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Awakenings: Chapter 1


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Noises, screaming, gunshots, hectic runing. All the things you are not ready for after just waking up. Jennifer stays with the group and does what she is told. Perhaps she would be frightened but she is still confused and running with the group, that was allways good. Despite being a bit dazed she still is one of the fittest in the group and running as fast as she can without bumping into someone else. She keeps her eyes open for anyone who looks like he needs help getting along but with her head lowered and the crowd between them she can not see the falling girl, which might be better that way because she would probably have tried something stupid.

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As Samir is pulling Conner away from the fallen girl, and towards the dragon, two of the 8 soldiers that are leading the way fall to a hail of green energy blasts coming from the weapons of hidden enemies. Black finally squeezes off his shot, felling the large blue skinned attacker that had downed the girl. The downed soldiers are directly in Connor's path to the dragon, one of the pair is clutching at a blackened hole in the armor over his shoulder while the other is clutching feebly at the armor over his abdomen, it appeared that their armor had saved them from the full effects where the un-armored girl had taken all of it.

As your little group is almost to your assigned Dragon, the dragon closest to the building is already buttoned up and making its outward run, swiftly followed by the second, leaving only the soldiers, Black, and 11 teenagers, all racing towards the protection provided by the enclosed transport.


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"Here your chance to help, Connor, take the soldier to the left, I take the one to the right. They have a chance to survive, they still breath."

Samir starts to move in direction of the soldier to the right, he grabs him and try to pull it to the Dragon.
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Velmont said:
"Here your chance to help, Connor, take the soldier to the left, I take the one to the right. They have a chance to survive, they still breath."

Samir starts to move in direction of the soldier to the right, he grabs him and try to pull it to the Dragon.
"Lord protect us," Connor says, his face paling at the sight of the wounds on the soldiers. He pulls the one hit in the shoulder to his feet, handing him to Sam to lean on. "Lean on Sam and get movin'," he says loudly, then quickly picks the soldier with the belly wound up and continues to the hovership. "Don'tcha worry laddy, we're nearly there," he says to the soldier he's holding, trying to ignore his nausea at the sight of the blood and charred flesh.


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Jeinnifer is as close to an all lout panick as you can get without breaking down as she suddenly realizes she is in the middle of a fight with nothing but a black suit that could just as well be described as a bodypainting to protect her. She heads on for the transport, obviously one of the fittest kids in the group and lend a hand to the boy carrying the wounded soldier of it looks like he could need it.
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The Soldier is quite surprised to be picked up, more likely, he is surpised at the ease with which he is picked up, as if the 250 lbs. were nothing to the large boy, and truly thats what they seemed, for he was able to left the soldier one handed without breaking his stride towards the Dragon. It was quite a feat of strength, he wasn't slowed in the slightest, in fact, Connor took both soldiers, one in either hand and carried them aboard without the slightest bit of problem.

Strangely, it was not just Connor who was acting weirdly. Kaitlen had been just missed by a blast as she frantically chattered thatshe wished she was smaller, and even as she said it, it began to come true, her body thinned, getting smaller, less bulky, until standing only 2 feet tall, it stopped, but even more bizarely, as she became smaller, she grew a pair of gossamer wings, almost as beautiful as a butterfly's. Truly, all of the teenagers were being affected by this phenomenon, whatever the cause. A rock flew upward from the ground to block a blast, even as Jennifer was struck by another that left her none the worse for the experience except for her eyes starting to glow with supernaturally bright green light.

Even as Jennifer with her glowing eyes stumbled up the Dragon's ramp, Demetrius collapsed to his knees, a blinding head-ache crippling him. He has an overwhelming feeling of rage, a feeling of hatred too intense to have come from within. He gets a sudden image of looking at himself over the barrel of the gun, so shocked is he that he stumbles letting the blast pass over his head. He is grabbed by another of the teens running past him. and he too is brought inside.

Finally, when everyone has stumbled inside, the dragon shuts itself and races away, on what feels like the bumpiest road ever designed. Black takes off his helmet and looks around at each of you, not terribly surprised at what you have done.


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After the hovercraft launches away, Connor stays kneeled down until the ship comes to it's top speed. He stands up, banging his head solidly on the roof. Rubbing his head, he says, "Good thing us McGregor's got thick skulls." He calls out towards the front to the pilot, "Hey lad, I think ya missed a diiiip! Ow!" he says, rubbing his head again as the craft takes another unexpected bump roughly. "Nevermind, ya found it," he says jokingly.

