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BrOp's Age of Worms Adventure Path: The Whispering Cairn (IC)


Mulch - Cleric

"Well I was right, which isn't the first time. Someone has been here before us, and have done a lot of damage to these wall designs. And that eerie wind that's got you all shaking in your boots, it's coming from these interesting hollow tubes that can be found throughout the walls." Mulch makes sure he speaks loud enough for everyone to hear him, as he's sure they must be interested.

Then he notices Pak getting excited in the alcove, and he steps over to calm him down. "Easy boy. I warned you not to get your hopes up. Let me have a look and see if there's anything to be found." The dwarf begins his own search of the alcove, muttering to himself about the impatience of humans.

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First Post
Pak - Changeling Rogue

In a more childish moment, Pak uses his minor change ability to mimic a dwarf specifically Mulch(disguise +16). Pak begins to mock the dwarf loudly, being sick of his verbal proddings."Look at me I'm a dwarf, and I'm as crotchety as an old human even though I'm half the age. I know everything about stoneworking, ale and metal armor. I know what's best for everyone ever, eventhough I live in a hole in the ground." Pak then turns back into his normal human disguise and follows the dwarf.


Rial, human warlock.

Rial doesn´t shoot the black flames, but they instead cling to his hand, and the warlock keeps looking at them "Death and swirling blades" whispers. "The walls whisper we´ll be drowned in lakes of blood. ´We´re only hollow tubes´ they say, ´But continue and our sisters will decorate the wall with your innards´"

"Let´s move ahead."
says after a short pause, with a stronger voice.


Fixit, Warforged Artificer

Fixit nods at Zan "You're time in Sharn taught you more than just magic my friend, you are a font of knowledge, when we make camp you must tell me more". He sets his eyes on the green light flickering faintly down the hallway. "Does anyone recall the name of the girl that went missing from Diamond Lake about six years ago?? Young, thin girl, blonde hair if I recall correctly. I wonder if that was her bedroll? If so it could be six years since anyone has been down here - a lot could have happened, let's be a little careful eh?" His eyes haven't left the green light though and he starts to move cautiously closer to the light "what is making that emerald fire?" he wonders aloud. He stops and pulls one of his sun rods from the leather satchel that swings at his side, bending down he strikes the head of the rod against the ground and bright light floods the area.

[sblock]sun rod 30' bright light, 60' shadowy, lasts for 6 hours. Haven't left the room but will go as far as the exit to the corridor. Knowledge (arcana) check while studying the eldritch light (realise I probably need to be closer but hey, never know I (you) might get a natural :lol: [/sblock]
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Ranger Rick said:
Sniffer just cleans up after everyone. When he sees everyone going off willy nilly in different directions, he just goes to a wall (hides +6) and waits. While he does he also looks for anything that is 'out of place' (Spot +7).
Some of the others in the group are making quite a bit of noise, so you don't hear the creatures approach on padded feat. Luckily, you've been keeping watch and immediately pick out the group of wolves at the edge of the sunrod's illumination. There are at least two, but possibly more out of visual range, stalking toward you from the north. Both look very hungry.


OOC: Initiative! As the wolves surprised everyone except Sniffer, only he and the wolves can react in this round.

Kerwin 22
Sniffer 21
Wolves 19
Meldain 17
Kellian 14
Zan 12
Rial 12
Pak 9
Fixit 4
Mulch 4

As this is a surprise round, only Sniffer should post his reactions. Once we resolve this round, everybody else can post their actions. Note that unless you have specifically stated that you drew a weapon, you have not done so. If you all were more experienced characters, I might say that you naturally had them out, but being newbies, you're still getting the hang of things.
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Ranger Rick

First Post
Sniffer - Ranger

OOC: I mentioned my bow is out earlier. +3 Longbow (1d8)

Sniffer seeing the wolves, fires at the one directly in front of him (55' away?). As his arrow is released, he announces to the party, "Wolves, two visible to the north. Fixit throw your light source at them, that will back light them and make our defense easier."

Pulling a black-shafted arrow from its quiver, the warforged ranger fires an arrow at the nearest wolf. Unfortunately, the cold, blue light of the sunrod makes it difficult to judge the distance correctly, especially at the extreme range of its effectiveness, the the arrow hits the wall next to the wolf. (OOC: roll 8 + 3 = 11, miss)

The first wolf jumps at the sound of the snapping arrow next to it, and gives up all pretense of stealth. Momentarily lowering itself down on its haunches, it launches itself into a charge at Sniffer, covering the distance between them in seconds (OOC: Charge). When the large wolf is almost upon you, you can see that it is quite large for a member of its species and carries a large, white scar across its forehead. Dirty jaws snap at the ranger, catching him around the throat and savaging him brutally. Metallic blue and grey warforged fluids now cover the mithral composite of his chest. The wolf tries to drag him down to the ground, but despite his near-fatal wounds, Sniffer stays on his feat. (OOC: Roll 11 + 7 = 18, hit; damage 9 hp, bringing Sniffer to 0 hp, Sniffer is now disabled; trip check (Wolf) 5 + 3 = 8 vs. (Sniffer) 8 + 2 = 10, no trip)

The other wolf advances more cautiously, loping confidantly towards Zan yellow eyes glowing, but not quite able to reach him yet.

A third wolf also runs into the picture, following its larger companion.

OOC: Initiative
Kerwin 22
Sniffer 21
Wolves 19
Meldain 17
Kellian 14
Zan 12
Rial 12
Pak 9
Fixit 4
Mulch 4


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Captain Tagon

First Post
Why don't they ever listen, Kellian thinks to himself as he draws his axe. His first goal is to move himself between Zan and the wolf in front of him.

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