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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse (Recruitment always open)


First Post
Felix is also a generalist: while he favors stealth, (to the extent of being more far more stealthy then any other team member) he is not afraid of fights, though he is more useful at keeping other teammates in the action rather then doing the damage himself. but given that its hard to hurt most of our combative in the first place, this utility makes him better suited as a rear guard for the squishy guys ;3
But he could also still be highly useful to the combative team, if their lacking a potent scout :D

so yeah, he can work well on any type of team ^_^

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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Kat can do Deception style infiltration, or just walk up and punch people fighting, she's not good at the stealth though.


First Post
If it helps to seperate the group for you, then sure, but if it just gives a hassle then NAY! Seven, possibly eight, people is a lot to tango with, especially with things seeming to be made for four people. Laura can do either stealthy stealth or bashy bash. :D


First Post
I don't mind splitting, but doing so organically, in response to the needs of the moment seems somewhat preferable to a permanent split. As for Enoch, it seems to me that he enables other non-stealthy PC's to participate to a greater degree in stealth missions. And IIRC weren't we one pip on a die roll from being detected before we got to the lab? That would have been messy. But I also understand how he could create headaches from a GM POV. Enoch's build is pretty extreme, but it sounds like having a mentalist in general, assuming we continue to do spy missions, is the problem. So, if a change is needed, I'd lean a little more toward making a new character than nerfing.


First Post
whelp, I don't want to OoC the main, so.
Enoch might have only intended to relive the panic(some of the fear), soon as he opened that lid to ease the Felix's worry, Felix mind started chucking things out the opening. also, even if he was experimenting on the minds of the unaware, a practice that seems a lil dastardly, when did he get the time to get any real experience? a few weeks? a few weeks is not enough time to justify 'walks in, glimpse at a stalled engine, turns an unassuming screw, walks out and everything is K' levels of expertise. :/

to add to this oversight, an institute would have, mostly if not all, more stable psychosis to deal with; while we might call them unstable, their bazaar mind scapes would be stable in their own rules. Felix on the other hand is basically the inverse, his mind scape is logical, realistic, but is in an extreme state of flux, some rules are even changing: it started at utopia and is charging towards post apocalyptic.

In short, what little experience Enoch did get in this regard, dealing with psychosis, is rendered mute because the circumstances aren't remotely similar ;)

As for messing with Felix's head, knock yourself out, it can't get any worse unless you literally try ^_^


Zerith, it is not your call how good another character is at whatever they do. As VR has said, Enoch is exceptionally insightful and his mental perception is acute, allowing him to sense fine details of things on the mental plane. If it is your wish for Felix to be resistant to Enoch's help for roleplaying purposes, that is your call, but you have exactly as much say about his experience and ability with mental problems as he has over your shapeshifting ability and past history.

Sorry if it seems a bit blunt, but I want to make sure I'm clear and try to nip this in the bud.


First Post
I like blunt :3
But I love debates :D
That said, even if he can see all the details of a mind, it dos not mean he instantly understands all the repercussions of doing thing X to it; if his powers/skill set let him crunch the numbers/possibilities expediently, I would agree, but he is well within he normal range of possibilities in terms of intellect and none of his abilities help him process nor cop with this information.

Basicly: Enoch's abilities give him the access to a fully detailed blue print of a mind, but not the know how that is needed to understand it or expediently find anything in it. He has no expertise (literally) and is acting like he has the expertize (perhaps Expertize psychology?) needed to shorten the tasks of, perfectly examining all the detailed information his powers give him to a mere moment, coming up with the right solution, and executing it flawlessly.

This is an insane amount of detailed information to understand and deal with given the amount of time he takes, and to do it, all he has is a flat intellect bonus: of +1, I think the tasks would be about 15 or higher to do without the time crunch, at least. meaning to do it, without a role, he would have to take 20... this takes extra time... this is the problem I have as things stand :/

On another note: a way to 'nerf' Enoch while keeping his concept intact, could be making his abilities skill role dependent: maybe make them need a duel roll, one using his, enhanced, insight and another for an expertize, the role requirement would give him the PP needed to pump up an expertize while also giving him enough to also, perhaps, let him think faster, and maybe buff his intellect: given his power set it's kind of low.

Basically, it would make his power less certain so it's not a blank pass through manually guarded auras, it could even be a very easy role for him to make while keeping all the skill ranks, but it becomes a chance of failure while keeping up his potency :3

I could do an example if you would like ^_^

Walking Dad

First Post
Well, "mental perception" is ill defined in the rules, so specifics are entirely to determined by the GM. It is no mind reading, a "Detect x" power or an aura vision. So what does it do? Once you have a certain answer to the question, you can judge its utility.


First Post
WD you are certainly correct that it is not clearly defined and thus a GM judgement call. Although with ranged accurate and acute attached to the sense, I had assumed that it could at least be used to perceive minds and determine their 'structure' without providing anything so useful as mind reading.

As for your argument Zerith, I think what is being missed is that using Mind control to help with mental distress is essentially just role-play fluff. Against enemies, its much more likely to be used to give orders without regard to the target's feelings. After all, mechanically Mind Control is a cumulative Affliction which inflicts the compelled/controlled conditions. And the wording of those conditions unambiguous, leaving no wiggle room for argument nor need for supporting skills.

Conceptually, Enoch is a dangerous savant not a psychotherapist. He may be able to make someone act sane when their normal inclination is a manic or catatonic episode, but eventually inevitably that person will revert to whatever behavior is normal for them. I agree that Enoch actions in the psychiatric hospital as he was first discovering his powers were dastardly. He would agree as well. That was why he was loathe to tamper even lightly with Felix's mind, even though he was trying to be helpful. And going forward that guilt could keep him from pumping enemy agents for information. But against people who are involved in slavery or attempted genocide he has few moral compunctions.

Walking Dad

First Post
I'm a bit reminded of an instant in the DC comics when the Martian Manhunter (one of DC's strongest telepathy) temporarily cured the Joker and "forced" him to be sane...

Mechanically you need the "mental transform" third degree affliction to do it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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