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Discussion for a Kingdom of ashes


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Morning Day 26- messenger

--To not take up pages here I condensed all the back and forth as a re-cap to rest of group--
Messenger- Jaine is in Avallach (port on Pyradin) with two humans and two(?) dwarfs. She is coming to Hwyrl to take over, and miffed L’aurel took over a barony in the name of a hero and in the name of the throne. She should be here within the week.
Xath- Witty remarks-lets meet her on the road.
L’Aurel- Little pissy remarks… not helpful…
Xath- meet and protect her asap
L’aurel- yep protection good, let people cheer her entry
Justice- Xath needs to tell the people about her first then
Xath- she is still incognito, we should not openly rebel to these people hard to convince no hard evidence
Justice- no cover to blow, we are rebels, he already tried to kill Jaine so he knows about her, they need to rally behind us she is that reason
L’Aurel- yep, keep her cover
Enter Arhconus and call messenger back into the room
Messenger- (in above recap of message)
L’aurel- thanks, buh-bye
Arhconus- I will track them and bring her here
Universe/Duke?- good idea, no way to make this a neat succession Tain smart and dirty…
L’aurel- Archonus should not go alone
Archonus- Justice flying in would call lots of attention, me go sneak and escort back… unless you want to go –he looks like he could care less
Xath- me go to and I switch with her
Archonus- yes, justice fly in and take real Jaine back to Hwyrl-long walk though
Xath- I am no wimp!
L’aurel- Archonus no go alone, with Xath definitely need another, she offers to go (depending on when this is played) -set up guard for Jaine here (snake people still making my skin crawl)
Justice- I can get her, thane fast, what about invisibility (incase dragons)
Xath- I can cast invisibility for 9 min.
Justice- that could work, depending on timing and distance

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Laurel said:

Justice- I can get her, thane fast, what about invisibility (incase dragons)
Xath- I can cast invisibility for 9 min.
Justice- that could work, depending on timing and distance

L’Aurel, “I propose,
Archonus (me or whoever is with him) track Jaine & co.
When we/they find them, we let Justice know (run back, use horses, mind meld).
Justice comes on Thane carrying Xath.
Jaine gets on Thane with Justice and they go invisible (this way in case other plans need to be made quickly we have not wasted a spell earlier).
Xath turns into Jaine.
Justice takes Jaine to –maybe- Link’s tree house, but definitely a place outside Hwryl where Arfin, Farathier, Kareth can be waiting.
Justice drops Jaine off with them for protection.
Justice and Thain still invisible take off again and fly in another direction other then the direction of Xath & co. When Justice is next seen she is fly into Hwyrl alone.
Justice can then head to the treehouse, but after people see her back and everything is fine.
Xath & Co. hopefully make it back with little resistance and go to Treehouse. With everyone there we go to next plan.
This way we are not wasting a spell, Justice has been taking flights so that will not seem strange, Xath and Justice are friends so that will not seem strange, thus far no dragons have followed Thane and Justice on their outings (right?), L'aurel has been hunting with Archonus so that will not be strange, and the duke knows what is happening so he can hold down fort till we all get back. As for declaring Jaine as Queen, yes we should at some point. I think get her to city first, then decide how and when to declare her queen."


First Post

I know this was asked, but I am not sure how/if it was answered-- In order for the above plan or even planning to take place (for day 26), when was/is the adventure into Oceanis happening-- before this, after this?????

Also, how is the Breakfast Club stuff going? Who has it?



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For Oceanis/Jaine trips

This only works up close, but another way to get the mind-meld effect for running into Oceanis or for the Jain &co. mission:
Telepathic Bond
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: You plus one willing creature per three levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You forge a telepathic bond among yourself and a number of willing creatures, each of which must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher. Each creature included in the link is linked to all the others. The creatures can communicate telepathically through the bond regardless of language. No special power or influence is established as a result of the bond. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance (although not from one plane to another).
If desired, you may leave yourself out of the telepathic bond forged. This decision must be made at the time of casting.
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First Post
Laurel said:
I know this was asked, but I am not sure how/if it was answered-- In order for the above plan or even planning to take place (for day 26), when was/is the adventure into Oceanis happening-- before this, after this?????

