[Living Pathfinder] Little Rock of Horrors

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=Scott DeWar/ Lord Camulus][MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION], I looked at Heinrich again and put an entry in the Character Submissions thread for you. Still need some sort of background. Also, sorry but I'll need you to go ahead and choose his starting languages before I can approve him.

[MENTION=100287]Lord_camulus[/MENTION], unless I'm missing something you've chosen one too many 0 and 1st level spells for Mariah. I'll add my approval to Aldern Foxglove's and change her status as soon as you correct that.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. :D[/sblock]
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Ashleigh smiles aloof and nods at the conversation. "Yeah, we can help with that. Let's get going, yeah? Out on the open sea again; 's been a while." She carefully closes some of the pouches on her bandoleer against the threat of wetness, and clambers aboard the longboat without waiting for an invitation.


Garnet watches the alchemist board, then turns back to the boat's pilot. "You feeling up to the trip now, lad?" She asks, "Or should we get a meal and a cup of ale in you first?"

OOC: Assuming it's early enough and the description sounds close enough that they don't have to wait for morning.


First Post
Hurrying quickly so as to not keep the others waiting long Mariah adorns her cloak and rushes back into the bustling tavern to check on her tea. To her surprise when she makes it back to the table she was sitting at she found that her herbal brew was gone. Saddened a bit the hooded aasimar walks out through the door to where her new associates still stood considering the task that they had committed to and their new adolescent employer. "My apologies friends i was merely checking on my tea i had left on the table, but alas the bar made must have taken it thinking the cup to be without a patron." The platinum haired woman pauses for a moment to reflect on her loss. "Are we decided then on by what means we shall venture to the island. This young mans boat would seem the most feasible and I am sure that we can help him man the craft if he requires assistance."


Giocco grins at the five. "Thank you so much! We'll need some provisions but don't worry 'cause I'll buy them it's only fair since you're working for me now." With that he darts inside the Dunn Wright but returns a few minutes later with a bulging sack which he tosses into the longboat. "If you're ready we can go now if'n not then we can wait but it shouldn't be too long. It's the ships you know they can't wait for the light."

When everyone is ready to leave (if you have something you need to take care of beforehand we can do so): With a little help it doesn't take long to row away from the mooring posts. Once away Giocco sets a small mast and they tack away from the city. The longboat is big enough for them all but maneuvering the sail without beaning someone in the head is awkward at times.

The trip is longer than anticipated. Giocco handles the craft fairly well from sunup to near sunset when you all look for a place ashore to make camp. The longboat is just too small to sleep comfortably in. Sometime you find a small fishing village, sometimes not and you camp rough. Finally, after ten days you round the headland and can see the lighthouse and the isle, little more than a pile of rocks, of Roccino. You would expect Giocco to be happy or excited at the sight of his home but he perches on the gunwhale and cranes his head for a good look scowling at the lighthouse.


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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
As the destination comes in sight, Pari does his best to stretch and work the kinks out. In spite of his small size, even he's found the journey uncomfortable.

"Well, I certainly feel much closer to all of you now. An unanticipated benefit of journeying by boat, I suppose." He notices Giocco's look of concentration. "Something the matter, lad?"


Giocco's brows knit together into a scowl. "It's right strange 'cause we've never had ivy growing on the Roccino 'house and what is this?" He turns his attention to the water, grabs an oar and jabs it at a mass of seaweed floating nearby. "Waters 'round here has always been clear." He levers up a leafy mass to demonstrate the counter to his point.

[sblock=OOC]Please post and attach a Perception check and Initiative roll (just in case, of course!).[/sblock]


Garnet steps out of the boat, her pleasure to be on solid ground not sufficient to drive the scowl from her face. True, she had only been seasick the first two days of the voyage. But this was the longest sea voyage of her life, aboard the smallest vessel. While not overtly hostile to those around her, she had not been a ray of sunshine either.


First Post
"I for one have gained a new found love for the sea, that is of course as long as I am admiring it from a distance." Taking in a deep breath of relief to now be back on dry land Mariah cautiously gases at the scene wary of any creatures that match the young lads description as well as anything else out of the ordinary.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
When they land on twhe beach Heinrich addresses the distressed future wizard.

"i recall you saying 'Something went wrong and I summoned something. Little men with skin like bark and hair like vines. They weren't very friendly and the spell was going crazy and it ate the light.' What spell were you casting lad? and can you be more detailed about these little men?"
perception and initiative
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