• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Contrarian

    Pod-Cavern of the Sinister Shroom

    What, are you the only Dungeon Master in Ohio? When I'm thinking of using a published module, I ask all my players if they've played or read it before. Having somebody announce after the first encounter "Hey! I've played this!" would kinda suck. The title practically announces "We're hunting a...
  2. Contrarian

    Pod-Cavern of the Sinister Shroom

    Really? Because I had problems with the two main monsters being under-described. You have two humanoid species (shrooms and pod-men) with no mouths (according to the illustrations) and no description of their communication abilities. I don't even know if the main villain of the module is...
  3. Contrarian

    How do you pronounce 'melee?'

    I pronounce it correctly.
  4. Contrarian

    When Was Your Last 2e Experience?

    My last 2E game was at a convention in November 2006. (Ed Greenwood was DMing, and that's the edition he prefers.) Before the DM showed up, we players were joking about whose Players Handbook was closest to falling apart. Basic D&D. Um... 1987, maybe? (I switched to 1E as my preferred game in...
  5. Contrarian

    DCC #7 by Black Blade Publishing

    Goodman Games actually published two versions of that module: Dungeon Crawl Classics and Castles and Crusades
  6. Contrarian

    Inheritors of 3.5 - An overview of what is out there

    Amazon reseller prices for used RPGs tend to run high -- I swear those guys sift through eBay listings, find the highest price a book ever got (which is usually the price for a mint copy), and pretend every beat-to-hell copy is worth the same thing. But otherwise, that's about the normal curve...
  7. Contrarian

    How stellar was the old Fiend Folio!

    Their "pantheon" is two deities -- the earth and fire elementals that created the Lava Children. The two elementals are lovers who have been separated and imprisoned by other elementals. Lava Children priests are all dedicated to freeing their gods, of course. That story? Sadly, more...
  8. Contrarian

    Cheaty dice?

    So far as I've seen, the "cheater" dice available in "D&D shapes" are just numbered funny -- such as a d20 with an second '20' in place of the '1.' (I'm too lazy to provide a link. Google "Koplow cheater dice.") If that's what your acquaintance is using, they're easy enough to prove as...
  9. Contrarian

    Dragon Con: A Sight of the Schism in action

    He're my ultimate "casual gamer" anecdote/factoid: It's about 15 years ago. Gen Con is still in Milwaukee. I'm at a seminar that was scheduled to be "the Gamma World design teams gives you GM advice" but turned out to be "the GAmma World design team announces that Gamma World is cancelled...
  10. Contrarian

    Dragon Con: A Sight of the Schism in action

    I don't think convention attendees of any sort are representative of the gaming community at large. We're the extremists in a hobby full of casual gamers. That said, I think the RPGA is representative of the D&D community that shows up at conventions. At every game convention I've attended in...
  11. Contrarian

    New D&D Survey

    Ooh, I just thought of a new version of an old joke: Q: What do you when a Fourth Edition player knocks on your front door? A: Pay him for your pizza! (Ha, ha! Because they're young and don't have grown-up jobs yet! Funny, huh?) I ain't worried. Any overly-sensitive 4E players show up with...
  12. Contrarian

    Dragon Con: A Sight of the Schism in action

    Really? I wish more gamers had the nerve to say what they believe in person instead of saving it for message boards. That way they can't go running to hide behind a moderator when someone calls them out as a morron. Anyway, despite being a 1E guy myself, my gut says Dragoncon probably isn't the...
  13. Contrarian

    New D&D Survey

    It was a joke about my age. You're a sensitive sort, aren't you?
  14. Contrarian

    New D&D Survey

    No. I'm surprised they let me finish the survey. I expected a "drop dead" message the screen after saying I don't use any 4E books, but it went ahead and asked some background questions about my age and whether I go to game conventions. No doubt I've contributed to a hilarious bar graph of...
  15. Contrarian

    New D&D Survey

    It's a really short survey if you tell them don't use any of the 4E books!
  16. Contrarian

    WotC and Gencon. No Events submitted???

    I have to mock my own RPG-centricity here: I didn't realize until last night that if WOTC skips Gen Con, there will be no (or few) Magic: The Gathering events. That would probably cost Gen Con a lot of card players. Another thing to keep in mind? It's not just about the event catalog. WOTC is...
  17. Contrarian

    WotC and Gencon. No Events submitted???

    Well, there are a big chunk of RPGA guys who go just for D&D. If WOTC and the RPGA wussed out, I think Gen Con would be missing a few hundred big spenders.
  18. Contrarian

    WotC and Gencon. No Events submitted???

    You know, it's possible that WOTC is just really busy getting 4E together. Likewise, the RPGA's probably pretty busy reorganizing itself around a rule system that none of them own the rulebooks for yet. The e-mail from WOTC customer service is interesting, however. Keep in mind that Chapter 11...
  19. Contrarian

    The Shadar-kai are NEVER going to be the next drow

    Wow, jokes about rape are hilarious. Thanks a bunch for that.
  20. Contrarian

    Reasons for going into the dungeon?

    The usual motivation for PCs in my campaign is just a mixture of fortune-seeking and guilt. (NPC to PCs: "But you're adventurers! You have to help us!") A few months back I made a dungeon where the motivation was "Rescue the kidnapped baby that the goblins want to cook for dinner." (When Crazy...