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[LPF] Allbright's Shadow


First Post
Seeing the two men move closer to the anti chamber, the elf wizard floats over to support them, seeing that Sylvian is working on IDing the magical items, and Relic is assisting Daylily in the interrogation of the quasit.

Move over to support Borric and Orlando, in case they need it.

Initiative: +9 Perception: +2 (low-light vision)
AC: 13 + 4 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch ) HP: 79 Current: 79
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +7 Reflex: +8 Will: +9
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep

Spells in Effect:
Detect Scrying: 16 hours remain
Mage Armor: 4 hours
Overland Flight: 4 hours
Magic Circle against Evil: 90 Minutes

School Focus:
Abilities locked due to Dimensional Lock

Shift: 25' Teleport as Dim Door. Does not Provoke AoO (9/9 remaining) (3+ Int)
Summoner's Charm: Summoning Spells Last a total of 16 Rounds (1.5 level)
Dimensional Steps: 330/330 feet per day. Must be used in 5' increments (30 * Level)

Fast Study: Can Memorize Open Slots in 1 minute instead of 15 minutes
Ring Of Counter spells: Contains Enervation

Malkovian: Happy for now.
Timely Inspiration: 1/3 Immediate Action, +2 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Gallant Inspiration: 1/1 Immediate Action, +2d4 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Borrow Skill: 2/3 Standard Action, borrowing skill ranks (Normally Knowledge Skills)
Mage Hand: At will. Controllable by Malkovian/ Anaerion
Cure Light Wounds: 3/3 Standard Action. 1d8+5.
Bonus Boon: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 2: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 3: Anaerion does not know this power.

Spells Prepared (* denotes School Spell):
Level 0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mending
Level 1: Mage Armor *, Comprehend Languages, Grease (DC 18), Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Ray of Enfeeblement (2 Slots) (DC 17)
Level 2: Stone Call *, False Life (2 slots), Invisibility, Mirror Image,See Invisibility,Create Pit (DC 19)
Level 3: Aqueous Orb (DC 20) *, Haste, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Evil, Resist Energy: Communal, Haste
Level 4: Black Tentacles(+11+1+4 CMB) *, Persistent Glitterdust (DC 19 Save Twice), Telekinetic Charge, Detect Scrying, Telekinetic Charge
Level 5: Wall of Stone *, Persistent Slow (DC 19 Save Twice), Overland Flight, Dismissal (DC 21)
Level 6: Quicken Web (DC 19)*, Disintegrate, OPEN SLOT

Arcane Bond: USED (Daylight)
Pearl of Power level 1: 0/2
Piercing Rod: 1/3

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Satin Knights

First Post
"Well, lets see. Five dozen vrock, six dozen balbaus, two dozen succubi, two dozen kalvakas, a dozen of the elite balbans, eight of the mighty nabasu, three of the sons of perdition, eight of the dameondands, a glaberzu, oh yeah, you got him already, swarms and swarms of the chatters, and over a hundred of the mighty dretches. Our armies will over run you and take this world. And we are just the first wave. More come all the time. And when he arrives, the true torment of this land shall begin."

Borric cautiously opens the side door to find, a storage room. A couple books and several papers lie on a table along with four knobby orbs. A few weapons hang in a rack, looking a bit like crossbows, but not quite the same. Several staffs are in the rack as well, but Anaerion confirms that only three of them are enchanted.

After Drev left to go use the free healing, Elenka steps out of the room as well and back down the stairwell.

The fog that has enveloped most of the dias area is not disapating, but rather just hanging there heavily, continuing to cause a bit of silliness in those that remain in it.
[sblock=Elenka]The "leash" of 100' don't reach far enough for Drev to make it back without falling to half his hit points. So, you have to retreat a bit to give him room until he is done. At least he can take normal healing and doesn't need the Life Conduit that Arianna is using.[/sblock][sblock=Loot]Since Sylvain has such a high identify check, I am not bothering with making him roll them out for the new items.
+1 Mithral Full-Plate of Speed armor, 26,500 gp
+2 Cold Iron longsword, 10,315 gp
+1 Called shortsword, 8,310 gp
Staff of Healing, 29,600 gp
Staff of Many Rays, 57,200 gp
Staff of the Eidolons, 14,400 gp
3 wands of Cure Light Wounds, 750 gp each
3 Water Scorpions,
Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st
Slot none; Price 5,360 gp each
This wood and iron weapon resembles a light crossbow with a very short prod. The prod itself is non-functional, but provides the water scorpion with excellent balance. The water scorpion functions as a +1 weapon that magically produces a stream of holy water with a range of 30 feet each time it is fired. The stream strikes its opponent as a ranged touch attack that deals 2d4+1 points of damage to undead and evil outsiders. To other creatures it is harmless. Only one stream might be fired each round, but there are rumors of water scorpions of speed created from the original.
Anyone proficient with crossbows may use a water scorpion without penalty.

