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Khyber Rising: Eberron w/D20 Apocalypse(The Mystery & Horror begins!)


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!----feel free to 'inflate' your character's background w/contacts (friends/lovers/pets/houses/etc...) &/or enemies (self explanatory:)) You can post your contact/enemy list either at ENworld or the group---if its not grandma safe, postat the group!:)

Also, a small note, the game takes place some 10 years after the official book time---I'll post some of the minor changes tommorrow on the board/group.

I also would like yall (at least most) to know each other---whether prior adventures or caravaan guard duty or whatever reasonable thing pops in your head

I'm also doing some sketches of the group---feel free to add details to your characters' descriptions on appearance of self & equipment

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Steve Gorak

Scorpionfolke said:
Also, a small note, the game takes place some 10 years after the official book time---I'll post some of the minor changes tommorrow on the board/group.

Book, what book?

Also, did we just undergo our mutations, or have we had them since birth?

As far as knowing each other, I'd be fine to know y'all for either a very long time, or for only a few adventures.

I know little of the setting, so Scorpionfolke, feel free to assign me some foes and friends that ou feel are appropriate. I have one special request: I want my char to have an ennemy that he's had since childhood (i.e. since he was a baby) that has only one eyebrow! :p




By book I think he means the Eberron Campaing Setting book.
As for previous contacts (friends or enemies), I am the GM's plaything. Jak's amnesia should hopefully be a source of constant amusement for Scorpionfolke.

As for Jak's description:
A strips and whorls of short, glistening black fur create tribal patterns across Jak's deep blue skin but never climbs above his neck, leaving only his metallic silver eyes to break up the dark, uniform blue of his face.
Once you can look past his strange skin color and eyes, Jak has a plesant enough face, with attractive but common features (he is definatly not nobility). He has a lithe, rapier-like build, though his legs are longer than his frame and hieght suggest, and thicker as well.

At the start of this story, Jak is wearing nothing but some rough-spun, grey wool trousers and soft leather slippers.


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Ok, working on backstory, planning on being a loner for a good portion of my life. Withmy sole rival being my twin brother, a ranger. I will know the party, but they will just know me as an aquaintance. Working on more complete one now, and am open to suggestions through aim or email


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Steve Gorak said:
Book, what book?
The eberron book---dont worry if u dont have it I'll supply some info for ya later

Also, did we just undergo our mutations, or have we had them since birth?

when yall were awake last, yall were 'normal' for your race---now, you are strange :p

As far as knowing each other, I'd be fine to know y'all for either a very long time, or for only a few adventures.

I know little of the setting, so Scorpionfolke, feel free to assign me some foes and friends that ou feel are appropriate. I have one special request: I want my char to have an ennemy that he's had since childhood (i.e. since he was a baby) that has only one eyebrow! :p

I'll see what I can do about the one eyebrow :lol:


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ikazuchi said:
By book I think he means the Eberron Campaing Setting book.
As for previous contacts (friends or enemies), I am the GM's plaything. Jak's amnesia should hopefully be a source of constant amusement for Scorpionfolke.

As for Jak's description:
A strips and whorls of short, glistening black fur create tribal patterns across Jak's deep blue skin but never climbs above his neck, leaving only his metallic silver eyes to break up the dark, uniform blue of his face.
Once you can look past his strange skin color and eyes, Jak has a plesant enough face, with attractive but common features (he is definatly not nobility). He has a lithe, rapier-like build, though his legs are longer than his frame and hieght suggest, and thicker as well.

At the start of this story, Jak is wearing nothing but some rough-spun, grey wool trousers and soft leather slippers.
we could almost turn him into nightcrawler :D


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Hello, if you are still looking for more hero's I'd love to join. I won't be able to post a character/concept until tommorrow though as I'm gaming tonight and still have to get ready for that! Sounds like a very cool campaign so far though although I know nothing about Ebberon. Looking forward to hopfully joining up as I'm always willing to play a mutant! Any suggestions for what the party may need/want class-wise?


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Phoenix8008 said:
Hello, if you are still looking for more hero's I'd love to join. I won't be able to post a character/concept until tommorrow though as I'm gaming tonight and still have to get ready for that! Sounds like a very cool campaign so far though although I know nothing about Ebberon. Looking forward to hopfully joining up as I'm always willing to play a mutant! Any suggestions for what the party may need/want class-wise?

sure join on in---you'll have at least till monday to work on your pc since i'll be without a computer till then---whixh is ok since i picked up Five Nations, Explorerers Handbook, & Heroes of Horror today---should definately add something to the game :heh:


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garlicnation said:
Ok, working on backstory, planning on being a loner for a good portion of my life. Withmy sole rival being my twin brother, a ranger. I will know the party, but they will just know me as an aquaintance. Working on more complete one now, and am open to suggestions through aim or email

Hey 'g', a quick question---you put none by the hair descriptor on your character sheet---is your gnoll hairless? I have no problem with it if he is, just wanted to be sure before i draw him---btw, does he look like a D&D gnoll or a Warhammer gnoll---either is fine :D


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Scorpionfolke, are we supposed to roll for our mutations randomly or pick from the list and spend the 10 points however we want(+3 cosmetic for free I think??)?

Another question I hope hasn't been asked already (I read the thread but may have missed it): Are Psionics allowed?

Thanks, thats all for now I think.

Edit: Okay, also how about using races from Monte Cook's "Arcana Unearthed"? I am thinking about the Litorians which are Lion like humanoids. Thanks again.
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