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3rd Ed Shinobi concept


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I was told to post it here by one of the admins so this is just a simple repost.

After a few days of reading the available manga and watching all 23 available fansubed anime that is known as Nuruto I decided to make the Shinobi class for 3ed D&D. However even though it isn't near play test ready yet (imho) I'm still making some progress & even blackshirt is helping me by letting me play test it in one of his campanes when its ready. Now on to the point of this thread: if I managed to make this into a well balanced class, would anyone be interested in playing it or contributing to its developement?

Top 3 stats for a Shinobi is: Dex, Con, and Int.

Every other level (1,3,5,etc.) gains 1 extra combat movent if the opponent is flat footed.

It has a max sneak attack bonus of +5d6 (first strike only, levels are being determaned at the moment) cuz lets face it. With the extra movents you'll be dishing out plenty of damage and having full rogue sneak attack is overkill.

Shinobi is devided into clans based on elements: Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Forest, Sound, and Iron/Metal. Depending on which clan you're with will determine what techniques you learn after rank 0 techniques.

Shinobi are primaraly dexterious races like humans, elves, and half-elves. The only exception in the Clan of Ore (Iron/metal) which are only made up of Dwarves.

Shinobi can't use bows or crossbows. Instead they use shurikans, throwing knives, and large shurikans (both solid & colapsable). Large solid shurikans deal a base damage of 2d10 and can go a distance of 10' + (str mod * 10') and get a -1 accuracy penitly for every 10' after 20'. The same goes for colapsable shurikans except their base damage is 1d10.

Shinobi have hand to hand combat skills like the monk except they only have a max of 1d12. Improved Taijitsu & Advanced Taijitsu make up for the lower die type.

Current feats available until i make a better list: exotic weapons profinsioncy (martial arts weapons), improved taijitsu, advanced taijitsu, improved tumble, improved dodge, combat casting (for techniques until i come up with better), unarmed strike, deflect arrow, inertial armor, improved unarmed strike.

So far thats what I got off the top of my head. I will have more later, even more if ppl show interest.

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Any class that gains more than 1 partial action beyond the norm is going to be broken instantly. I hate to say it, but that right there means this class will never make it out of your home campaign.

If you're looking for Ninja classes, check out AEG's Rokugan book. They did it better than most.


Fenes 2

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Shuriken doing 2d10 dmg? Are we talking about ninja siege weapons? A thrown weapon doing more base damage than a heavy crossbow or a longbow is just plain wrong for a medium-sized person.

And you would have to be a very clumsy or inept person to be unable to use a crossbow - even wizards can do it. I would alter "can't use" to "are not allowed to".

I would drop the extra-actions as well - sneak attack compensates more than enough against flat-footed enemies.

Personally, I would use the rogue class for a shinobu, and throw in some multiclassing to get the flavor right, or assassin for the spells and death attack if desired.

Bean 2.0

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make it a prestige class then post a more complete version

shinobi had to many abilities to be a single class Hatsuma and the Oboro clan were quite decidedly epic characters so it should probably be an epic prestige class with a variety of class ability and feat/skill requirements


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Before checking the current posts I got into a discussion with blackshirt about it and starting looking at all the currently available feats out there. Realizing I forgot about certain existing feats that grant extra movements already I decided to drop the whole extra movements deal. As for multiclassing rogue into other classes to gain similar abilities that a shinobi might have really isn't all that good of an idea seeing how you'd have to take at least 3 classes to get this effect: Rogue, Monk, and Psion. As we all know there are experience penilities for multiclassing so there would be a pretty good level difference between you and the rest of the party over the course of time. Even if your DM drops that rule so levels will remain even you'd still be a little too generalized to become a truely effective character. As for the large shurikans: after a good amount of non-drug induced rational thought :D , I've decided to lower the attack damage to 1d10. And yes I missworded that them being unable to use crossbows & bows instead of being not allowed to use them. My mind tends to run faster than my hands when I type so don't be suprised if you see errors like that often. Also I really don't want to turn it into a prestige class of any kind at the moment.


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Speed. Stealth. You cannot fight what you cannot see.


A Shinobi is a warrior based around supernatural speed and incredible evasive skill. Though they are incapable of enduring the sort of physical and magical abuse that fighters, paladins, and barbarians shrug off on a regular basis, their phenomenal speed, faster than even the Monk, allows them to simply avoid all but the most inevitable attacks.

HD: d4
BAB: As Fighter
Saves: As Rogue
Skill Points/Level: 6 + Int mod
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Read Lips, Ride, Sleight of Hand, Swim, Tumble

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: All simple weapons, kama, nunchaku, sap, and shuriken.

Class Abilities:
1: Unarmored Speed 35 ft., Evasion, Sneak Attack +1d4
2: Unarmored Speed 40 ft., Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC)
3: Unarmored Speed 45 ft., Sneak Attack +2d4,
4: Unarmored Speed 50 ft., Uncanny Dodge (Can't be flanked)
5: Unarmored Speed 55 ft., Sneak Attack +3d4,
6: Unarmored Speed 60 ft., Poison Use, Leap of the Clouds
7: Unarmored Speed 66 ft., Sneak Attack +4d4, Stealth Dash
8: Unarmored Speed 70 ft., Improved Evasion
9: Unarmored Speed 75 ft., Sneak Attack +5d4
10: Unarmored Speed 80 ft., Uncanny Dodge (+1 against traps)
11: Unarmored Speed 85 ft., Sneak Attack +6d4,
12: Unarmored Speed 90 ft., Stealth Sprint
13: Unarmored Speed 95 ft., Uncanny Dodge (+2 against traps), Sneak Attack +7d4
14: Unarmored Speed 100 ft., Wall Run
15: Unarmored Speed 105 ft., Sneak Attack +8d4
16: Unarmored Speed 110 ft., Uncanny Dodge (+3 against traps)
17: Unarmored Speed 115 ft., Sneak Attack +9d4
18: Unarmored Speed 120 ft., Instantaneous Movement
19: Unarmored Speed 125 ft., Uncanny Dodge (+4 against traps), Sneak Attack +10d4
20: Unarmored Speed 130 ft.
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First Post
Nice. That could be very useful as a template for my shinobi as I work on it. When I'm done we can compare. The big difference between ours though (appears I forgot to mention this sooner) is that the Shinobi has "techniques." Similar to magic to other n/pcs in game and is used similarly to Psionics using PP. You get so much Tech Points per day for using your techniques. Right now I've decided on 9 ranks (0 - 9) for technique level. Rank 0 being the most basic that all Shinobi are tought early in training. Ranks 1 - 9 are different from clan to clan utilizing a specific element that each clan uses. A good example of a technique is the old swap places with another object just before you're hit, like when someone is about to cleave you in two you switch yourself with a log or something. To the oppenent he just cleaved you in two until the "body" drops revealing a split log and you flanking or backstabbing him just as he relizes what happened.


First Post
true, but then again.. we'll see how many techniques I am able to pump out first... lets see... 7 clans.. maybe 6... times the number of ranks....

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