4 Faith Orbs
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 2,250 gp each
This brass orb is a bit larger than a human fist. It is covered with symbols of goodness and law and thick studs. If used as an improvised weapon, it deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage and serves as a good weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The faith orb is activated when a special stud is depressed (usually marked by a different metal). Activating the orb is a standard action, but the orb may be thrown as a ranged touch attack (10-foot range increment) with the same action that is used to activate it. At the end of the action or when it hits its target (use the splash chart to see where it goes if you miss), it triggers a flame strike centered on the orb. Creatures caught in the blast area suffer 9d6 damage as the spell, or half with a DC 17 Reflex save. The faith orb is consumed in the process.
[sblock=Status, Combat Over]

93/130 AC 19 N29 ~ Daylily ~ AW 4, DR 1 glaive-guisarme ~ grappling sparkly quasit
..83/83. AC 22 O29 ~ Relic ~ Fly 5908r,
..82/82. AC 21 P29 ~ Sylvain ~ DV 1399r, MA 5443r, ArcSight 50r,
108/108.AC 24 K31 ~ Orlando ~ DV 1399r ~Foggy Minded, Sparkly ~
123/127 AC 31+2BS M29 ~ Borric ~ DV 1399r, +2 Heroism 378r, +2 BS 519r ~
..79/79. AC 17 N29 ~ Anaerion ~DV 1399r/MA/OFl/1860r/DS/9031r/MC378r, ~
..82/82. AC 18 S29 ~ Elenka ~ DV 1399r,
..82/82. AC 24+4 M29 ~ Drevezh'Korol ~ MA 4208r, Gr Magic Fang 4818r, ~ Foggy Minded ~
100^82/100^82 AC 30 S29 ~ Arianna ~ MA 1842r, GMF 10296r ~ using the healing shrine + Life Conduit (10d6=33) + Life Conduit (10d6=31)
164/164 AC 28 L29 ~ Kalinn ~
..80/80. AC 22 Q29 ~ Breninyr ~ CR 7254r/MA 5465r ~
121/121 AC 26 M28 ~ Aradra ~DV 1399r,SI 223r, LS 13843r ~ Foggy Minded ~
124/125 AC 28 K28 ~ Shadow ~ DV 1399r,GMF +2 13841r/MA 5444r, ~
.,??/??.. AC 15 T29 ~ Kutholiam ~ DV 1399r, InvisPurge 32r, ~

??/?? AC 27 F32 ~ Quasit, grappled
-38/73 AC 20 K29 ~ CMD 24 DEAD Balbau A
-19/73 AC 20 J28 ~ CMD 24 DEAD Balbau B,
-4-20/73 AC 20 I29 ~ DEAD Balbau C ~ curbstomped coup-de-grace
-5-20/125 AC 30 L30 ~ DEAD Kalvakus Demon ~ curbstomped coup-de-grace
-13+8=-5/??? AC 27 I28 ~ Knight, unconscious
-32/171 AC 27 M31 ~ DEAD Tarry Demodand,
1/3? AC9 ~ Pinned man
??-35-17-6/?? AC 16 ~ Son of Perdition, GONE

Ceiling: 30 feet
Lighter Cyan shaded circle: Borric's Ioun Torch still providing light, outside of that, candle light providing moderate or dim light. Still there, just got tired of merging maps to do the effect right.
Inside Red shaded circle, Magic Circle vs. Evil 10' around Anaerion still there. Tired of merging effects.
Deep Blue Shaded: Grease
Magenta Triangle state: Flying
Green Triangle state: Haste
Red Diamond state: Grappled
Blue Circle state: Prone
Purple Dot: Blind


First Post
Once the important items have been "borrowed" from closet, Anaerion looks over at the solider still in the fog, and tells him "Aradra, you will feel better if you leave the fog. It is effecting your mind right now, and we could use your insight as a solider right now. Now then..."