Also, how is the Breakfast Club stuff going? Who has it?

Gertie still has the Breakfast Club. She has, apparently, been pretty busy.

I have no idea when the scouting mission into Oceanus is supposed to happen in the timeline--any thoughts from the group? For conveniences sake, I'd tend to say that it would happen AFTER Jaine's arrival (even if only shortly after), but it's really up to you guys.

Also, Kat, I think you and I still need to work on some of the letters going out to the surrounding towns. I know that that is happening after the Breakfast club, so you can get some of the other players to help you with that.


First Post
Laurel said:
Xath & Co. hopefully make it back with little resistance and go to Treehouse. With everyone there we go to next plan.
This way we are not wasting a spell, Justice has been taking flights so that will not seem strange, Xath and Justice are friends so that will not seem strange, thus far no dragons have followed Thane and Justice on their outings (right?)."

Thus far, no dragons/draconids have been following Justice in any of her skyward treks. However, whenever she gets within about a mile of Oceanus, she is shadowed by no fewer than three draconids on wyvern mounts. They have yet to attack--but the closer she gets, the more aggressive the posture.

Additionally, there has been some instances of the Draconids scouting you out, as well. They fly over Hyrwl and the refugee camp in groups of about a dozen once every two days. There have been no attacks, but they are definitely interested in what's going on out here in the forest.

Laurel said:
L'aurel has been hunting with Archonus so that will not be strange, and the duke knows what is happening so he can hold down fort till we all get back. As for declaring Jaine as Queen, yes we should at some point. I think get her to city first, then decide how and when to declare her queen.
I'm not sure that anyone has informed the duke what is going on re: Jaine, entirely. Somebody might want to do that. As for when to declare her queen, you can always stage a grand entrance. Just run her back outside the city, and then bring her back in.
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Letters to areas

The_Universe said:
Also, Kat, I think you and I still need to work on some of the letters going out to the surrounding towns. I know that that is happening after the Breakfast club, so you can get some of the other players to help you with that.

give ideas/suggestion-- but Gerti wrote this, so currently we have:
To whom it may concern:
It has no doubt reached your ears by now that the city of Oceanus has fallen to vast forces bearing the banner of the Bluestar. The Barony of Hyrwl has taken in all refugees with open arms, yet our limited resources have put a strain on maintaining such a large group. At last estimates, the Barony now supports upwards of thirteen thousand people. We request the aid of skilled artisans and any resources you may provide in order to adequately care for the subjects of the Kingdom.
The Barony of Hyrwl also writes with glad tidings. The heir of the Woodshadow has shown herself at last and has come to take control of her legacy. The Baroness L'Aurel Woodshadow now serves as ruler of the newly expanded Barony after the untimely death of the King's appointed Baron Edriss Kiva.
The legitimacy of the Barony is not in question, as many in Hyrwl will attest, the Woodshadow returned to his ancestral home, where he spoke his last words to his granddaughter with ample witness. All High Alder of the Kingdom may rejoice, as they are forgiven, and free of the shame once put upon them. Indeed the Kingdom will rejoice at this news, despite the troubled times.
In response to the onslaught of the Kingdom, the Baroness Woodshadow has taken it upon herself to rally an army to take back the city of Oceanus and begin a warriors academy. We request the aid of any able bodied person who wishes to stand for the Kingdom, and against all of those who stand against it. Proclamations will be made shortly.
Signed in view of the Light,
L'Aurel Woodshadow
Baroness Hyrwl
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I think it's a bit early to be declaring anyone queen or otherwise publicizing our opposition to the crown. Once we have a decent, functioning army of reasonably loyalty, backed up with a serious military victory (say the liberation of Oceanus...oooh, I like that...liberation...ahem), then we can think about overt political statements. For now I think our situation is too unstable.

