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Champions Presents: Legion Extreme! [Hero 5thEd]-11/04 post extended 11/12!


issue#15, part III

It is too cold to walk, mused Jae Sun Lee.

He hailed a cab. In no time the sign to the Holy Trinity (German) Catholic Church appeared. In black letters on the announcement board it read "Home to New England's German National Parish and the Boston Archdiocese's Indult Latin Mass"

Still doing masses in that dead language, ay Thomas, thought Jae Sun and made his way towards the rectory.

The place was deserted as undoubtedly Thomas, in a fit of rage, had sent all the lay people home.

In the main room, he found Father Thomas asleep next to a bottle of Scotch. The label read "1890". The place reeked of alcohol. Jae Sun sighed and begin to clean, removing breakables and putting them in closets; closing drawers and tossing old receipts.

As he neared finishing, he whispered to the passed out priest, "Thomas, Thomas, wake up!"

To no avail. He went to the kitchen and returned with glass of water which he promptly dumped on the reverend's face.

Sputtering he quickly awoke and became quite lucid.

"What d'ya be wantin', menace?" he exclaimed.

"Come now, Thomas. That is no way to greet an old comrade. And look. I tidied up a bit around here."

They had been comrades before and good friends at one time, back way back in Europe. Jae Sun reminisced briefly...Leipzig, Waterloo...He shook his head and returned to the present. But now times were a little different. Thomas "O'Rielly" was in one of his famous Irish depressions. Which unfortunately for the Celt, had been going on for 77 years.

"I da not be needin' yar help, Chinaman!" he responded with a glare.

"Thomas, can we speak? A-"

"We are talkin'. Speak!"

Jae Son took a deep breath, not liking the interruptions.

"Dammned unnatural beastie. I outta..." muttered Father O'Reilly.

"Thomas. For one, I am Korean, not Chinese. Secondly, the Warwolf is not a beast. He is a celestial general. But you miss the point. I need you to get out of the bottle and start being a champion again. Have you not languished in your bottle and self pity long enough? Have you forgotten your... uniqueness."

"No!" yelled out Father Thomas. "I am cursed. Cursed I tell ya! Just like all ya supers are cursed. Cursed to bring misery on to the planet earth. God has forsaken us! We are all damned. Don't ya see it laddie!"


Jae Sun had had enough. Father O'Reilly caressed his cheek, stunned.

He was about to scream again.


So Jae Sun hit him, again.

The Irishman looked furious. He began to turn beet red.

Come on, Thomas. Hit me back! Jae Sun smirked.

A fight was what the Grey Mage needed, and Jae Sun, with near a millenia of being a smartass, really knew how to start one.
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First Post
Man, I haven't thought about superhero gaming since I played the old DC system back in the early 90's, but I'm ready to go out and buy new sourcebooks now! This story rocks! I wasn't able to get all the way through from the beginning tonight, but I've got my morning read whilst having my coffee locked in now. Well done!


First Post
I will have to get caught up again on Legion Extreme but I am back... just picked up HERO 5th Ed., Champions, and Conquerors, Killers, and Crooks...


Lamprolign said:
Man, I haven't thought about superhero gaming since I played the old DC system back in the early 90's, but I'm ready to go out and buy new sourcebooks now! This story rocks! I wasn't able to get all the way through from the beginning tonight, but I've got my morning read whilst having my coffee locked in now. Well done!

Means a lot coming from a talented writer such as yourself. :)

What issue are you on in this story?


First Post
Broccli_Head said:
Means a lot coming from a talented writer such as yourself. :)

What issue are you on in this story?

I finished Issue #1 with today's coffee and will be devouring issue #2 in the morning. I may be slightly delayed in posting new First Sight installments. I have a feeling I will be reading while I should be writing until I get current with this story! :p


issue#15, part IV

This time Jae Sun attacked not with and open fist, but a backhand swing, leading with the ridge of his hand.

That time, Father Thomas put both fists and blocked it.

The priest looked at the 6'6" asian man and replied. "Aye! You've done pissed in meh
coop Jae Sun. And now I'm obligin' you! Happy now?"

He countered with a tremondous right hook, connecting with Jae Sun's jaw, and sending the Korean immortal a few steps back. Rubbing his jaw, Jae Sun looked at the now maddened Irish priest. The Celt fell into a classic boxing stance.

Jae Sun smiled as he eased into his own pre-combat form.

Now we are getting some where. I just hope this sticks...

