• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adventure:Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)


[sblock=OOC]OK. Let's do this quickly then.[/sblock]Mervin asks the others to be quiet as he prepares to concentrate, "This may take a while," He opens the scroll and reads the surprisingly terse instructions, "Uh..Riardon. I'm going to need that box you found in those drawers...the one that says 'Lauto' on it."

Riardon rushes into the other room and quickly returns producing the small box that looks suspiciously like a small ossuary, the lid of which has a slit in it just large enough to accommodate a gold piece.

Mervin reaches into the chest, picks up one gold piece and places it in the box.

A ghostlike voice issues from the box, "Only four hundred and ninety-nine more to go."

Realizing that the slit is only big enough for one gold piece at a time, he turns to the group, "I guess this will take a while."

Riardon walks over to the box and pulls on the lid, "It has hinges."

The lid swings open to reveal an empty box. The gold piece is not there. The ghost-like voice in the box chuckles, "heheheehhe"

Mervin shrugs, and puts a hand full of gold pieces into the box. In an extremely twisted distortion of perspective, Mervin watches as the gold seems to fall into infinity, never reaching the bottom of the box. The gold seems to fall more than a hundred feet, though the box only seems eight inches deep.

"Only four hundred and fifty-eight more to go."

Realizing that this is going to be annoying if he has to hear the tally after every deposit, he shovels up a load of gold coins and dumps them into the box. Again, they seem to fall forever, and the voice keeps count, "Only three hundred and eighty-six more to go."

"I could use some help here."

Riardon steps in and helps him deposit the gold. After several armloads, and several annoying interruptions by the the ghost-like voice, they arrive at the final gold piece. As Mervin flicks it in, the voice says, "Thank You," but for some reason the voice no longer sounds ghost-like.

The air around the box shimmers, and human dressed in black robes materializes, "So, now... 'oo's th'yunfortunate laut needs be brot back t'life." The mysterious human rubs his hand together in anticipation. He turns and sees Jin's burned and slashed body and leans back in surprise, "Oh my. Guess it's this buggar'en." He walks over to Jin and leans down just over his head, "It's awlright now. Yee c'n getup."

For a few seconds, there is no response and the black robed human looks confused. Suddenly an expression of comprehension crosses his face, and he reaches his robes to produce a small item that looks like a long tube. He places the tube in Jin's mouth and blows through the other end.

Jin's lungs inflate, and as they become filled to capacity, Jin begins to convulse, and exhales, triggering a violent coughing fit. When the coughing and gasping stop, his wounds are healed, and he's standing up, but even so, he looks like he might fall at any minute.

"Where...am..I.." his voice is weak, and his expression is confused and exhausted. Immediately, he collapses in a heap on the floor, still alive and breathing, but unconscious.

The robed human smiles down at the ronin, then turns to the others in a self-congratulating expression, "Ee'll need a good-night's...or...day's rest," he says looking around for some sight of what time it is. Then he realizes the burned condition of the room and the group, "An', come't'thinkofit, I seggest th'same for th'rest'o'yeh."

With that, he closes his eyes, lifts his hands, and evaporates into a shimmering mist, leaving the four tired, but happy to see Jin breathing again.

The three carry their sleeping companion up the stairway, where Fenwick knocks down the poorly repaired wall, giving them access to the cellar. Emerging from the cellar steps, they find themselves in the kitchen once more, but it is some time in the middle of the night (or early morning), so there is no one around.

In the common room, a member of the Night Watch is playing a game of solitaire to keep himself awake. He starts a little when he sees the four come out of the kitchen, but a look of recognition crosses his face, "They told me you might be coming up that way."

He leads them up the stairs to the second floor where a single room with six beds has been prepared. Rujah and Talon are sound asleep. There is a table and chairs in the center of the room, a coat rack and a night stand for each bed has also been arranged.

"They'll cook you a good breakfast whenever you wake up," the watchman assures them, "In the meantime, get some rest."

When the four awake, Rujah and Talon are gone and the watchman from the night before enters with servants bringing plates of sizzling bacon with eggs, toast, and jam, "Rujah and Talon are off at Lord Ekton's keep with Jahred placing their depositions. They'll be tied up there for a few day's so they'll be lodging there tonight. We thought it best not to wake you given your condition." He turns to go, and then thinks of something, "Jahred also mentioned that you'd want to go looking for Hankel and Lord Hallmaster. I, personally, am not sure where he went, and Firebyrne is up at the keep with the others. There's a livery down the road where they started their trip. You might ask the coachman where they were headed." He turns to go, shooing the servants out of the room ahead of him, "Enjoy your breakfast," and he shuts the door leaving them to plan their day.[sblock=OOC]Extended Rest. Everyone is up to full. Jin will start out with the death penalty until he reaches 2 milestones. I'm running out of time myself, so I'll post rewards later. In the meantime please plan your next move (shopping, questioning, etc... feel free to ask me questions about the layout and contents of the city.)[/sblock]

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[sblock=summary]Yay Jin! :)

Ok, so just to sum up a few things:

Mervin has a dagger with weird runes on it. I think it's related to some other weapon you guys already have.

