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Batman v Superman (open spoiler thread)


Naked and living in a barrel
The first of many deleted scenes that WB is about to release.


A servant of Darkseid with some mother boxes?

I've read Io9 that Silas Stone used a mother box when he cyberized his son. Anyone else saw that?

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Ebon Shar

I REALLY thought that Aquaman would be involved in the recovery of the spear. I was disappointed that he wasn't. That being said, I went in with low expectations and found myself enjoying the film despite its weaknesses. It was, on par, far better than Age of Ultron. I look forward to seeing where they go with the DCU.


A suffusion of yellow
Lois is what keeps Superman tethered to humanity. It isn't explained in the film, heck we do not even know why they love each other, and those are some of the reasons why the film is so weak, but Lois is important. You might think his mom is also important, but Sups doesn't hear here when she is in danger like he hears Lois.

yeah it probably would have worked better for me if it was Lois who got kidnapped and have to be saved by Batman while Superman dealt with the bigger threat. As I said earlier I never got the impression that Lois was ever in peril or ever 'the key' to anything. Making her the damsel needing to be saved solves that, especially if rather than doing it himself Superman is forced to trust Batman to do it.

The problem with the dream sequense, the Flash warning Bats and the leaguer cameos is that DC is playing catch up with Marvel. It wants to build its own cinematic universe in one film, so B v S was a 2 and half hour trailer for the DCverse.

yeah but shoehorning the cameos, while necessary was also lazy and thus doesn't do much to help the general audience catch up. I was confused about what was happening in the Cyborg clip and I watched Justice League: War just 2 months ago as part of my build up to the movie!.

Now if it was me doing the BvS writing I would have deleted the 2 kids diving in the Indian ocean scene and instead have Mercy reporting to Lex with "Mr Luthor, two of our survey probes in the Indian Ocean were attacked, but we still managed to recover the package, its being shipped over now" then have Lex look at his computer screen with "aah, interesting. Add it to the Cadmus files and contact Dr Stone" -IMHO that gives the Aquaman cameo relevance and in my scenario foreshadows both Cyborg and another possible big bad besides Darkseid:)

yeah it probably would have worked better for me if it was Lois who got kidnapped and have to be saved by Batman while Superman dealt with the bigger threat. As I said earlier I never got the impression that Lois was ever in peril or ever 'the key' to anything. Making her the damsel needing to be saved solves that, especially if rather than doing it himself Superman is forced to trust Batman to do it.

yeah but shoehorning the cameos, while necessary was also lazy and thus doesn't do much to help the general audience catch up. I was confused about what was happening in the Cyborg clip and I watched Justice League: War just 2 months ago as part of my build up to the movie!.

It was not neccessary at all. They should spend their time building up the universe, instead of cramming everything and the kitchen sink in one movie.

They want to catch up to Marvel, but that is kinda pointles - they will make profits per movie, not per plot unfolded.


I think thats legitimate though. I may only be a level 5 geek but the Batman nightmare/vision and the subsequent Flash warning was 'way out there', abrupt and largely meaningless within the context of the movie. We're told that Lois is the key - but the key to what?

The key to preventing the Injustice future/storyline?


I watched the movie twice today, and I really liked it. Is it an epic masterpiece of storytelling? No. Does it have flaws? Yes. Overall, I'd rate it an 8.5/10. Better than Age of Ultron, Thor, both of the Iron Man sequels, the 1st Captain America film, the Dark Knight Rises, both of the Keaton Batman films, TASM2, X-Men 3, Spiderman 3, both of the Jessica Alba Fantastic 4 films (it's virtually guaranteed to be better than the newer one, I just never saw the newer one, so it's not on my list here), Indy 4, both of the new Trek films (and I actually like them both), both Hulk films, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I'd put it on par with the first Avengers film, but below Winter Soldier and The Dark Knight.

Affleck's Batman and Bruce Wayne are amazing. I love how creepy Batman is when we first see him. I think the voice modulator works so much better than Bale's growling while also having more realism than Keaton's doing nothing to disguise his voice. I love Batman's stunt driving. When Bruce was driving to Wayne tower in Metropolis it felt like watching James Bond in his spy car. I also love the more brutal Batman. I've seen some people online complaining about him killing people, but screw that noise. The other good live-action portrayals of batman (Bale and Keaton) both saw him killing at least one person.