Just my $0.02 (adjusted for inflation)



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To bring in the outter edges of people here are some declerations/proclimations that will be going out. again input is very much appreciated and um... needed!
Proclamation for Bluemages: The knowledge of the bluemage has long been seen as vile and evil; however, I would give those who practice these arts to come forth and show the kingdom what a vital aid you can be. Fight for one year in the Army of the Phoenix and you shall be given full amnesty. Signed in view of the Light, L'Aurel Woodshadow Baroness Hyrwl
Proclamation for High Elves: My ancestor has forgiven you! High alder hold your head high once more and choose to fight with the army of the phoenix! Signed in view of the Light, L'Aurel Woodshadow Baroness Hyrwl
Proclamation for fighters: Your cities are being invaded, while your king runs to fight in the north. Fight with us, the army of the phoenix, here and now to save your cities and families. We will train you in all forms of weaponry at our academy in Hywrl. Signed in view of the Light, L'Aurel Woodshadow Baroness Hyrwl
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First Post
Laurel said:
give ideas/suggestion-- but Gerti wrote this, so currently we have:
To whom it may concern:
It has no doubt reached your ears by now that the city of Oceanus has fallen to vast forces bearing the banner of the Bluestar. The Barony of Hyrwl has taken in all refugees with open arms, yet our limited resources have put a strain on maintaining such a large group. At last estimates, the Barony now supports upwards of thirteen thousand people. We request the aid of skilled artisans and any resources you may provide in order to adequately care for the subjects of the Kingdom.

Whenever you send this out, you will recieve a response within one week from the surrounding communities. Something to the effect of, "you can have anyone you can pay. The guilds have approved contracting work to the refugee camp, and we extend our sympathies to your people for their loss. The King has assured us that by sending our forces north, above the Wall, the army that has taken Oceanus will have to pull out, and sail north to defend their own kingdom. However, in the event that they choose a reprisal, rather than protecting their own, we feel it wise to keep our able fighting men and women near, to prevent the tragedy at Oceanus from befalling our own people." The letters aren't identical, but they are only minor variations on the theme.

Laurel said:
The Barony of Hyrwl also writes with glad tidings. The heir of the Woodshadow has shown herself at last and has come to take control of her legacy. The Baroness L'Aurel Woodshadow now serves as ruler of the newly expanded Barony after the untimely death of the King's appointed Baron Edriss Kiva.
The legitimacy of the Barony is not in question, as many in Hyrwl will attest, the Woodshadow returned to his ancestral home, where he spoke his last words to his granddaughter with ample witness. All High Alder of the Kingdom may rejoice, as they are forgiven, and free of the shame once put upon them. Indeed the Kingdom will rejoice at this news, despite the troubled times.
In response to the onslaught of the Kingdom, the Baroness Woodshadow has taken it upon herself to rally an army to take back the city of Oceanus and begin a warriors academy. We request the aid of any able bodied person who wishes to stand for the Kingdom, and against all of those who stand against it. Proclamations will be made shortly.
Signed in view of the Light,
L'Aurel Woodshadow
Baroness Hyrwl
1) The Barony hasn't really expanded. It's the same size it always was. It includes all of the Alder's forest, and a reasonably large amount of land surrounding it. Technically, The Duchy of Oceanus lies inside the Barony of Hyrwl...but since there has not been a baron in some time, the duchies are all relatively independent.

2) Don't say that the legitimacy of the Barony is not in question. That will make people wonder why you said that, thowing the legitimacy under question.

Also, the reason that Kat is baroness is not just because of heredity--you used some of your Fake Edriss time to have "him" declare that Kat should rule in his stead...THAT'S where the change in power originates. Mention it, and the King will have to wonder if Edriss turned on him, or what...

3) The High Alder forgiveness thing and the Warrior's Academy are only mentioned in passing here--you need something more detailed if you want to attract people to you. In order to sell the warrior academy, you need to remember that you can't sell it as people paying you for the chance to die in your cause. Instead, you have ALREADY gathered mighty warriors from the corners of the kingdom, and they will teach you, even as they prepare to win back Oceanus by their own valor.

4) Asking for able bodied volunteers was a good idea. You may get some, but they'll be expecting you to provide weapons and armor. If they're getting trained for free, why would people pay you to get training from the academy?

Just some thoughts. :D

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