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Khorvarian Days & Knights [IC]

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Hearing D'Orien's assent to his plan, Lyren pushes his horse ahead of the coach, keeping an eye on either side of the road for likely ambush points (spot +4, search +2) and listening for any signs of combat. (listen +4)

Lyren has his longspear out, his shield on his back, his dagger in his leg sheath, and his morningstar hanging from the saddle.
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First Post
Trying to shake of the damp moring chill, Lynx lavishly stretches and yawns, displaying sharp canines and teeth for all to see.

"Well Zook" he adresses the coachman as the others ride off to the front and rear "a fine little adventure we stumbled into here it seems."

Absentmindedly licking some Ink from his fingers he curiously asks "Have you ever heard of those Ashen Spires the letter speaks off? I wonder what a place with such a dire name might conceal."

Ooc 1:
First, How do Tyler and Lynx know one another? I need to get a feel for the relationship between the two.

I have no idea, but I was going on the assumption that there is at least a partial familiarity.. the very minimum would be two days on the road including the fight and the sort of companionship such travels build.

Somehow, somewhere you must have trusted the Shifter enough to read your fathers letter to him along with the rest for this whole intro to work.
Maybe you questioned him about the relic mentioned in the letter?
Maybe the curious Shifter eavesdropped and couldn't help but comment on the item, though he probably wouldn't know anything more than the rest of you?
Either way would work to break the ice with the curious Enchanter.

Maybe they did know each other already before the trip started? Ideas?

As for the relationship, Lynx will mostly try to offer Tyler and Kollared (and Lyran?) the proper respect usually awarded to nobleman, but just as often forget or fumble the etiquette (combined use of "Sir" and the first name being one example).

Ooc 2:
OoC: Can you please describe the coach? Is it covered or open? Is it being piloted by an NPC? Everyone seems to have their own ideas of how it looks, so a vivid description would help, especially if there is going to be action before reaching town. Thanks.

Either way, Lynx will prefer the outdoors (and needs to be there if the whole conversation above has happend) If it's a closed coach, Lynx will be up front with the coachman (Zook?).

Ooc 3:
While Lynx doesn't hold a rigorous vigilance, both he and his cat will once in a while have a look around.. not much else to do on the coach anyways [Spot: +7] (both cat and Lynx).
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Tor L'Tha

First Post
Zweischneid said:
"Well Zook" he adresses the coachman as the others ride off to the front and rear "a fine little adventure we stumbled into here it seems."

Absentmindedly licking some Ink from his fingers he curiously asks "Have you ever heard of those Ashen Spires the letter speaks off? I wonder what a place with such a dire name might conceal."

Zook had traveled a lot in Karrnath, and had a vage idea of the geography of this country.

"Well whitout being shure, i think the Ashen Spires are nort for Vedykar ther's a bigger city northweast or was it east? of the ashen spires. I do think there was some woods there to."
I regret i traded my map with that goblin, dammit! i should smoke less pipe... had it not been for that fine smoking leafes he had...
"Adventure? Shure it is! from a standar courier jobb to the seeking of a relic and intrigues. I hope we are the right kind of group for the task that lies before uss."


First Post
Juggernaut said:
OoC: Can you please describe the coach? Is it covered or open? Is it being piloted by an NPC? Everyone seems to have their own ideas of how it looks, so a vivid description would help, especially if there is going to be action before reaching town. Thanks.

Picture the coach as being a large stagecoach-like vehicle, spacious enough to fit at least 6 people quite cofortably, more if needed. It is an enclosed cabin, with a door on either side, and windows flanking each door.


First Post
ShaggySpellsword said:
Hearing D'Orien's assent to his plan, Lyren pushes his horse ahead of the coach, keeping an eye on either side of the road for likely ambush points (spot +4, search +2) and listening for any signs of combat. (listen +4)

Lyren has his longspear out, his shield on his back, his dagger in his leg sheath, and his morningstar hanging from the saddle.

Lyren plunges ahead of the coach, which is already moving at a good clip. The woods begin to thin after a bit, and soon the road leads you all into open countryside. By noon, the gently rolling hills again are replaced by a light forest.

The sun had tried to pierce the clouds several times throughout the morning, but by early afternoon, a light drizzle begins, and it becomes noticibly cooler.

