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[d20 Future/OOC] The Long Sleep


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In 2004 NASA's NEAT (Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking) system predicted that an asteroid, 99942 Apophis, would strike the Earth in 2029. This possibility was quickly disproved and forgotten by the general public. As the years progressed, commercial space-flight finally became viable, though the idea of a "Space Vacation" was still firmly in the bounds of Science Fiction. Time ground on; humanity progressed. Chief among our advances were cryotechnology and the beginnings of fusion technology.

In 2023, Apophis was brought back on the radar. The NEAT and LINEAR projects estimated an impact within five years. News of the impending disaster was silenced, though it was soon leaked to other world governments. By 2027 four colony-ships floated in the docks above Earth. In 2028, as Apophis became visible in the night sky by amateur astronomers, 4000 carefully selected people were evacuated onto the starships. Powered by prototype fusion reactors, and with their passengers in cyro-hibernation the starships sped toward Chara, Rigil Kentaurus, 18 Scorpii, and 37 Geminorum.


Sensor duty at the Rigil IV Orbital Platform was boring. Ships would dock, ships would leave. Sometimes an asteroid would swing within a couple million miles of the planet. Ensign Tereth sat hunched over, his chin in his hand, watching the cargo ships driving through space toward Rigil III to use the JumpGate. He noted that their ion engines looked like bright stars as they faded away. A loud blip brought his attention back to the sensor display. Another starship entering the system.

Ensign Kay was much more alert than Ensign Tereth. Her job was much more interesting though. Tereth would alert her of any starships approaching their platform and she would hail them and give them their docking bay number.

"Woah, look at this piece of trash. Looks almost twenty-first century," Tereth shouted to the entire docking command. "Well, they aren't responding to me," Kay shouted back. "They are moving pretty slow, maybe they busted their ansible array or something?" Tereth reasoned. The ship did look pretty banged up, micro-meteorite dents pock-marked the surface of the ship. "Well, I'm going to flash the landing lights on Bay 16." "Looks like they are takin' her in.

"Hail them on shortwave radio, we should be in range." Kay put her headset back on.

"This is Rigil IV Orbital Docking Command. Do you copy?"
"We copy. This is the HMCS Hope."
"HMCS? What designation is that? Where are you from?"
"His Majesty's Canadian Ship. We are from Earth"
"... Repeat that last part?" Kay set her console to broadcast through the Command Room.
"We are from Earth"


The Long Sleep is a d20 Future campaign for five players. The characters were frozen onboard HMCS Hope (Mostly built in Canada and assembled above it). HMCS Hope carries a selection of North and South Americans, allowing for a large amount of diversity amongst the survivors. Characters will start play already thawed and about to be fed their first meal this century. Mechanically, I'm looking for second-level characters built using 28-point standard point-buy.

I ask that players simply submit backgrounds and which classes they are. Based on this I will choose five players and one alt. You have until Thursday 11th of this month to submit your entry. Chosen players will then have until Thursday 18th of this month to complete their character mechanically. I will begin play on Thursday 19th.

:) And if you are slightly confused, I'm doing my job right.


$ cd ~/declass/TheLongSleep/HMCS_Hope/
$ less ./candidates.txt


[Partially declassified 2029]
Cyro-hibernation Prospects:
Bayne, Victor - Fast1/Charismatic1 - Rhun
Costa, Zé-Antonio - Smart2 - Technician - Steve Gorak
Gordon, Andrew, M.D. - Smart1/Tough1 - Doctor - Kaodi
Reaves, John, LT - Fast1/Smart1 - DrZombie
Sobieski, Lem, 1SG - Tough1/Charismatic1 - Military - Stonegod
Logan, Ashley, 2ndLT - Military - Shayuri
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Steve Gorak

Here's my character. I took 1 level of fast for survivalability. With the Technician occupation, I'll still be able to access the Techie advane class at level 4.

Zé Antonio Costa (CR 2) (1000 XP)[/color]
Male human Smart 1/Fast 1
Medium humanoid
Occupation Technician
+3 wealth; research, knowledge (technology) and Craft (electronic) are permanent class skills. If already a class skill, +1 competence bonus
AP 6
Init +2; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Portuguese, Spanish, English, French
Defense 24, touch 15, flat-footed 19; evasion
defense: +2 Dex, +3 Class, +8 natural (cybernetics), +1 equipment(survival suit)
hp 18 (2 HD)
lvlv 1: 8 (max+2con), lvl2: 10 (8+2con)

