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  1. M

    30 Days of Night

    great movie SPOILERS I enjoyed the movie except for two things: The disappointing 'final fight' and It would have been even better if the vampires had more developed backgrounds and personalities. I get that that wasn't what the filmmakers were going for (they were going for gore) but for...
  2. M

    Are there any good non-comedy webcomics?

    Everyone in the world has a favorite webcomic (and its always Penny arcade) but what I hunger for is a non comedic webcomic. Are there any really good ones out there? There is so much potential for creative people to express their stories online to a limitlessly vast audience I find it hard to...
  3. M

    Why the World Hates Them

    Love it Well, you already know that I think this campaign is great, but know the rest of ENWorld can know how I feel about it as well. Very original setting, I think the history of their home town is especially compelling - I hope you don’t mind if I steal the villain's policy of enslaving all...
  4. M

    Feast For Crows rocks so far!(small spoilers)

    Stannis vs Varys SPOILERS!! Spoilers. . . . i guess only kinda . . . Does anyone else think that in the next book the Spider is going to apear on the Wall? Varys talks to Tyrion in one of the old books about how much he hates Magic, and says that if Stannis is using...
  5. M

    D&D at The Barn (pics inside)

    Very jealous, man. I particularly loved the idea of giving the DM his own table! By the way, is that a ghost i see in the window in the first picture?
  6. M

    George R.R. Martin novel news

    Woot! I'm at the edge of my British chair waiting for this story! However . . . . . . shouldnt this be in the Fantasy Movies Novels and TV forum?
  7. M

    A Feast for Crows is done! Kind of...

    Yay first just let me get right down to it and say "YAY!!" right now. YAY!!! Having done that, how does it solve the problem of his books being too long (for his publisher's tastes, not mine :D ) to make his next book even longer? Orriginally he didnt think enough would happen in the time...
  8. M

    I'm going to be a guest of honor at a convention!

    woot! I can dig it! congrats!
  9. M

    [August] What are you reading?

    Alexander: The Sands of Ammon by Valerio Massimo Manfredi. Volume 2 of a trilogy chronicling the life of the greatest man who ever lived. It's why they call him The Great. His name was Alexander. The Manfredi is an Italian historian, not a writer, so some of the dialogue is a little . . ...
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    [OT] "Giant Sea Creature Found In Chile" (article)

    Just the image i hope to encounter right before i go to sleep tonight.:p Pleasant dreams for me.
  11. M

    Terminator 3 - SPOILER filled discussion

    my 2 cents So I am going to try and take some attention away from the argument here to tell everyone what i Really Really liked about T3. The TX is just as good at impersonating humans as the T-1000, which is clear when she turns into Kate Brewster's Fiance and by the fact that despite all the...
  12. M

    My ideas for a new campaign(suggestions needed, My players STAY OUT)

    It sounds like alot of the work you will be doing on this setting/campaign is re-vamping the magic system. Adding new classes, a magic point system, gem magic and so on . . . and in my experiance when the DM puts that much effort into "his" magic system it means that the campaign is going to...
  13. M

    Need help for new campaign setting

    One thing that has been mentioned but is often overlooked is Geography. Not every town was built on a plane or next to the ocean. Think of why these cities sprang up. Cities often apear along important crossroads or trade routs, and these could be some of the richest and most diverse out...
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    [OT] To All Who Know Me ... Sad News

    Being a Lurker, im sure you dont know who i am, but i have read your posts and respected your opinions for many many months now, and this news dropped my jaw. It really feels like a good friend of mine has fallen ill. Fight with every breath. There is no emotion more useless than despair...
  15. M

    I've finally completed my story hour. 1st through 20th level... done.

    Hey, Doc, any updates on your lovelife lately?
  16. M

    Impressive Matrix-parody

    Waffles. lots of waffles. LOL My god that was great.
  17. M

    A Feast of Crows cover

    WHO the HECK is THAT!?
  18. M

    Fairly cool photoshopped image for my game...

    VERY cool image. you's a smooth co-DM. Next time though, try misspelling some words. not knowing much about the world you play in, i have to assume its close to midieval Europe and as such, many of these people posting "Adventurers Wanted" signs are peasants who, even though they can clearly...
  19. M

    Animate Object Spell, anyone seen it used well

    the character of a friend of mine animated a Huge portrait of a villan's mother and attacked him with it.
  20. M

    How does Draconic sound?
