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Champions Presents: Legion Extreme! [Hero 5thEd]-11/04 post extended 11/12!

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Thanks for the BUMP! For some reason, I haven't been getting notices of new posts. Sorry for the delay in the reply.

As for Legion Extreme well we've taken some time away from it to play other things, but next week we are picking it up again! :D

Post soon after.


Broccli_Head said:
As for Legion Extreme well we've taken some time away from it to play other things, but next week we are picking it up again! :D

Post soon after.

Well Next Week didn't happen. We got caught up playing the Unspeakable Game, which was extremely satisfying and unfortunately, very secret.

Ariod's player finally made a Champions character, however so maybe some fresh blood will add some more firepower to LE.

Cheers all, and Go Red Sox!


Legion Extreme Issue # 15: Trials and Auditions

Fortunately, Dragonfist turned himself in.

Two weeks later

[Cameras and reporters in winter coats buzz around the sidewalk in front of the Boston Courthouse…The intrepid journalists fight their way around the drifts of freshly plowed snow to get a better location as close to the doors of the courthouse as possible. Standing to the side with an air of casual interest is a cameraman holding a vid-cam with the initials SNN in bright blue…The reporter in front of the camera speaks…]

“This is Jimmy Haskell standing outside of the Boston Courthouse, waiting for word on the highest profile case to date involving Super-humans. Anaka Ai Lee, aka Dragonfist of Boston’s own Legion Extreme awaits arraignment for the alleged murder of Harold Diggs, also known, allegedly, as Soulfire, a student at the School for the Mentally Gifted and Talented in Millenium City. Those in the know, know who they front for….Due to the Parahuman Act of 1999 this trial has been bumped to Boston Superior Court.”

[The reporter pauses and puts a hand to his ear to better hear from a microphone that sits inside…]

“Wait. I’m now getting word that Dragonfist has been charged with 1st Degree Murder. Wow! That’s political. Clearly, the municipal government wants to send a strong message that vigilantes will not be tolerated in their city. This reporter is just surprised as you are, true believers especially with Legion Extreme’s ties to PRIMUS. Hold on! I’m getting word that Mr. Lee has entered a plea of Not Guilty. No surprise there! They’re telling me that he’s s on his way out…”

[The reporters, including Mr. Haskell begin crowding around the large double doors of the courthouse as they open and spill out the defendant, his team of lawyers, and his mentor Jae Sun Lee, the prominent Chinatown businessman. A silver blur zips past the throng of reporters that mob the orange-suit wearing, handcuffed Dragonfist. At the same time, a helicopter appears overhead, and a dark-blue, armored vehicle with the word PRIMUS emblazoned in bright yellow speeds to the curb, screeching to a halt. ]


“Dragonfist, we’ve heard that you’ve entered a plea of not guilty.”

“Dragonfist, is it true that you’ve been charged with capital murder?”

“Are you still going to be a member of Legion Extreme?”

Anaka looked around, overwhelmed at the dozens of journalist who assaulted him with questions. PRIMUS agents led him to the lock-up wagon. He wanted to cry, but Jae Sun told him he had to be as impassive as possible. He simply looked down at the concrete steps and did not answer as the agents hurried him along. Jae Sun had also told him to let the lawyers do the talking.

“My client has been advised not to answer your questions.”

The reporters turned their attention to the attorney.

“Mr. Gershowitz, what do you think the chances of Dragonfist being proclaimed innocent?”

Albert Gershowitz, one of the best criminal lawyers in the business, spoke smoothly, “Mr. Lee will be found innocent of capital murder.”

“Is it true that Dragonfist killed a teenager?”

Jae Sun Lee standing next to the lawyers growled sub-vocally. Al got the hint.

“No comment.”

He answered the plethora of questions that came his way as he and Jae Sun pushed towards their limousine. The car drove steadily away. Once inside, Jae Sun activated his holowatch.

You know that there is no need for that, right? came the voice of Somnus in his head.

I am just not used to your ability to mind link as of yet, Somnus. Anything?

No. I cannot believe that They are not here. I will check again.

Sigh… Jae Sun rubbed his temples in consternation.

“I was not expecting such a stiff charge, Mr. Gershowitz.”

“Well, it looks like we might have to change our strategy. We should start thinking about a plea-bargin.”

“You think that he did it? On purpose?”

“It is obvious that he killed Mr. Diggs. And unfortunately, the judge is going to allow video evidence from the scene. Mr. Lee I’ve seen the footage. It was excessive.”

“But you know as well as I do that Diggs was a member of Psi. You have been briefed on that already. Anaka says that Soulfire attacked him first.”

“All I’m saying is that we should be prepared.”

They rode the rest of the way to Chinatown in silence.


