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Empire of the River God OOC


Name: Togashi Shokai
Race: Human
Class/level: Monk 7
Alingment: Lawful good
Age: 26

Ability scores

Str: 14
Dex: 14 (16 with gloves)
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 16 (15+4th level bonus point) (18 with periapt)
Cha 10

Saving throws:

Fort +6=5(base)+1(con)
Reflex +8=5(base)+3(dex) [plus Evasion]
Will +9=5(base)+4(wis) [+2 against enchantment spell and spell effects]

Hit points: 42 (on average)
Movement = 50´
AC: 22=10+3(dex)+5(monk bonus)+2(armor)+2(Mighty works mastery I style), touch 20, flat footed 17.
Initiative: +3
Attacks: +7 unarmed (1d8+2) or +6+6 unarmed (1d8+2)
………......+7 quarterstaff (1d6+3, or 1d6 +2 if used with a flurry of blows)

Skills: (70 ranks)
Knowledge (civilised behavior).9=7 ranks+2 (Int)
Sense motive………………….......10=6 ranks+4(wis)
Tumble………………………...........15=10 ranks +3 (dex)+2 (sinergy)
Move silently………………........…15=7 ranks +3 (dex) +5 (magic)
Hide……………………………...........10=7 ranks +3 (dex)
Jump………………………..…..........9=5 ranks +2 (str)+2 (sinergy)
Spot………………………...….........10=4 ranks +4 (wis)
Listen……………………………........10=4 ranks + 4 (wis)
Knowledge (religion)……………..12=10+2(int)
Perform (flute)………………….....5=5 ranks
Craft (painting)…………………....9=5 ranks +2 (int)+2 circumstance

1-Stunning fist, Endurance (bonus human), Improved grapple (monk bonus)
2-Deflect arrows (monk bonus)
3-Fists of Iron
6-Choke hold, Improved Disarm (monk bonus)

Racial traits and class features:
Extra feat at level 1, Extra skill points (4 extra at level 1)
Unarmed Strike, evasion, still mind, Ki strike (magic), slow fall 30 feet, purity of body, wholeness of body (14 hp)

Monk´s outfit
Gloves of dexterity +2 4000
Periapt of Wisdom +2 4000
Bracers of armor +2 4000
Phylactery of faithfulness 1000
Eight diagrams coins, minor 2160
Slippers of quiet step 2500 (+5 to move silently)
Masterwork painting set 50

1290 gold coins.

Description & background:

A man advances under the canopy of trees. Shaved head, not so tall, his wiry complexion makes you doubt if he´s very healthy or either a weakling, a common doubt when one meets a monk the first time. Because he´s obviously a monk; those erudite enough would identify an ise zumi, but he has no tattoos.

* * *

A child, seven years old, bows deeply before a samurai. “Father,” says the child with an ease of speaking improper for his short years “Though I deeply honor my ancestors, and my blood is that of a samurai, I´m thirsty for the knowledge of the Ise Zumi. Please allow me to climb the mountain to the monk´s monastery and take the name of Togashi”

* * *

A thirteen years old boy practices within the wall of a courtyard. There´s an old man, totally covered in tattoos watching him; the boy walks and jumps with grace while moving from dummy to dummy, punches and kicks them. A final spinning kick smashes a water filled gourd. “Good” says the old man. “You did it well this time. Now, tell me, who did you just defeated?”



“But that´s what you said yesterday, master.”


* * *

The same boy is now a grown man. “You made well our tests, and you´re ready to become an Ise Zumi. In this day, the master tattooer will make a part of your soul flow to the surface. Are you ready, Shokai? Will you be able to endure that, to know what´s within your spirit”

“I´m ready, master”

“Then I´m no longer your master. Uncover your body and obey the tatooer.”

The said man orders the young to knee and bend, showing and stretching his back. He stares at the skin, trying to perceive what´s inside of it, to hear the call.

The sun raises high in the sky.

“Lay on your back”

Maybe the tattoo in is his chest. Hours pass, the ink and needles lie still unused. “Maybe the arms?” mutters the tattoer.

The night falls, the tattooer leaves the boy as he found it. The tattooer gets up.

“The boy has no tattoo.”


“Raw rice it´s not a meal, a white sheet is not a painting. He´s still nothing and everything, like the steel in the forge. He needs cold water.”

“However, he did well in the tests…”

“He´s a good follower, there lies the problem.”