(Lyren makes several Spot checks - 18, 21, 17.....meaning a vigilant eye, but nothing detected. With the drizzle, the spotting will get more difficult)

By mid-afternoon, the drizzle has turned into a cold, pouring rain. Visiblility is poor in the forest, and Lyren's 2nd Search check (14, 8, 19) fail to notice the deep pothole in the road. As the coach rounds a bend, the right front wheel discovers the hole! (14 points damage to coach wheel). Lyren hears the crunch of the wheel breaking, and turns in horror as the coach rolls right and falls onto its side. (Everyone made their Reflex saves to avoid damage, but you still get bumped around a bit).

As you all help each other out of the overturned coach, it is readily apparent that the coach is done for. The front wheel has effectively shattered beyond repair in the present circumstances.

Tyler, cursing under his breath, realizes roughly where he is in relation to the town. Following the Orien road will get you to Vedykar after about 5-7 hours, well after dark. Approximately an hour away up the Orien road is a waystation, used primarily to water horses.


First Post
Tyler begins to unload the compartments in the sides of the coach, after he checks that everyone is uninjured. He places his saddle and saddlebags on his horse. He then puts on the bit & bridle. "OK, we have 2 choices. We can attempt to set up camp here in the pouring rain, or we can continue down this road until we get to the waystation. The waystation is about an hour away. Vedykar on the other hand is a good 5-7 hours. The rain has slowed our progress and I am afraid that we will not be making it there today unless we press on through the night. So actually we have 3 choices, but first we must decide whether to stay here or head for the waystation."

Tyler looks at each man, "So what say each of you? Personally I say we move on until we atleast make it to the waystation. There may be others camping there for the night, and there are safety in numbers." He looks over to where the horses that were drawing the coach are now. "How are the horses And the teamster are they ok?"

If there are enough healthy horses Tyler will offer a horse to both Zook and Lynx, "You guys are more than welcome to each ride one of the horses, however I do not have a saddle to offer you."

Tyler continues to ready his horse awaiting the opinions of his comrades. He straps his sword to one side of the saddle and his Sharrash to the other. "Stay or Move on?"

With the downpouring rain it is very difficult to maintain alertness but Tyler tries his best to be aware of his surroundings. (Spot -1, Listen -1)

Tor L'Tha

First Post
Juggernaut said:
"So what say each of you? Personally I say we move on until we atleast make it to the waystation. There may be others camping there for the night, and there are safety in numbers."

Zook jumps of the coach looks on the wheel and sees that it beyond any repair. where are our luck when we need it most? "Tyler, i also wanna get to the waystation, so you got my vote on that, i think that our skills will be proven this day.
and i accept your offer of horse to ride..."

Zook takes one of the horses and unties him from the coach, he takes his gear and swings uppon the waiting horse.
Zook listen out in the rain trying to concentrate on every sound thats not a rain dropp, he will do this for the rest of the journey (if the group decide to move on to the waystation).
Zook will also ride close to the edge of the road searching for any sign or sound of the enemy, he will also try to stay in a 30 ft distance to Tyler.
It will be dificult to see or listen anything in this weather. If we are surprised i must hide.

Zook makes his skin, hair and eyes turn black, his already dark clothes makes him dificult to spot.
He says to the group, "beware friends, dont take my new looks as the one of the enemy." He loses the dagger in his belt, and prepares the shortbow and arrows.

Listen +2; Search +6
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First Post
"..where are our luck when we need it most?"

Crouching low on the remains of the coach, his hood drawn back despite the heavy downpour, Lynx tilted yellow eyes glance around, trying to pierce the encroaching dark. His tufted ears twitch nervously.
Listen: +7 / Spot: +7

"I sure hope this is truly but bad luck" the Shifter growls "it's an awfully bad time and place for such a bad break."

Finally breaking his tense search and suppressing a sneeze, Lynx turns towards the others, nodding his conscent to Tylers idea to seek safety in numbers at the waystation.

If there are enough healthy horses Tyler will offer a horse to both Zook and Lynx, "You guys are more than welcome to each ride one of the horses, however I do not have a saddle to offer you."

Lynx mood seems to worsen further and he is beginning to look just as miserable as the half-drowned and whining cat beside him.

"I... uh ... I don't think I am too good with those beasts" he admits, pointing at a particularly anxious draught horse "those and I, we never got along well in the past."


First Post
"Well Lynx, It's time to make friends with horse-kind."

Lyren turns to the rest of the group and says, "We're as good as ambushed if we go on foot. We need to get to the waystation as soon as possible and we have plenty of horses to go around. Let's get to the waystation tonight, rest, and get going again first thing in the morning."

Lyren jumps down from his horse and starts to help unhitch the horses from the carriage, preparing them to be ridden.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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