Slipstream had to get out of there. The stuffy courtroom. The stuffier judge. Bleepin’ D.A..

“Curse me and my ‘meat-puppet’ mind. If only I’d been there, and not been swimming towards England. Sorry dude, sorry,” he said to himself looking over at Dragonfist.

Slipstream looked over the mass of reporters and was of the mind to blind them all. Of course, it wouldn’t look so good. It would only continue to contribute to bad PR for the Legion. It just kept going from bad to worse, and this day, hearing how the Man had accused his boy of murder was the culmination of a bad two weeks. And without bail neither.

“You don’t know what Psi does!” he had wanted to shout.

Somehow, with papa Lee watching, he had kept his cool.

Who was left? Slipstream snorted as he first ran ahead of the PRIMUS-wagon to the PRIMUS office. Valor had hung up his cape. The death of his innocent students had been too much. Cosmic Knight had decided to stay up in Millennium City and go solo. Yesterday, Darkfire and Vivian had taken off to Paris to launch my little pony’s modeling career. He hadn’t seen Scooby in over two weeks. Ever since the Crowns of Krim.

I guess its just us serious heroes left… he mused.

He was stopped at the entrance as the agents led by the local Silver Avenger, Molly Flannagan escorted D’fist into the building. Slipstream gave him a wave that Dragonfist barely acknowledged. The martial artist, he who blew-up destroids, and had saved Slipstream’s bacon on more than one occasion looked dejected. He took off, not wanting to even be tempted to follow the hoverjet to the “undisclosed” maximum, security prison where Dragonfist was being held.

Today couldn’t get any worse. he sighed as he sped towards Beacon Hill.

His superior hearing caught the sound of running water as he zoomed in the back door.

“Grandma?” he asked hoping that it was not his grandmother whom he had explicitly told to stay in Millennium City with the Champions and Doc Silverback.

He slowed down and ran up the stairs. The bathroom door was wide open. Water spilled out into the bedroom, then it slowly materialized into a voluptuous female form.

“Hi Honey. I made myself at home. Aren’t you happy to see me?”

Naked, she ran up to him and kissed him wetly on the lips.

Crap! cursed Slipstream

It had gotten worse.


First Post
/sigh It would seem that the psychotic bunny boiling Riptide hasn't caught the vibe and left me alone...

and to top it all off all the other remaining members of Legion Extreme act like theres nothing 'off' about her. Am I the only one who is pickin up the mentally unstable vibe from Riptide ?

Lol, how many crazy Barbie shoebox dioramas depicting me and her does she have to build before peeps realize shes a nut job :D

He slowed down and ran up the stairs. The bathroom door was wide open. Water spilled out into the bedroom, then it slowly materialized into a voluptuous female form.

?Hi Honey. I made myself at home. Aren?t you happy to see me??

Naked, she ran up to him and kissed him wetly on the lips.

Crap! cursed Slipstream

It had gotten worse.
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First Post
This is a bogus charge. We all know that PSI is an evil, self serving, and out
for blood type of group. And the fact that they can use their mental abilities
to control someone should not be overlooked in the defense of Dragon Fist.
It was self defense in the line of duty. Even manslaughter is a better charge
than 1st degree murder. We all know that the criminals would not hesistate to use deadly force against innocent bystanders and ourselves the heroes trying to defend this great city. Dragon Fist was not out for blood, he was just overzeolous in protecting the weak. To accuse him of murder in the first degree is by itself a crime. A crime by the self serving politicians out to make a name for themselves to get elected or relected. This is self serving. Do we get paid to fight crime? Do we get paid to put our lives on the line? Do we get paid to suffer this abuse? No! Do politicians get paid to self serve?
Yes! Do they get paid to ignore their constituents? Yes. Do they get paid to pursue some other agenda other than serving the people. Yes! I tell you this I do not see any of these politicians that want Dragon Fist on 1st degree murder charges, clamoring to help the poor. Well, I guess this must mean that doing their job is not egough. They must accuse a public servant of 1st degree murder.
I say Dragon Fist is doing a lot more good than his accusers and that he is a victim of discrimination. Discrimination of Supers.


You guys are funny!


issue #15, part II

The cachophony of screams and the clash of cymbals or gongs was deafening, but in Angela's ears the clamor echoed from somewhere far away. She lay on the four poster bed, in a richly decorated room, in some fine manor somewhere in the English countryside. Her state bordered somewhere between delerium and semi-consciousness. There were sounds outside her room. Movements and scrapes that barely impinged upon her senses. Her entire mental vision, though seen through a haze of chaos, centered with horrific certainty on the naked, writhing figures of innocents--blood streaming down their bodies. She knew another blasphemous ritual took place in the dungeons below. The air pulsated with their agonies. More obscene was the fiendish laughter of her host. It intermingled and punctuated the symphony of anguish.