Here are the scrolls we have left from down there:
Linked Portal* - "to get to the island"
Object Reading - not sure what that does
Vistani Passkey - sort of a knock spell
Precise Forgery
Decipher Script
Wizard’s Sight

*With linked portal was a letter that said:
I've talked with the dragon. He's promised a handsome sum if you bring him the dwarf. Here's a ritual that will save you time getting there. Just in case you screw it up, I've enclosed three copies. -Shear

So our obvious situation now is that we need to find that dwarf. I don't know of any other quest-related tasks we have at the moment, other than Mervin's side-quest of "get home". If anyone else knows of something we should be doing, please speak up.

We can go look for the dwarf the way the watchman suggested, or we could sort of take a shortcut and use that linked portal scroll to warp straight to some island where there's presumably a dragon. Given that I think the dwarf has been missing for some time, I'm leaning a bit toward the much faster solution. Besides, we know that's where they're intent on taking him, so it's a solid lead. Although, we can always talk around town and see if we get any additional clues before heading off.

Couple questions for the group: who is Shear (some dead wizard I'm guessing?), and is there anything else we need to do in general? If not, is there anything more specific folks would like to do before using the portal to follow the dwarf?[/sblock]
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[sblock=All]Please post your questions and strategies in character. Mervin has a lot to learn, and we need a record that he's been filled in.[/sblock]


Mervin spreads out all the scrolls on the table in the middle of the room and explains each one in turn. He also tosses down the dagger he uncomfortably discovered.

"So it seems like you'll be wanting to find this dwarf fellow. We can ask the coachman as the watchman suggested, or we can just use this linked portal scroll to go where we know he's headed. May be a dragon between us and him, though.

Anything else we should be doing?"


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Sorry in advance for the derail caused by my revival, especially since Mervin did such a good job summarizing what's to come. So, in cause I forgot to say it in character later, I wonder if we should use the object read on that blade, or save the spell for later[/sblock]

His sleep was a dead one: no dreams at all; it was just darkness for a time. Some time later (how long had it really been?), his eyes shot open. He gasped sharply, sitting up quickly. His hand grabbed at his stomach. He looked down frantically, pulling up his shirt, and then calming as he ran his hand against smooth skin. Apparently, he expected a wound there.

Looking up, Jin did not recognize where he was, or who was around. "Am I dead?" he asked in a voice which was not quite his own. Looking directly at Mervin, he said, "Where are we?"



....BWAH HAHAHAHA, sorry, I couldn't resist,"
Mervin says, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. "No, you're fine. Well, except that we're still halfway around the world in a sewer. And now we're 500 gold lighter in the pocket, but it was a small price to pay. Well actually, it was a fairly hefty sum, but anyway, now you're not dead, and you've learned the importance of not examining strange boxes that used to belong to wizards. So, did you see anyone interesting while you were gone? Did you meet any famous dead singers?"


First Post
His memory was cloudy; it was hard to focus on any one event in his mind. He closed his eyes, concentrating, and remembered the moment of his death.

"I can remember my death," Jin said, his eyes still closed. "I was defending the Emperor from the rebels. The Dragonborn shogun ran me through with his blade, while I was engaged with his soldier."

He opened his eyes. "But how did I get here? How did you revive me? And... who are you?"

Walking Dad

First Post

"But he is back. No ally was lost today." Riardon says, glad not to have lost another 'soldier'.


Not approved for 5th level (not needed any longer (seee L4W discussion)).



Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +1 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Riardon d'Caelis
Perception: 18 Insight: 13 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 38 / 49 Bloodied: 24
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:11 Surges per day: 5 / 8
At-Will Powers: Directing Strike, Opening Shove
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 1/2, Arcane Mutterings, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Feystep
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Stand the Fallen, Sunblade Burst




During their discussion with the newly revived Jin, they all (including Jin) notice little sacks of gold coins on their end tables. A note is attached to each sack that reads:

Please accept our humble gratitude for strangers willing to risk their lives to help the citizens of Rioc Alair. Thanks to you, the most pervasive thieving ring in the entire city has come to a worthy end.

You are welcome within our walls and in our ports any time you wish.


Jahred Birkhand
Captain of the Night Watch
Keeper of the Peace
Representative of the City of Light
Rioc Alair.

[sblock=Rewards]Though it's only been a short stint, I'm going to go ahead and post rewards so we can start fresh:

It's not enough for anyone to level up yet, but please update your CS's XP list accordingly:

1 Month Time XP:

Mervin 125 & 127
Fenwick 145 & 175
Riardon 166 & 233
Jin 166 & 233

2 Flameskull Deathmasters 2 X 400 X 2 = 1600/4 = 400 each


Mervin: 525xp and 127gp
Fenwick: 545xp and 175gp
Riardon: 566xp and 233gp
Jin: 566xp and 233gp

Treasure: I’m going to go ahead and let you believe that the items you found are treasure, but in reality, they are consumables that you will find it to your advantage to expend through the course of this adventure. In any case, they are what they are…yours. I’m going old school here.

Ozymandias79: You can see a list of this in EB’s post above.

Voidrunner's Codex

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