“Hmmm… if he´s going to experience the world, better to do it prepared. Maybe some gifts from the Agasha. And I´ll se if he can visit some courts; if he´s going to experience the world, he shouldn´t stop at sleeping in the woods.”

“If the water at the forge is too cold, the steel becomes brittle.”

“I´ll have an eye in our young sword.”

[Note; there´s still room for more background. Since Shokai met the requisites to become a tattooed monk -the Complete Warrior version- at level 5, that means he spent 2 levels (that could mean more or less time) outside of the monastery, possibly meeting other characters and learning skills like Sense Motive. If someone wants to include Shokai in his background, I´ll change mine to reflect that. In my case, posting personality is useless: my characters end doing what they want, not what I have planned for them]

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First Post
Brother Shatterstone said:
Not sure if I get a day in this but I would rather see everyone play what they want to, including gender. I say we limit gender rolls to at least after character creation. :)

GFA, did you give any thought for how long your characters been a thorn in my characters side? :)

For NPCs Gender roles will be fairly strictly enforced. For PCs I don't mind non-traditional roles, except that female monks are out (I just can;t bring myself to see mixed monasteries). BUT people in non-traditional roles are going to attract attention.


First Post
Ok, to answer some of the general questions..

Yep skills are more important and widely used (at least by me) in OA. As such an extra skill point per level (giving an extra 11 as Brother Shatterstone pointed out) is going to be allowed. BUT these extra points must be used for skills such as knowledge(Local), Knowledge (Geography), Craft (Artisan skills for non-nobles), Perform, Profession, Knowledge (Civilised behavior), or similar. Normal class rules apply re class skills and cross class skills for these.

GFA- Yep, It makes sense for a synergy between the Knowledge (Civilised behavior) and disguise. It will apply when being observed for behavior rather than looks 9so intially unless there is a cultural component it will not play a part but will be important for extended interation while disguised.)

As for Complete Divine - Please go ahead and send the info to me Brother Shatterstone, I do not have the book.

Someone- I do not have the Complete warrior, so you will need to type up the tattooed monk from their if you are going to go that route and sent it to me.

My email address is mlip:):):):)zATfnb.co.za (replace AT with @).

Both characters posted so far look good. A note on the monetary system. Within the Empire there is a relatively sophisticated system and for amounts of over 100gp a platinum spindle (weighing the same as a normal platinum piece) can be redeemed at a local Treasury office. These are minted by the Empire and distributed by them Hosa recognises them but redeems then at a rate of 95gp, the other five gp going to tax. Similar conversion rates apply to interchanging normal currencies in each country though anoble can probably get full value at the office of the Ambassador. Outside of the two main countries most coins can be interchanged at face value but the spindles are usually taken as being only worth a single platinum coin - who knows when you can get true value for it?


First Post
Ghostknight said:
My email address is mlip:):):):)zATfnb.co.za (replace AT with @).

Eric's grandmother is way too sensitive - I mean, editing my surname?

Anyways that should be mlips h i t z (remove the psaces and add in the rest of the eamail address- someone give that Grand mom a stiff drink - I think I just freaked her out! :lol:

Ghostknight said:
GFA- Yep, It makes sense for a synergy between the Knowledge (Civilised behavior) and disguise. It will apply when being observed for behavior rather than looks (so intially unless there is a cultural component it will not play a part but will be important for extended interation while disguised.)
Okay, great. :)

Now I have another question: In the OA book, the Crane Clan fostered children of the Scorpion Clan when the Scorpions were exiled. Could I possibly be a child of a Scorpion who never returned from exile and was raised by the Crane family I was fostered with? it would make the character history a bit more seamless (rather than being a commoner). It would also make sense as to why I was trained in the warfan (my weapon of choice).

Also, what classes is the new Knowledge skill a class skill for?

(My current Classes: Rogue1/Fighter5/Daidoji bodyguard1)

Also, does the fighter's class skill list change at all? I know the samurai's is different than the PBH fighter's, but I don't think that I could get away with taking the samurai class.
Last edited:


First Post
Goddess FallenAngel said:
Okay, great. :)

Now I have another question: In the OA book, the Crane Clan fostered children of the Scorpion Clan when the Scorpions were exiled. Could I possibly be a child of a Scorpion who never returned from exile and was raised by the Crane family I was fostered with? it would make the character history a bit more seamless (rather than being a commoner). It would also make sense as to why I was trained in the warfan (my weapon of choice).

Also, what classes is the new Knowledge skill a class skill for?