She had no sense of sensation; no feeling of individuality, seperate and distinct from the rest of the universe. She was only drowned in the great gulf of pain. This was worse than the former prison that she had been freed from not long ago, but maybe it was that fraying of her sanity there that made her more susceptible here to the hideous chants, and rhythmic monosyllabe that accompanied the profane rites below.

But through her frozen mentality, her sense of self at last began to creep. At first it was a vague surprise that besides the initial battle damage suffered over the skies in Boston, she was still bodily unharmed. An involuntary shudder rippled through her body and soul. Baron Mallon wanted her intact for something...

Acting like an automaton, she sat up on the bed and stared dully around her. First her fingers and toes began to move, then blindly the rest of her body followed. Her bare feet slid across the hardwood floor and her hands twitched nervously. Something began to rise first from deep inside her, spreading quickly to the rest of her body. Nearby the shutters began to flap wildly and loose items began to spin about the room as a zephyr blew in from the outside between the bars of her gilded cage. She remembered. The wolf with the eyes of a man. More importantly, she remembered herself.

"Fools! Do you think that you can keep the very wind at bay!?"

The room exploded violently outward and Anglea Charles, the villainess formerly know as Zephyr, streaked upward and then westward towards the sea and to the place beyond: the only place she knew where she could find refuge.


Below Boston Harbor, One week after Dragonfist's arraignment

"Why the long face, Slipstream?" asked the debonair Boston mogul, Jae Sun Lee, who doubled as the spokesperson for Beantown's own superhero team, the troubled Legion Extreme.

Slipstream held a crumpled envelope in his hand. He tried to quickly hide it behind is back, but despite his microsecond reflexes, Jae Sun caught the movement.

"Give it here, my good fellow. Let us see what it is. Can it be more surprsing than your new roommate?"

Jae Sun gave him a wry grin. Slipstream scowled.

"At least ya didn't call her m' girlfriend."

Jae Sun sighed. It began a familiar conversation.

"I think you are missing a golden opportunity with Miss Preston. She is certainly a diamond in the rough."

The holo-image of S.T.A.N. manifested as if on cue, and chimed in with his own Queen's English.

"Why yes, Slipstream. There is a 99.12% probability, that progeny from a successful coupling between yourself and Margie Preston will result in a genetically superior specimen--"

Slipstream cut him off.

"Shut your traps, the both of youz. Dudes, she's been livin' in my pipes and comes and goes as she pleases. She's still stealin'. Brought me a Rolex from Feinstein's that she got 'on special'. 'Sorry, hon. Receipt got lost in the plumbing' she says. Riptide is a certified Nut Job, and she'll never be my girlfriend!"

"But is she not seeing Valor."


"And has she not saved your life."


"That woman has preternatural instincts for your well-being and documented loyalty."


"She would make a good team member, now that we have lost a few of our others."

"Quite true. I predict that she would increase the power rating of Legion Extreme by 10 to 15% over what you previously possessed."

Slipstream really, really wanted to pull the plug on old S.T.A.N. about then.

"Hey, Hal. Don't you have to be checkin' weather patterns about now?"

The hologram faded away with a Harrumph!

"So, Slipstream. May I see the piece of paper in your hand?"

Reluctantly, Brian Parker handed over a small envelope.

Jae Sun raised an eyebrow and removed the card that was inside. Glancing over it quickly and began to chuckle.

"Amazing. Now I understand why there is such a bluster in your hedgerow. Meteorman is finally getting married."

Slipstream tried to scowl bravely like he didn't care, but could only manage in briefly. He sighed and slouched very sad.

Jae Sun felt awkward. He wanted to go over and pat the poor young man on the back, maybe hold his shoulders and give him a "There, there...it will be alright," but he hesitated.

Fortunately, his mobile phone rang, breaking the silence.


Slipstream's ultra-sensitve hearing caught yells and shouts from the other end.

"You know what, old man. I am tired of your harrassment. I have a mind--"

More shouting. Jae Sun hung up the phone.

"That was the priest. He has been calling me all week asking me when we are going to get out of his town. I am going to settle this once and for all!"

Slipstream had never seen Jae Sun angry.

"Dude, you want I go and ruff him up some?"

"No. This is something O'Reilly and I have to settle every now and again. Happens every century or so."

Slipstream gave him a confused look.

"In any case. I must take care of it myself."

"Alright, then. But I'll keep my badge on."

Slipstream gave him a beaming smile.

Jae Sun nodded his approval, closed his eyes began to make intricate gestures in the air. Symbols materialized and then formed the Dragonlines. He stepped into them and in a flash was about 1000 meters away from Thomas O'Reilly, aka The Grey Mage's church. He began to walk casually towards his confrontation.
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