• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

City of the Spider Queen


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Day 1 - Inside the crypts

Sorry for the delay guys; real life sucks sometimes!

You search the four doors, and they all lead into similar rooms. Each room is ten by twenty feet, dusty and holds one coffin each. In the norhern room the lock of the coffin is gone, and the remains of the "occupant" are lying out in the open. On the skeletons head rests a small circlet of gold, and on its right hand index finger a gold ring with an emerald.

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Just saying ... the last two PbP I played in fell to pieces, because the players disappeared one by one. I wasn't referring to anyone in particular.

Merion takes a moment to examine the bones in the open coffin. Maybe these are the mortal remains of that ghost?

Heal check to reveal the gender of the deceased. Also looking for anything strange on bones and items, though Merion will not remove ring/circlet at this point.
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Day 1 - In the crypts

Yeah, been in a couple of games that died. I won't let this one die though. If a player disapear, he WILL be replaced. Anyway, lets continue.

After several moments of examining the bones, you conclude that it is the remains of a middle-aged male. Everything is completely ordinary, nothing special about it at all.

On another note; do you have access to Libris Mortis Dakkareth? I just got it, and it seems to me that there are loads of things there that would suit Merion.
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Mmhh, can't be the trapped spirit's former shell then.

Making mental note of ring and circlet Merion leaves the coffin be and follows the others. Once we've finished the reconnaiscance and put up the tripwire, there's time for that. Never let greed interfere with the task at hand ...

Once the four tomb rooms are explored, assuming there aren't any more side-passages:
Back in the hallway the wizard checks the lighting and makes sure his spells are in place before gesturing towards the stairs down. Shall we?

No, I don't have Libris Mortis and looking at my budget I won't be getting it anytime soon :\

Jyren had stayed near the main room, keeping eyes open to the hallway as a precaution. He had no real interest in robbing the dead, especially after his last encounter with one. Upon hearing Merion, Jyren stood up straight and nods, "On to the next trap, it would seem..."


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After a pause, Hazrael turns to Merion. i don't know what to think. Traps seem to point to Drow controlling this crypt, but the ghost suggests that they have not explored all of it.

As to what we should do...I think we should explore as much of this crypt before nightfall as we can, the possibility being that the raiders are hiding during the day. At night i can cast an Alarm spell, and the next day we can try to go beyond the crypt.

EDIT: just noticed that I dont know about the rings and circlets...damn. Can i make a spot check to try to see them?

hazrael pulls his hood back over his eyes, then goes back into the room with the skeletons. what use have the dead for jewelry?

Haz takes the rings and circlets. Sorry if any inactivity comments were directed at me, I've been having fun with life as well.
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Merion nods to Hazrael's words. I was thinking along the same lines. If the drow return during the night, we are in the position to repel them and maybe take prisoners. If not, it's another night of safety for the populace and we can delve deeper into the matter, both pysically and metaphorically. He strokes his beard thoughtfully for a moment, but doesn't elaborate.

Questioning the dead drow should yield some results. And of course there are other, more risky ways ...


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Rashak was glad that his hunch turned out to be right, and that the statue/ghost was the main opponent in the room.

"Should we search for secret doors before moving on?"

OOC: Like before, Rashak is just making a suggestion. As a fighter-type, his search skill is absolutely horrendous, and he won't bother searching himself. He will, however, Aid Another if they search.

And I agree, we should all get Spot checks vs Hazrael's Sleight of Hand check to see if he succeeded in pocketing things without our noticing.

Sorry for lack of posting, but I think I've been posting pretty often, relatively speaking. Anyway RL is a bit of a drag right now, so I'm not able to post multiple times a day like I could not too long ago.

Slowly, Jyren nodded and turned from the unexplored corridor, "Perhaps rest would be a good idea. If anything, we may be able to catch any Drow attempting another raid."


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Is it that bad, the draining?, Merion asks both concerned and interested, though it's hard to say which notion is the stronger one. If you can continue, we should find the actual passage to the Underdark and secure this entrance. It would make for a tactical advantage ...

Assuming the others agree:
Merion follows Rashak and the tiefling down the corridor and the stairs, alert for signs of further trouble. So far the drow we have met were dead - this way I like them best. And untouched crypts often yield knowledge and items of great value. Seems a win-win situation right now ...

Remember, that it's only a few hours past midday and we've only been inside the crypts for about 10 minutes game time depending on how long the searches took ...

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