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[CoCd20] Flintlock & Tomahawk

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
[sblock]Pitcairne: Take 4 sanity damage, and 6 hp fire damage.

Tisa: Take 6 hp fire damage.

Abcott: No damage.

Somerset: Take 3 sanity damage.

Thomas: Take 6 hp damage from a flying chair leg to the side of the head, set to flight by the sudden explosion.

Thomas 21
Tisa 13
Somerset 12
Abcott 10
Pitcairne 2[/sblock]Int. - Dedham Meetinghouse Basement - same

Patuckson starts to gibber frantically, looking around for something to extinguish the flames. He doesn't look as though he's long for this world, but if the fires don't go out when he dies, you could all be in for some trouble, given that the meetinghouse has wooden supports in the basement. What do you do?[sblock]OOC: Remember that the stores for the town of Dedham are in this basement. There very well may be something you can use to extinguish him with in here. Naturally, you don't have to bother, as you very well could take more fire damage if you get near him...[/sblock]

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First Post
"YEEAHRGH!" shouts Pitcaire as he recoils from the flaming man. He frantically pats himself to put out any lingering flame on his clothes and backs away from the indian as far as he can get. "Flamin' furballs, what in heaven's name jist happen'd?!" Satisfied that he is not on fire himself, he looks around the cellar for something to smother the flame, perhaps a tarp or blanket. The stunning sight of the man spontaneously combusting has left him a bit in shock.


First Post
MY GOD!!! Somerset cries in shock. He stands for the next moment in stunned silence as he absorbs the scene of Patuckset's death cries and Pitcairne's efforts to pat out the small cinders on his coat. He slowly returns to sanity and realized that fire, the bane of city dwellers for thousands of years, may well be his end.

"HELP!!! FIRE!!!" William calls at the top of his lungs. Somerset quickly looks around the cellar for a blanket or bucket of water. If he can find any, he will try and extinguish the flames on Patuckset.


"Arghh" bellows Thomas as he awkwardly charges down into the meetinghouse basement, a broom-handle sized piece of chair leg cracking sharply against his brow.

"What manner of devilry is this!" shouts Thomas, half in pain, half in disbelief, as the heat of the flames enshrouding the burning Indian singe his clothing and face. Acting quickly, he frantically digs into his rucksack in an attempt to retrieve a blanket to extinguish the flames.

[sblock] Despite the initial shock of pain from the ballista-bolt velocity chairleg, Thomas attempts to retrieve his winter blanket to smother the flames engulfing the Indian. [/sblock]

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Int. - Dedham Meetinghouse Basement - same

Thomas, rushing through into the basement, sees Pitcairne and Somerset rummaging through some of the town's stores as Patuckson gibbers and flails. Abcott looks around for some water in vain, most of the kegs seem to hold spirits. Finally, the philosopher and journalist manage to find a blanket, which they give over to the militiaman and Tisa who smother the burning native. When the blanket is removed, Patuckson lies still, his face contorted and the skin around his eyes blackened. A strange three pronged mark is seared into his forehead.

[sblock]Abcott: The symbol looks familiar, but you have no idea why.[/sblock]

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
[sblock]OOC: Not at the moment. You definitely recognize it, but you're not entirely sure where. It'll probably come to you eventually. Abcott's just got his mind somewhere else right now.[/sblock]


Sykes rubs the swollen knot above his eye nervously, dabbing away a thin trickle of blood with his handkerchief while staring at the blackened Indian. He searces in vain for any sign of fire that may have caused the impossible scene before him, his eyes wide with disbelief and teary from the lingering smoke.

"Sirs, what happened here....the savage...the fire?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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