[AU] Lost Dreams: The Stone Troll

Isida Kep'Tukari

"It is a hag, one of powerful magic, that lives in her own citadel, the Citadel of Ice, which we believe is not too far from here. She had been outfitting the rhodin for their raids, and has ice trolls in her employ. She is the one causing this weather, as well as being responsible for the worst of the raids," Kelsis explains.

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First Post
Aadin Lofgred, 4th Level Human Runethane

Aadin nods in agreement with Kelsis, still hunched over to avoid the worst of the cold.

"This is a powerful magic indeed, Master Mollen, beyond my knowledge of the runes. I just hope that this the worst that she is capable of. We would propose that you release us for the time being to track down this creature, and find what she wants with us. I fear that, if this weather continues, we will not be able to move the wagons anyway. We will then return and escort you back to Ao-Manasa."

Aadin finishes his brief speech, the last puffs of his breath slowly drifting into the cold, quiet air.

(OOC- since Kalythar and I can heal, maybe Tash and Kelsis should take a potion. I could hang on to the neutralize poison, since Aadin will usually do the bulk of the healing. Would anyone mind if Aadin took the bracelet?)

Isida Kep'Tukari

(OOC - I don't mind. Kelsis already took the battleaxe, and that was a major item. A healing potion would be most welcome as well. And I think maybe one of the front line people should have the protection from fire buckler. Just a thought. The scent tracker should go to someone with the ability to use it most effectively too. Whomever doesn't have a magic weapon at this point should take the oil of magic weapon. As for the heightened ability boost... I'm not sure who wants that, that could be useful for anyone.)
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"We've spoken with some others who have had run-ins with some Ice Trolls and whatnot around here. From them we believe we know the approximate location of this Citadel of Ice. If you were going to be heading out, we'd go with you as is our agreement, Master Mollen, but if you're willing to give us a little time we're anxious to make sure that hag knows it's time to stop messing with the weather around here!"

(OOC - I agree with everything that's been said/proposed already. Aadin deserves the bracelet with Kelsis getting the axe and Kalythar the chain shirt. Kelsis or Tash should likely take the Bashing Ring, as they're the ones most likely to put it to good use. Same with the magic weapon oil for Aadin or Tash. I'm likely going to keep Bash & Scent Tracker on my list of readied spells for awhile so I don't need the ring or the potion. Also, even if I don't keep Lesser Transfer Wounds readied I've got 3 Minor Poultices, so others should carry the healing potions. With the remainder, IMHO, I think Aadin would likely be the best one to decide when to use the rune detonations. The Eyepatch sounds cool to Kalythar, but maybe Kelsis can put it to better use since she's sharper-eyed to begin with. I think anyone could keep the Fire Shield and Ability Boost potion for special circumstances.
Erekose - Before we leave town, Kalythar will try on the magical chain shirt and likely try to sell his old one at the general store. Anyone else need to purchase/sell anything? Is Ion still around? Hello? :))


Master Mollen listens to each of you carefully, waving off underlings if they even think to come close. After a few moments of consideration he says, "Well if what you say is true, that some creature is responsible for this weather then it is not likely to end soon. As the snow prevents our departure, I would indeed like you to check it out. I'll keep you on contract and when you return you can turn in a full report for pay. If the snows let up I'll give you an extra week to return after that however I am afraid that I must get these wagons to Ao Manasa. Again what ever treasure you find you can keep."

Korwin joins the group shortly after Mollen starts speaking, having spent the past few days on watch duty. When Mollen finishes, Korwin adds, "I'd like to come with you if you don't mind having me tag along."

Mollen looks at the group again then says, "Oh, given the weather I can gather a few supplies to help you cover the snow-covered ground a little easier. I don't have many extra rations though, so I would suggest that you all stock up before you head out."

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Kelsis bares her teeth in a sibeccai grin of anticipation, and nods to Master Mollen.*

"We'll get right on it. What extra supplies did you have? Korwin, glad to have you. Come on everyone, we should get our supplies as soon as we can," Kelsis says quickly. She's quite excited; her ears are up under her fur-lined hood and she is all but bouncing on her feet.


"Well it looks like you are all dressed for the weather. I have some heavy winter blankets if you need them and I think I can arrange for sets of snow shoes. They are wide wicker platforms that you tie to your boots. They spread your weight across a larger surface allowing you to stand on top of the snow. They do slow you down a bit from your normal pace, but they make it much easier than trying to march through heavy snow. In addition they are very light and can be carried easily. I keep a few sets here for my employees working higher up in the peaks nearby, especially for later in the year."

[ooc: looks like Ion has dissapeared, guess I will try to recruit another player to fill his shoes. Dont worry about slowing up the pace though, I'll have the new player join as either Korwin or Tash. Oh as far as items go, I will let you decide on how you want to divvy it up, though Korwin could probably use something minor like the bash ring.]


Kalythar shares Kelsis infectious grin and then looks thoughtfully out into the dark and snowfall.

"Thank you for your permission and the supplies, Master Mollen. We should get whatever we plan on taking together tonight and pack it as best we can. This will likely be our best night's sleep for some time to come, and I want to enjoy a warm bed as long as I can before getting started first thing in the morning."

(OOC: Korwin can certainly take the Bash ring, no difference to us since we were planning on handing it off anyway. Do PbP games always have to deal with such a player attrition rate? Keeping 4 PCs going has proven itself to be a bit more demanding than I expected!)


"It is currently early morning, so you might want to get a start today. But I leave that up to you, with the snows holding us in we are not in any hurry. I would however like to get this caravan back to the city as soon as we can." Mollen replies.

"Yeah it looks endemic of most of the games that I am in. Most DMs try to have about 6 PCs so that if one or two drop off after a bit then the party can still keep going. I choose 4 because I want this party to join up with the other party at some point and more than 8 will get messy. I posted over on Monte's boards (In Isida's thread) so hopefully we will get some interest from there.]


First Post
Aadin Lofgred, 4th Level Human Runethane

"There's little to hold us here then, so I suppose we should try and make a start today. Kalythar, you've experienced these conditions before - if not this early in the year. What will we need?"

Aadin slowly takes his weight off his spear shaft, and moves off to the road, preparing to go towards the store.

"Do you usually use sledges to cross the plains Kalythar? I was just wondering whether that would help us carry our gear."

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