• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. K

    D&D General When is the last time you DMed a game?

    Our game night is Thursday nights.
  2. K

    D&D General When is the last time you played a tabletop RPG?

    Haven't been able to play forever. So just started up a group last month (in person) - I'm the DM other players are pretty inexperienced (not that my decade long absence from play can be called experienced)
  3. K

    Dark Sun 5e, A minimalist conversion. (full) [OC]

    Obviously my character isn't as much of a rush but I'll get it up probably on the weekend.
  4. K

    Dark Sun 5e, A minimalist conversion. (full) [OC]

    I'll put together a character to put into the stable. Or to act as an occasional visitor to the campaign.
  5. K

    Dark Sun 5e, A minimalist conversion. (full) [OC]

    I'd be happy to take an alternate spot. I would be looking to play a Druid or Water Cleric as I have always been drawn to the idea my character working towards restoring Athas to life.
  6. K

    D&D 5E Any UK resident going to GenCon willing to collect my preorder of Dragonspear for me?

    Good point - how upsetting. I don't know what I am going to do.
  7. K

    D&D 5E Any UK resident going to GenCon willing to collect my preorder of Dragonspear for me?

    Much as the title says I am in need of a kindly UK GenCon attendee who will collect a preordered copy of Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle for me? I have just started on DnD Next with my group and would dearly like to get this book but will definitely not be attending GenCon. To be upfront - we...
  8. K

    Do You Read This News?

    Its probably the only page I frequent right now. Invaluable. All parts although D&D and boardgames the most.
  9. K

    D&D 4E Good 4e Stuff from 3rd Party Publishers?

    Another vote for Amethyst. It is well done and they are coming out with what looks like a great Essentialised version too. Neuroglyph Enworlds own Reviewer rates the setting quite highly.
  10. K

    Polearms Quiz - how'd you do?

    8 - Made some really stupid mistakes like not choosing spear or Bill. Still I know my Spetum from my Partisan at least. However 8 would be fair as a few were just lucky guesses. Never read Unearthed Arcana. Have always enjoyed medieval stuff though.
  11. K

    Can Wizards turn around their D&D support?

    Wow! So much anger. I am a fully paid up DDi guy and have virtually every book and boxed set brought out by Wizards for 4e. I have noticed a reduction in content coming out with the online mags but I have also seen an increase in options with the new VTT coming out which I have tried with some...
  12. K

    Rule of 3 3/21

    I am surprised at the gripe about tackling essentials again. They are obviously still getting numerous questions regarding it and they are also trying to assuage the fears of people who didn't by into essentials to try and encourage them to purchase future products. I personally felt that it...
  13. K

    Demonomicon: Jubilex

    Really nice. Been a long time since we have seen Demonomicon article. It didn't disappoint.
  14. K

    D&D 4E The yet still complete list of official 4E D&D products: now with new format!

    This is my go too list for what to purchase over the coming year. Thank you so much for maintaining it.
  15. K

    Online Character Builder is LIVE!

    Wow! so much faster - If the generally available one worked as well as this it would have had so much better feedback.
  16. K

    Online Character Builder is LIVE!

    Overall - I think it is okay - I see both good and bad in it. The most frustrating thing was while creating a Pyromancer Mage I was unable to select any Fire atwills. I ticked the show additional options box but it still only showed the essentials choices. Unlike everyone else (or so it would...
  17. K

    Ranger: Scout Preview up!

    I really like the ranger preview. In the wolf stance this guy is going to be a flitting all over the battle field. Question is yes no dailies, but with 2 weapon + 2 dex mod damage per round with encounter powerstrike and the really nasty stances. I worry that this one outshines the original...
  18. K

    DDI September/October Update info

    Having read through this thread - I figured that I should hopefully bring a little ray of sunshine to many who are displaying a fear for their beloved CB. Make a new human and you will see that there is a change to the creation process. I want others to see it and judge for themselves but I...
  19. K

    When it gets expensive!

    Want to know the really sad thing. Due to living in the far north of England I have found nobody to play with so I have all the D&D books (Not the H,P,E adventures, nor the Big Adventures) Plus the Pathfinder books - I have a DDI sub etc. The only game that I play occasionally with my kids is...
  20. K

    When it gets expensive!

    Well. This month I find that I am going to have not only Four Dungeons and Dragons books to purchase, I also have the new Castle Ravenloft, the new Advanced Players Guide for Pathfinder, the new expansion for Thunderstone and the four boosters for Heroscape - all of which are coming out in...