An E6 oriental/western game (replacement needed) - last call for bento


[sblock=mfrench]I don't have Complete Arcane, I'm afraid... but I do have OA with web errata.. is that version of the wu jen any good? I like the idea of stealing magic from demons as a fluff explanation for his magic - gives him plenty of reason to always be looking over his shoulder or running away from trouble![/sblock]

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DrZombie said:
I'm just looking at ideas here. How would 'vow of poverty' work in E6? The additional thingies you get are mainly to even out on the 'boots of dex +12' magical goodies at higher level, but if you don't level past level six things would get a little unbalanced later on... Not that I care much crunchwize. Fluffwize, i'm happy to play a monk with vow of poverty.

Sorry, not really familiar with Vow of Poverty. That's from Book of Exalted Deeds, right? I never picked that one up.

One thought, if you didn't want gear per se, is to just get tatooes (or whatever) as your magic items, as long as you didn't take advantage of that and borrow items as well.

If you want to give me the rundown on how VoP works, we can try and has something out. I'll post in the E6 thread to see if anyone has any experience with it.


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The tattoo things would work, especially for a shifter. Let's just say, from a RP kind of vieuw, that he has undertaken a vow of poverty. But when the tales of his exploits reach his shifter brethren, he'll probably be honoured with tattoos, and they might have magical properties.


Lorthanoth said:
If it's alright, since we have a divine caster in the shugenja chappy, can I change to a wu-jen (I quite fancy being an elderly nutter who jumps about doing crazy magic)
I hope my Shugenja pick didn't make you feel that I'll be monopolizing the "divine" roll in the party. My focus will be on elemental / natural harmony, almost like a druid. My spell list revolves around elemental schools, my choice is water. Melee combat-wise I'm skilled with the short sword.

Shaman have plenty of opportunities to deal with the spirit world, something my character won't have access to. If you want to keep the Shaman, I would like to work with you to make sure we each have distinct characters playing separate rolls in the party.


Oh no, it's fine; wu jen actually fits better with my idea of him being a crazy hyperactive guy flying and firing wuxia /anime style beams of energy! :D but thanks!


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Lorthanoth, feel free to be a Shaman or the Wu Jen. The OA version is fine, and not all that different from the Complete Arcane version. Some of the spells might have changed to 3.5, but I can update you if it really seems necessary.

DrZ, the tatoo idea is fine with me. I will probably just downsize your share of the treasure and give you a 'virual gp' reserve to spend on approved tatooes. There will be logical restrictions on when you can get new ones, just like the other players have to find the items they want. This sounds very interesting.


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Don't downsize his treasure. He'll just give it away to monestaries and the needy and such :D . He has taken a vow not to own more then the clothing he wears, a stick, and a begging bowl.


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DrZombie said:
Don't downsize his treasure. He'll just give it away to monestaries and the needy and such :D . He has taken a vow not to own more then the clothing he wears, a stick, and a begging bowl.

Alright, in that case, he can use whatever he gives away in charity as a credit towards a supernatural tatoo. Each tatoo takes up a body slot (literally!) like a magic item would. They can be upgraded (made more elaborate) at a later time. If you use a magic item over that slot, the tatoo will become inactive while you wear it. Does that sounds reasonable?

Edit: I'm going to jot down some more background ideas for everybody at work today, I'll post them tonight when I get a chance.
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DrZ and Nac Mac: Do you mind having your recent histories tied together? I'm thinking that NMF's swordsage was making a perilous journey through the mountains, and came upon the monastery of DrZ. They have sent you out as a guide to bring him West towards 'civilization'. I'll add in a bit more tonight, if both parties are agreeable.

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