    I actually hadn't used D20 Modern until recently gettign a copy of Sidewinder: Recoiled. I love the game. I had the original and thought it was good. This one is even better. It really is put together very well. If anyone else is playing and has a web site for their campaign I would love to...
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    Question - Fighter/Warrior Levels to Military Ranks

    Does anyone remember the titles each level of each class had in the 1st ed. AD&D? I really enjoyed those. They had them for fighters, magic users, clerics etc. I remember that a 1st level fighter was given the title veteran I believe. I was confused by that, but the massive amount of...
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    RPG systems you liked -- much to your surprise

    I'll add mine to the voices claiming D&D 3.0. I loved AD&D, and played some 2nd Edition, but really didn't like it, and felt like I had been ripped off for all the materials I bought for it. When I heard that they were coming out with third edition I wondered why they were going to do more...
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    If you could revise Rolemaster?

    I'm torn I do love the tables, but I sometimes and nervous about a combat becaue of the time it will take to resolve it. Don't ditch the tables, but I will agree that having an ICE combat tracker and computer program for them might speed things up. If you did it well perhaps you could have...
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    Why does everyone always play Paladins?;) I was just kidding about the Paladin thing. There is no way I would try and murder another PC. That item would be tempting, but I would feel bad wearing it. I would decline the ring, and then hold your decision of not murdering the Wizard over his...
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    D&D Social Stigma

    I think it shouldn't be viewed as a stigma, and if it is, then it is the viewer who is lacking, not the gamer. I'm not 30. I don't have any fantasy/rpg/game-con type shirts. I am married, and don't have facial hair, and I don't live in my parents basement. I also don't mind anyone else who...
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    D&D movie sequel update.

    I think the first D&D movie was so bad that it was slightly funny. Wayans was truly funny in it, though his style didn't mesh with the other actors. I think sometimes it seems like D&D fans wanted it to be redeeming so badly that they willed themselves to find positives in the movie that don't...
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    Please Help Me Select a Campaign Setting

    I'll vote for Kalamar as well. I'm happy to see so much fan support for it. This would be good because it does fit all the criteria you mentioned, and there are plenty of adventure hooks in the setting should you decide to create more adventures on your own at a later date when you have more...
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    What appeals to you in a fantasy novel?

    I like Tolkein because of all the fantasy books I've read he has the greatest style. It is entirely his own, and has a sense of story telling that just really gets me into the story itself. Not only that he writes well in an academic sense. Contrary to that is Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time...
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    new/upcoming DVDs?

    I don't have a regular spot. But I did read about the old Nickelodeon series "The Adventrues of Pete and Pete" that is out on DVD now in the LA Times. I think every DVD series I either read a review about it in the paper, or heard of it by word of mouth from friends. But I guess the borring...
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    G4 - Attack of the Show

    I loved Tech TV, and I loved the original screen savers. They used to have really knowlegable hosts and writers with great informative pieces and reviews on it. Then Tech TV was bought out by the evil G4. Tech TV had about twice the audience share that G4 had at the time. But for some...
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    WotC comes to you and asks you to pick a setting...

    I'll add my voice to saying Kalamar if we are talking about the rules as written. Others have mentioned how well designed it is, and how it makes sense, with the rules. I think because it is so well thought out, with so many things created, and there are so many levels there, it offers the...
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    A Paladin Shows Mercy to a Priestess of Orcus?

    I agree that it is totally up to the GM. I also agree that I will be here being a nuissance until we get an update on how it all turned out.
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    For Gawd's sake recommend something for me to read!

    I don't know if you have read George RR Martin's books starting with A Game of Thrones. I am guessing you have, but if not go for it. I also liked Robin Hobb's Assassin's apprentice book and the farseer series, plus the fool series. Another series I liked David B. Coe's Rules of Ascension...
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    A Paladin Shows Mercy to a Priestess of Orcus?

    I wouldn't call forcing a woman who begged for mercy to serve the side of righteousness harboring and sheltering. I also wouldn't call that associating really. Especially if we look at the definition that says to associate means to join as a partner, ally or friend. The priestus is doing...
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    For Gawd's sake recommend something for me to read!

    Can you give us a hint of what things you have liked reading in the past? I'm sure if I started just recommending books I like, you may have read many of them. One that few people have read and I loved but isn't fantasy is called, My Wicked Wicked Ways. It is the autobiography of Errol...
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    GenCon SoCal (Anaheim, CA): Worth the trip?

    I will be attending this year. I have never been before. I hope it is good. I am sure I will find plenty of things that I am interested in. How is the exhitors hall? Will there be as much merchandise available as at the Indy gencon?