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  1. F

    Half-Slaad Template: Response Requested

    That's frickin' shweet! But shouldn't the half-toad's natural attacks also count as chaotic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction?
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    Tillaminar (intelligent dirt ooze)

    Oh, man, that picture nearly made me spray Dr. Pepper over my keyboard. These are awesome. Need to sneak him into a city? Just slide him into a barrel. 'Natch. I have no idea about the level adjustment. That "Resilent" ability is powerful.
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    D&D 3E/3.5 Merlocs from Warcraft 3, adapted to d20 3.5

    Ah, Murlocs. Really, I think their Intelligence would be 8, and the level adjust should be +1 due to natural armor, unbalanced ability scores, and the ability to go in land and water. Something about the saves irked me a little, but I can't pinpoint it as I'm a tad tired at the moment. Other...
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    Giant Pill Bugs

    You didn't list standard hitpoints, and it's initiative should be -1 ( for a -1 Dexterity modifier ). Perhaps a burrow speed or climb speed might be in order?
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    You all like swarms of things, right?

    Excellent work. As I have a brood of cockroaches as a pet, myself, I wouldn't mind having one of my wizard character being able to summon a fiendish or anarchic variety of the swarm. I was toying with the idea of a swarm of flying piranha with two different varieties. They originated from the...
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    The Dark Goddess Urslaad

    I dunno, Kitsunekaboom, I prefer my women with little more of a waist. Or a waist at all.
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    Finally, a new creature from me: The Hail of Nails

    Done, easily. That's it, eh? Can I get a few thoughts on CR? I'm thinking a 6 or 5?
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    Finally, a new creature from me: The Hail of Nails

    It's been freaking forever since I wrote out some stats, but the rules for swarms as presented in the Fiend Folio were too sweet to pass up! Here we go - as always, I am positive I screwed a few things up so feel free to critique, make suggestions, whatever. Specifically, I need a suggestion...
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    Get on your roofs, the GRABOIDS are here!

    At the risk of going seriously off-topic, here, El Blanco isn't just sterile, he's albino. Albino animals tend to be sterile, and the albino trait can appear in virtually any animal. You should have seen my uncle jump when an albino wolf spider shot out of the floorboards not a foot from his...
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    Glacial Blob

    Perhaps it drains the nutritious moisture from the frozen corpses it absorbs, leaving behind a mummified, frozen corpse? Lots of arctic creatures are on the lookout for actual liquid, as many arctic areas are virtually deserts. ( All of the liquid is frozen beyond the point of drinking. )
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    March Movie Monster Mayhem: King Kong, king of apes!

    I think what Geocorona is probably referring to is in the Monster Manual 2 where they change the Beast entry to say that no Beast has an Intelligence over 2, as opposed to the original MM.
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    Get on your roofs, the GRABOIDS are here!

    ( triple post? )
  13. F

    Get on your roofs, the GRABOIDS are here!

    ( An honest to goodness quadruple post here, people. I've achieved a new low! )
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    Get on your roofs, the GRABOIDS are here!

    A masterful summary, Ambush. With Tremors 4 production starting soon, and all, I imagine we'll see a new type. Just think. Graboid-men!
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    A tribute to Dogma by Kevin Smith, it's...

    Heh, I was wondering when someone was going to stat that hideous thing. Downright loathesome. I thought of doing a version myself some time ago, with a "sickening aura", but it neevr got off the ground. Yours is awesome, though. But If I threw it at my players I think I'd get a ltitle too much...
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    new creature for review - Kylonoderm

    Eeeew, looks nasty. But no listed feats?
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    Well, gee, sorry, Demiurge, but I couldn't find any purely statisical mistakes so I didn't really bother to say anything. Really, though, from the way they're represented in Imajica, I'd say they were more animalstic predator than a creature with a 14 intelligence would be. But that's just my...
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    Also, if you want a picture, look in Barlowe's Guide to Fantasy.
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    Actually, the "laughing" Hyena, more formally known as the Spotted Hyena, hunts first, and then eats carrion later. They also chase larger carnivores, such as lions, away from kills. Why villainize them? They serve a necessary function in the natural world by cleaning it up and for that they...