I also thought Wonder Woman shined when she was on screen. She is fierce, sexy, mysterious, and everything that I would expect from her given how little she actually appears in the film.

I also liked the flash vision scene. DC has a very rich multiverse of elseworld stories, and I thought the nod to the Injustice storyline (which seems to be the case given that Superman is talking about Lois being taken from him) was great. I also thought the cameos for the rest of the league were good, though I would have put them in the same scene where Bruce sends Wonder Woman the Brussels picture.

On the topic of the cameos, I thought it was interesting that a mother box had already appeared on Earth, as appears to be evident from the Cyborg cameo. It reminds me greatly of his origin in the animated film Justice league: War.

I thought Cavill did a great job as a Superman who was trying to find his place in a world that both loves and loathes him, and fears and respects him. I thought he really showed his morality and humanity in taking Doomsday into space, and potentially being willing to die to save the planet (after all, there's no reason to expect that he would think he could survive being nuked like that).

I also liked Eisenberg's Luthor. He was not the traditional comic book Luthor, but none of the live-action film portrayals have been: the sleazy real-estate obsessed Luthor played by Hackman, and later by Spacey in Superman Returns, is pretty far from the evil 80's businessman Luthor that I loved from the animated series, and could (I believe) hardly be said to be true to the comics portrayals (which have, admittedly, bounced around in their theme as well). The only thing I didn't like about his Luthor on my first viewing was the last scene he was in. However, a second viewing led me to the conclusion that he was sort of like Darkseid's Renfield. A conclusion which seems supported by the "communion" deleted scene that was released.

I think the non-linear nature of some of the story may have thrown some people off, but I didn't have any issues with following it.

I think my biggest issue with the film is the lack of a fully fleshed out motivation for Lex (but that may be in the R rated director's cut). However, I also think the movie didn't suffer much from it given that Bruce/Batman was basically the villain, and his reasons for going after Superman were quite well established.


A suffusion of yellow
I think my biggest issue with the film is the lack of a fully fleshed out motivation for Lex (but that may be in the R rated director's cut). However, I also think the movie didn't suffer much from it given that Bruce/Batman was basically the villain, and his reasons for going after Superman were quite well established.

I thought Superman was the villain? and I note it was Superman who punched first! (well pushed)


Naked and living in a barrel
yeah it probably would have worked better for me if it was Lois who got kidnapped and have to be saved by Batman while Superman dealt with the bigger threat. As I said earlier I never got the impression that Lois was ever in peril or ever 'the key' to anything. Making her the damsel needing to be saved solves that, especially if rather than doing it himself Superman is forced to trust Batman to do it.

yeah but shoehorning the cameos, while necessary was also lazy and thus doesn't do much to help the general audience catch up. I was confused about what was happening in the Cyborg clip and I watched Justice League: War just 2 months ago as part of my build up to the movie!.

Now if it was me doing the BvS writing I would have deleted the 2 kids diving in the Indian ocean scene and instead have Mercy reporting to Lex with "Mr Luthor, two of our survey probes in the Indian Ocean were attacked, but we still managed to recover the package, its being shipped over now" then have Lex look at his computer screen with "aah, interesting. Add it to the Cadmus files and contact Dr Stone" -IMHO that gives the Aquaman cameo relevance and in my scenario foreshadows both Cyborg and another possible big bad besides Darkseid:)

I'll stop you right there. If you continue to make sense you'll never become a writer in Hollywood.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
yeah it probably would have worked better for me if it was Lois who got kidnapped and have to be saved by Batman while Superman dealt with the bigger threat. As I said earlier I never got the impression that Lois was ever in peril or ever 'the key' to anything. Making her the damsel needing to be saved solves that, especially if rather than doing it himself Superman is forced to trust Batman to do it.

What, being rescued by Superman three times wasn't enough for you? One of the biggest issues with the movie is that Lois is constantly a damsel in distress and does nothing useful. She has to be saved by Superman three times. Your idea would exacerbate that problem.

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