Moving over to the quasit, Anaerion asks "Before I banish you back to the Abyss, I have 2 questions for you. The first, how were you able to weaken the Demonscope? Second, who is this bringer of torrment you mention?"

Anaerion is interested in the staff of rays, but is OK if Relic or Syvlian use it.

He will pick up one of the crossbow's however, since it gives him attack options again.

Initiative: +9 Perception: +2 (low-light vision)
AC: 13 + 4 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch ) HP: 79 Current: 79
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +7 Reflex: +8 Will: +9
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep

Spells in Effect:
Detect Scrying: 16 hours remain
Mage Armor: 4 hours
Overland Flight: 4 hours
Magic Circle against Evil: 90 Minutes

School Focus:
Abilities locked due to Dimensional Lock

Shift: 25' Teleport as Dim Door. Does not Provoke AoO (9/9 remaining) (3+ Int)
Summoner's Charm: Summoning Spells Last a total of 16 Rounds (1.5 level)
Dimensional Steps: 330/330 feet per day. Must be used in 5' increments (30 * Level)

Fast Study: Can Memorize Open Slots in 1 minute instead of 15 minutes
Ring Of Counter spells: Contains Enervation

Malkovian: Happy for now.
Timely Inspiration: 1/3 Immediate Action, +2 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Gallant Inspiration: 1/1 Immediate Action, +2d4 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Borrow Skill: 2/3 Standard Action, borrowing skill ranks (Normally Knowledge Skills)
Mage Hand: At will. Controllable by Malkovian/ Anaerion
Cure Light Wounds: 3/3 Standard Action. 1d8+5.
Bonus Boon: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 2: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 3: Anaerion does not know this power.

Spells Prepared (* denotes School Spell):
Level 0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mending
Level 1: Mage Armor *, Comprehend Languages, Grease (DC 18), Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Ray of Enfeeblement (2 Slots) (DC 17)
Level 2: Stone Call *, False Life (2 slots), Invisibility, Mirror Image,See Invisibility,Create Pit (DC 19)
Level 3: Aqueous Orb (DC 20) *, Haste, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Evil, Resist Energy: Communal, Haste
Level 4: Black Tentacles(+11+1+4 CMB) *, Persistent Glitterdust (DC 19 Save Twice), Telekinetic Charge, Detect Scrying, Telekinetic Charge
Level 5: Wall of Stone *, Persistent Slow (DC 19 Save Twice), Overland Flight, Dismissal (DC 21)
Level 6: Quicken Web (DC 19)*, Disintegrate, OPEN SLOT

Arcane Bond: USED (Daylight)
Pearl of Power level 1: 0/2
Piercing Rod: 1/3


First Post
"Fine fine, smarty double voice..."

Moving towards the pew just outside of the fog, Aradra sits down, taking a swig of water before rubbing his head.

[sblock=OOC]Move to L34 and sit down. Letting the mind fog dissipate from his head before he starts

[/sblock][sblock=Aradra Stats]
Aradra Longstrider
AC: 26 (19 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 121/121
CMB: +15 CMD: 31
Fort: +10 Reflex: +15 Will: +7
Perception: +21
Initiative: +8
Current Weapon in Hand: +16 (hits Twice)/+16/+11/+6 (1d8+11)
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim/Endless Ammo (from Bow); Woodland Stride ; Evasion; Clustered Shots; Falcon's Aim (+3 Perception & 19-20 /x3);Longstrider (16 hours);Skill Focus Stealth (5 Min)

On Crit: Target makes DC 23 Fort Save. If Failed, Staggered 1d4+1; Else Staggered 1

Used Items:
19 taps CLW wand

Adaptation: 110/130 Minutes Remain (Darkvision, Iron Will, Skill Focus Stealth, Climb 15, Swim 15)

Level 1 Spells: Feather Step, Gravity Bow, Longstrider, BLANK
Level 2 Spells: Barkskin (+4), Wind Wall, BLANK
Level 3 Spells: Greater Magic Fang
Level 4 Spells:
Extend Rod: 1/3 per Day
Pearl of Power lvl 1: Casted Mage Armor on Shadow
Negate Crit: 1/1
Haste: 7/10
Fly (CL 5): 1/1
Potion of See Invisibility(Loan from Daylily): 0/1