When he turns around, he see's Trey clutching his head. "Trey? Ya get shot?" He is about to take a step when the craft lurches again and he looks down to keep his balance, seeing Kaitlen shrunk and with wings. His eyes take on a bewildered look. "What the hell? Kaitlen? That you, lass?" he says, taking a step back and tripping over one of the soldiers, banging his head on an equipment shelf.

"Ow!" he says, rubbing his head, an involuntary response, not noticing the several dents he's left in the compartment when the metal gave way to his head.

He looks around the transport at the many strange manifestations happening. He finally stops and looks at Councillor Black. He looks angry, like he's going to blow up at the commander, but after a few moments takes some deep breaths, closes his eyes and swallows a few times, looking calmer. His left hand is clenched in a fist still though, and his right hangs onto a nearby support bar to steady himself.

"Ya know, there's lots I wanna know. Like maybe how the wee lassie just turned into a member of the seelie court. Maybe why that lass has eyes glowin' like some robot from some old movie. Hell, I might even ask why that lad there didn't get vaporized from that laser blast, if I weren't happy enough he were alive. I'd love to know who those jerks were shootin' at us are. But I'll stick all that in the mystical "Connor'll Ask Ya Later" file up here in my head, fer now.

"See, all us are awake an' alive, an' that's somethin' to be thankful for, an rest assurred, lad, thankful we are. So I only have one question for ya right now, mister." During his speech, Connor had been squeezing the beam harder as he talked unknowingly, leaving a noticeable crease in the metal. He takes a deep breath and exhales before asking his question.

"What's the name o' the girl we just left fer dead back there?"


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Black listens to Connor with a pained expression. "How the bloody hell should I know what her name was? There were fifty of you kids in the facility, I guess we will find out who she was when we get to Hope and figure out who is still with us, which should be in about 4 hours. Now don't call me lad again, I am over twice your age kid." He lets out any anger he is feeling with a sigh, "Its not your fault she died, its no ones fault, well besides the blue bastard that pulled the trigger. Look, obviously you know something is going on, your not stupid," he says, nodding towards Kaitlen as the most visible example.

"I'm not a scientist, I have no clue on how what happened happened, and technically none of you are cleared to know what I am about to tell you, but hey, who gives a damn, right? Part of what the dormant Absolution is doing to you is making you all mutate, again, I have no clue on how, I'm not a brain boy. It seems like for the time being there are no ill-effects to you, and that in fact, it is giving you abilities, super-human abilities. We didn't know that until very recently, and we still aren't sure that what you have wont kill you, or spread, but at this stage, it doesn't seem to be spreading." The colonel turns to Kaitlen who is sitting next to him and ruffles her hair.

"The good news kiddo, is there have yet to be any negative mutations, so I think you should be able to grow back up to your right size, if you want." he says reassuringly, and the girl takes that as her cue to concentrate, and slowly, almost painfully slow she returns to her full size, although her beautiful wings remain sticking out of the torn up back of her uniform. Kaitlen smiles and claps ate her successes in undoing the shrinking.

Black Glances at Samir quickly, "Before you ask, I have no clue what each of your mutations will be, no one does, we have no real knowledge of what is going on as you are the first batch that we are rescuing." he says, looking pointedly to Kaitlen who is sitting on the chair beside him, leaning on him.


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The light slowly fades from Jeniffers eyes and she looks sceptically at the point of impact from then she was hit.
"Well, this is a bit much to think about but if this mutation thing protected me from that shot I'll take it anyday."
She stretches her legs and, in the futile attempt to get her hair in some kind of order, brushes her fingers through it. She feels a lot more awake since she was hit but Connor interupts any thoughts she migh have on that.
"Aeh...you big scary guy over there. Not that I want to intrupt you or something but you'r kinda like trashing the interior decorations. It's not so nice to begin with but since we are flying in it you might want to leave it in one peace."
She shrugs almost excusingly and mumbles to herself.
"This is getting so wyrd."


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A small short laugh can be heard from Samir throat.

"Just a moment ago, everyone was looking at me with fear, just as I was a fair phenomena. Ironically, it is me who have manifested no mutation yet."

Samir looks at Black and answer him "I don't give a damn for any mutation I can have. I can become an ugly big fat man with four arm, I don't give a damn. I have other questions, which you may answer.

How much time have we slept? Who are those blue bastard? What do they want? Will there be another war? And I have a sister who was working on a farm, can I have a hope to see her again?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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