Then Thomas O'Reilly came at him with a fierce five punch combination. Fortunately, Jae Sun was faster. He dodged elusively, maintaining hairsbreadth distance between his body or face and the priest's fists. The Irishman continued the offensive. Five punch combos grew to eight jabs, and Jae Sun had to raise an eyebrow, a little impressed. He forgotten how good of a boxer Thomas O'Reilly used to be. Sorry, still was. A lesser man would have gone down in a heap in seconds.

However, the Keeper of the Dragonlines was no slouch. He retaliated from his own repetoire of movements and attacks, simultaneously punching and kicking and flurrying his arms and legs to find an opening.

The fight became a blur as the priest also bobbed and weaved through the whirlwind of strikes. An outsider looking in would not have been able to keep track. But none gained the advantage. Kick after punch after kick was blocked or dodged until...

Finally, Thomas landed a solid blow to Jae Sun's right cheek. Jae Sun tasted blood as his teeth sliced the back of his lips. He wiped the blood from his lips. The Irishman grinned evilly sensing the upperhand.


The Korean used his One Finger Push technique, touching Thomas with a single index finger.

It worked. Father O'Reilly was driven back hard onto his duff knocking over some of the furniture in the rectory's sitting room.

"Thomas! Sit down!

The priest glared.

"Enough playing now Thomas. We need to talk about you helping us out."

But Father Thomas was now chanting. The air crackled around him with eldritch energies and in an instant, the former Catholic priest was now swathed in grey friars robes.

"Yes, brother! Let's stop playin'!"

A bolt of lightning emanated from his outstreched fingers, struck Jae Sun and sent him flying through the wall and into the church proper toppling some pews. Grey Mage followed,hovering in the air above Jae Sun's prone form. Jae Sun lay there reeling from the attack, stunned. In the back of his mind he felt the Other pushing through. He howled and welcomed the change.

Then, it was not Jae Sun Lee who stood up from broken wood, but The Warwolf. The beast sprang forward and leaped to punch The Grey Mage. The magician barely managed to dodge. The eight foot black-furred werewolf plowed into one of the lecterns. The Grey mage then began mouthing the words to another spell. A gust of wind came tearing through the 200-year old chuch. It nearly caught the Warwolf in its airy tendrils, but the creature held his ground.

He sprung again and crashed into his adversary sending him into the vestibule of the Virgin Mary and destroying the seating therein. Mage rose slowly. His robes were torn. He bled. The Warwolf sniffed deeply, growled and closed for the kill.

But the fabric of space began to fold around the Grey Mage before the Warwolf could wrap his hands and sink his teeth into him. The Gray Mage vanished.

The Warwolf sunk to a crouch slowly trying to regain control from the rampage and bloodlust. Jae Sun assumed control and changed back.

"Another time...Old friend," he muttered.

Then Jae Sun realized his clothes had been torn to shreds and he stood nearly naked with only his purple strechy pants.

Damn! he thought I am going to need a change of clothes. He looked in the chambers behind the altar for priests' robes. They were too small to fit his two meter tall frame.

After comtemplating the horror of it all, he broke down and contacted Slipstream.


"D'ya win, dude?"

"Yes," Jae Sun said simply.

"Like is he part of the team and all?"

"Well it is hard to tell. He ran away. Can you please bring me clothes."

Slipstream's eyes lit up, "Certainly, Jay Son."

Knowing that the Asian's tastes in clothing were impecable, the speedster did not bother to look in his closet. He zoomed to the nearest thrift store, bought he gaudiest, pimpin'-style outfit he could find (complete with wide-brim, feathered hat and boa), and zipped to the church were Jae Sun sat waiting, perhaps praying.

Slips sneaked up to him.


Jae Sun did not flinch, but gasped when he saw the threads Slipstream had purchased.

"I-I will n-not be c-caught dead in that outfit!"

"Suit youself. See ya back at S.U.B."

Gods! Jae Sun swore.

He hated that name.

Slipstream shook his head and turned to leave.

Jae Sun called out, "Maybe we need some open recruiting."

The trail of laughter echoed behind the flash of Slipstream as he headed back towards the bay.

Then the immortal Asian found robes, called a cab, left 20K in the poor box for repairs, and departed hoping Grey Mage would contact him soon.


no worries...still gonna write and soon...the next scene is still working in my head....and the good thing...we've gone back to FR for a while so i can get caught up here :)


First Post
Broccli_Head said:
no worries...still gonna write and soon...the next scene is still working in my head....and the good thing...we've gone back to FR for a while so i can get caught up here :)

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