Fort +2, Ref +3, Wil +1
Spd 30 ft.
Ranged TBD or
Melee unarmed 1d3
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Special Attacks Trick
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats Personal firearms proficiency, Smart plus (research (craft(electronics) & trick), simple weapons proficiency
(Skill points: 48 S + 8F)
Computer Use: +6
S [4 ranks +2 int + synergy]
Craft (electronic): +9
*S [5 ranks +2 int + synergy +1 competence +1 savant]
Craft (mechanical): +7
SF [5 ranks +2 int + synergy]
Craft (structural): +6
S [4 ranks +2 int + synergy]

Craft (chemical): +6
S [4 ranks +2 int + synergy]
Decipher Script: +5
S [3 ranks +2 int + synergy]
Demolitions: +6
S [4 ranks +2 int + synergy]
Disable Device: +6
S [4 ranks +2 int + synergy]

Knowledge (technology): +8
*S [5 ranks +2 int + synergy +1 competence]
Knowledge (phys science): +6
S [4 ranks +2 int + synergy]
Repair: +8
S [4 ranks +2 int + 2 synergy]
Research: +9
*,S [5 ranks +2 int + 0 synergy when using a computer +1 competence +1 savant]
Profession: +5
F [5 ranks +0 wis]
*permanent class skill from occupation
S: Smart hero skill
F: Fast hero skill

---information age gear---
Portable glow lamp, minituarized, self repairing (DC=4-3+3+6)
Puritizer, compact, minituarized (DC=9-3+3)
Soother pulse (DC=14-3) (diminutive)

laser tripwires, self repairing (5) (DC=5-3+6) (diminutive)
Explorer outfit, self repairing (DC=6-3+6) Wt=2lb

Heads-up display, minituarized, multiple use (with display glasses) (DC=7-3+3+1)
Display glasses, compact, multiple use (with HUD) (DC=12-3+1+1) wt=0.5lb

Duracable (DC=4-3), wt=3lb
Grappler tag, minituarized, self repairing (5) (DC=5-3+3)

Puritizer, minituarized (DC=9-3+3)
Nanobeacon (5) (DC=8-3)

This is 1 kit:
Lockpick set, minituarized, multiple use (DC=9-3+3+1)
Electrical Tool Kit, basic, compact, multiple use (DC=14-3+1+1) wt=6lb
Mechanical tool kit, basic, minituarized, multiple use (DC=13-3+1+1) lose 1 point of wealth

---fusion age-----
Medkit, Fast-Use, minituarized (x3) (DC=7+3)
Fusion torch, compact (DC=10+1) (1d10 damage) wt=1.5 lb
Universal communicator, minituarized, multiple use (with HUD) (DC=6+3+1)

Violet rations, box of 50 (DC=5)
Flash seal, minituarized (5) (DC=8+3)

- Up to this point, Zé has Wealth: 11 -

Survival suit, self repairing DC=16+6 wt=3lb
Concealable +1AC +7max dex –0check penaty 30 ft./20 ft. 3 lb. loose 2 point of wealth

Antishock implant (DC=15)
lose 2 point of wealth

Injector Unit(DC=15)
lose 2 point of wealth
Antitox DC=6
Neutrad DC=6
Sporekill DC=6
Have 5 of each as spares

Subcutaneous Body Armor, heavy (+8 AC), DC=(25) (took 20), [sblock]

----lose 2d6=6points of wealth for Armor

Ze basically spent all his wealth before going on the HMCS Hope.
[/sblock][/sblock]Wealth: +0; 16 lbs.

Allegiances HMCS Hope
Reputation 1
1 smart lvl 1

Special abilities
Trick: target must have an Intelligence score of 3+, within 30 ft, be able to hear and understand the hero. Hero spends a full-round action and makes an Intelligence check (DC 15), adding Smart level as a bonus. If the Intelligence check succeeds, the target makes a Will saving throw (DC 10 + Smart hero’s class level + Smart hero’s Int bonus) or target becomes dazed for 1 round

Savant: bonus equal to smart hero level to craft(electronics) and Research

[sblock=Advancement]L1->Smart 1 HP 8 (1d6+2) SP: 48 (12x4)
Occuptation: +3 wealth; research, knowledge (technology) and Craft (electronic) are permanent class skills. If already a class skill, +1 competence bonus
Skills: Computer Use +4, Craft (electronic) +4, Craft (mechanical) +4, Craft (structural) +4, Craft (chemical) +4, Decipher Script +3, Demolitions + 4, Disable Device +4, Knowledge (technology) +4, Knowledge (phys science) +4, Repair +4, Research +4, Profession: +1,
Wealth: +7 base +3 profession(technician) +1 (ranks in profession lvl 1)
Feats: Simple weapons proficiency, Smart plus, renown
talent: Savant [Craft (electronics)], Trick (from smart plus feat), Savant [research] (from smart plus feat)