(My current Classes: Rogue1/Fighter5/Daidoji bodyguard1)

Also, does the fighter's class skill list change at all? I know the samurai's is different than the PBH fighter's, but I don't think that I could get away with taking the samurai class.

Hmm, the problem is, unless you have been adopted by the Crab I don't see why they would have trained you as a Daidoji bodyguard. Fostering of children between clans/families would be fairly common, but it would be difficult to see a clan revealing there secret training to non-clan members (my view of the clan specific prestige classes). Also, if Bro's character is a Crane noble - why would they trust a Scorpion with his life? So I will OK this IF the background is such that you have abandoned all ties to the Scorpion clan and have been adopted into the Crane clan.


Updated character sheet with extra skill points.

Ghostknight: differences are minimal; the complete warrior version has Endurance as an additional requisite, and class abilities are the same. Has all knowledges as class skills, instead of only Religion and Arcana, but all other class skills are the same. BAB and class abilities are the same; activating a tatoo is a move action (you can´t combine it with a regular movement) Some tattoos change slightly:

-Can´t have the cloud tattoo (not surprising, since it gives a spell like ability that´s only printed in oriental adventures)
-Crab tatoo simply gives DR 2 x (nº of tatoos)/magic
-Crow tatoo doesn´t appear (again, not surprising)
-Chrysantemum doesn´t have minimum level requirement
-Dragon works as an elixir of fire breath
-Mountain: instead a –20 penalty to dex based checks, simply cannot use them.
-Nightingale: Can also heal others
-Ocean: No minimum level requirement.
-Pine: Since requirements include Endurance, the tatoo only gives the Remain Conscious feat.
-Scorpion is clarified: using it is a free action that can be used in other´s turn but not when flat footed; affects 1 attack only.
-Spider: You can use the poison instead of an stunning attack (and counts as an use of the stunning attack). Damage is 2 points of Con, instead of 1.
-Unicorn: Just once per day, not 1/tattoo
-Wasp: No minimum level requirement.
-White mask: No minimum level requirement.

Some feats from Oriental Adventures like Fists of Iron are reprinted in complete warrior; requirements are the same, it allows you to deal an extra 1d6 points of damage but takes 1 stunning fist use.

Tell me what version of the feat and prestige class do you prefer. (However, I do not plan to take it immediately; I want to roleplay Shokai´s “special circumstances”)

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Goddess FallenAngel said:
Okay, great. :)

Slightly off topic... (sorry all)

GFA, yeah I’m fine I just got back from medical... No concussion, I told you I was hard headed. :cool:

On a side note it looks like my earthlink email is down so if you need me for background information either this thread or… firstname.lastname@navy.mil

obviously use my first name and my last name. ;)


First Post
Someone said:
Updated character sheet with extra skill points.

Ghostknight: differences are minimal; the complete warrior version has Endurance as an additional requisite, and class abilities are the same. Has all knowledges as class skills, instead of only Religion and Arcana, but all other class skills are the same. BAB and class abilities are the same; activating a tatoo is a move action (you can´t combine it with a regular movement) Some tattoos change slightly:

-Can´t have the cloud tattoo (not surprising, since it gives a spell like ability that´s only printed in oriental adventures)
-Crab tatoo simply gives DR 2 x (nº of tatoos)/magic
-Crow tatoo doesn´t appear (again, not surprising)
-Chrysantemum doesn´t have minimum level requirement
-Dragon works as an elixir of fire breath
-Mountain: instead a –20 penalty to dex based checks, simply cannot use them.
-Nightingale: Can also heal others
-Ocean: No minimum level requirement.
-Pine: Since requirements include Endurance, the tatoo only gives the Remain Conscious feat.
-Scorpion is clarified: using it is a free action that can be used in other´s turn but not when flat footed; affects 1 attack only.
-Spider: You can use the poison instead of an stunning attack (and counts as an use of the stunning attack). Damage is 2 points of Con, instead of 1.
-Unicorn: Just once per day, not 1/tattoo
-Wasp: No minimum level requirement.
-White mask: No minimum level requirement.

Some feats from Oriental Adventures like Fists of Iron are reprinted in complete warrior; requirements are the same, it allows you to deal an extra 1d6 points of damage but takes 1 stunning fist use.

Tell me what version of the feat and prestige class do you prefer. (However, I do not plan to take it immediately; I want to roleplay Shokai´s “special circumstances”)

Either version is fine - so if you do go this route lets go Complete Warrior since it is 3.5 compatable, but the Cloud and Crow tattoos can be taken as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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