L2->Fast 1 HP 10 (1d8+2) SP: 8
Skills: Craft (electronic) +1, Craft (mechanical) +1, Knowledge (technology) +1, Research +1, Profession: +4
Wealth: +1
Talent: evasion[/sblock]

Zé-Antonio Costa is a 27 year old aerospace engineer from Brazil. He did his undergrad in Mech. Eng at the University of San Paolo, and PhD at MIT. His research focused on the control of matter-antimater reactions, applicable to propulsion, as well as the less cutting edge field of ionic propulsion. After graduating at the young age of 22, he worked for Embraer in Brazil for 3 years. He quickly made a name for himself and at 26, had his choice of top research jobs at UTC, Lockheed-Martin and Bombardier Aerospace.

He opted for the latter, and moved to Montreal in 2023, and quickly got his Canadian Citizenship. In 2025, he was transferred to Ottawa to participate in a top-secret project in partnership with the Canadian government. He's mainly responsible for the HMS Hope's novel (at the time) propulsion system (and is very proud of it!).

Ze is a friendly guy, unless you dare to make a derogatory comment on his designs and gadgets. He's relatively skinny, with dark hair and light brown skin (it's pretty clear that he's from south america). He speaks Portuguese, Spanish, English and french.

He never married, but has started befriending a few comely single women aboard the ship.

He's an expert in now antiquated technology, some of his research was revolutionary at the time, and likely were the base for many current advances.[/sblock]


I'm a bit stuck (and overwhelmed) with the equipment. Any recommendations? For example, can we have Subcutaneous Body Armor?

Thanks and cheers,

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First Post
Dreyfuss McGeek was the son of the american ambassador in japan, who was kidnapped at the age of two by a clan of yakuza superninjas and taught the secret martial arts of power-play. He was a super genius who enrolled at osaka university at the age of fourteen, to get his diploma in rocket science at his 18th birthday. There he was recognised by the CIA and returned to the USA where he got his superkiller education. The USA decided that so much powerplay in one person should be saved for all mankind.....

If you think that's over the top, I'll do something serious.

Lt John Reaves of the Canadian spaceforce. He grew up at the westcoast of canada, and allways had a knack for ships and sailing. He was canadian champion open-sea sailing, first in the Optimist class, later moving on to laser-class and teaming up with his old mate (character hook anyone?) in the 420. He went to OTC (Officers training Course) at the naval base in Vancouver, continuing his sailing career succesfully at the olympics in Flanders in 2020 with a silver medal.
It was during his officer training that he fell in love with the 'big' sea, space. He worked hard, studying mechanics and electronics, and managed to enroll in the SpaceProgram. He worked on the HMDCS Hope as chief engeneer, and was one of the first to be reawakened by the computer.

i'm thinking fast-smart or something alike.


Dr. Andrew Gordon was an up-and-coming medical researcher who had studied at both the University of Waterloo and the University of Toronto in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. His main area of study was on how organisms adapted in extreme cold and space, though he was not limited to that. He spent a good deal of time in the communities in the northern territories, and was even privileged enough at one point to visit the soldiers in Alert.
It was while he was up here, in the islands, that Andrew first saw the Northern Lights, and not once but many times. He had always been fascinated by space, but it wasn't until he had come here that he really began to seriously wonder what other phenomena like this there were in other parts of the galaxy, and if there was something out there that would hold the answers to all of his questions about the nature of life, not limited by the perspective of Earth.

Occupation: Doctor
Classes: Smart 1/Tough 1


First Post
Argh, no time to post a full bg at work, but I'd love to submit an Air Force pilot with some NASA training...brought along more to explore the new world than to actually pilot the colony ship, of course.

Probably Fastfast or fastsmart...

Full details to follow!


First Post
I'm interested in this game. I've got a few ideas for a character floating around. Will probably post a concept and short background tonight when I get home.


First Post
Shayuri said:
Argh, no time to post a full bg at work, but I'd love to submit an Air Force pilot with some NASA training...brought along more to explore the new world than to actually pilot the colony ship, of course.

Probably Fastfast or fastsmart...

Full details to follow!

Sounds like the exact same character that Dr. Zombie posted above!


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Hey, lonesolider! Good to see you back.

I have a few ideas, but I'm going to be gone in Germany until the Monday after next. Will hopefully get something up brief before then, but let me know if that is a problem.


First Post
Rhun said:
Sounds like the exact same character that Dr. Zombie posted above!


Wait, no it's not. Zomb's is a sailor, who served in the Navy and joined the space force. I'd be all Air Force, baybee. Zooooooom.

*cue Kenny Loggins track*

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