[sblock=Shadow Stats]
AC: 24 + 4 (22 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 124/125
CMB: +16 + 1 CMD: 29 (33 vs Trip)
Fort: +12 Reflex: +10 Will: +6 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +21
Initiative: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+17 / +9 1d8 + 21 + Trip) + d6 Shocking Amulet of Mighty Biting (De-activated)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent, Magic Fang Greater (+2) (16 hours), Mage Armor +4 (10 hours);


First Post
Sylvain fills the others in on the capabilities of the magical items he identified. "Looks like we hit the mother lode here. Suss out what you want to take, everyone. I've a feeling these items will do more in our hands than in this old closet."

Sylvain stat block: [sblock]

Initiative: [/sblock]
AC: 17 (15 Flat-Footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 98/98
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +9 Reflex: +10 Will: +111
Perception: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Hexes: ( DC 23) Misfortune, Healing, Fortune, Flight, Slumber, Cackle, Evil Eye, Retribution, Ice Tomb
Spells Per Day
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Message, Stabilize
1st Level: Burning Hands (DC 18), Charm Person (DC 20), Enlarge Person, Ill Omen (DC 20), Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp
2nd Level: Flaming Sphere (DC 19), Glitterdust (DC 21) (x2), Hold Person (DC 21), Vomit Swarm, Web
3rd Level: Dispel Magic, Fireball (DC 20) (x2), Heroism (x2), Stinking Cloud (DC 20)
4th Level: Black Tentacles, Confusion (DC 23), Dimension Door, Wall of Ice
5th Level: Baleful Polymorph (DC 22), Feeblemind (DC 24), Teleport (x2)
6th Level: Flesh to Stone (DC 23), Greater Dispel Magic, True Seeing
^means spell is used for the day.



First Post
Relic waits impatiently for the demon to respond to the questions posed to him.

[sblock=OOC]There are several items there which seem to allow casters who are usually fairly restricted in terms of participation during combat.

So who are those characters? Relic is one of them.

Sylvain? Has the Hexing ability which seems used quite often but no direct offense like Relic.
Anaerion, same as Relic. (But Jack also has Aradra and Shadow)

Arianna and Elenka ... Arianna seems very involved in melee, and Elenka has Drev.

So looking at that I would be keen to have a water scorpion to be able to do something when using a spell would be a waste. [/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


Borric stepped aside as the mage’s conferred about the properties of the weapons, armor, and other magical items. After Syl’s explanation, there was little to interest him. He was already wearing a suit of platemail that was shiny and he was not so restricted in movement that he needed mithral armor.

“Out all that stuff, the longword is about the only think I can make use of. And that would only be if I needed a secondary weapon should I lose Giantslayer, or need a decent cold iron weapon. But some of those shortswords I have collected are already serving me well enough as unneeded back-up weapons.”

“Maybe someone else could use the shiny platemail.”

[sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +18
AC: 31 (26 w/out shield, 28(23w/out shield) flat-footed, 14 Touch) Barskin -> 32 now
HP: 127 Current: 123
CMB: +17 CMD: 31 (33 vs. Disarm/ 35 vs. Trip) Fort: +13 Reflex: +9 Will: +8 (+11 vs. Fear) +10 Reflex
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip, Power Attack (-4/+8Dmg), Combat Expertise (-4/+4AC), Lunge, Heroism (+2 Att/SVs/Skills), Mind-shielded, Darkvision, Barkskin, Bless

Current Weapon in Hand: Spiked Gauntlet (RH), Shield (LH), Holy Flail (RH)
Chakram: 1/1 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]


First Post
Aradra giggles at Borric's statement. "That shiny plate? That stuff is WAY too hard to move in. I prefer something a little more less noticeable. For example, you can't seem my armor, yet I am armored up. A lot easier to sneak around in. The bright metal is all 'Over here demons! Come fight me!' "

Aradra clutches his head again, and nurses his head as the magic starts to dissipate .
Aradra needs the proficiency to actual make use of it. While it is interesting for him, the Celestial chain is too awesome for him.

[/sblock][sblock=Aradra Stats]
Aradra Longstrider
AC: 26 (19 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 121/121
CMB: +15 CMD: 31
Fort: +10 Reflex: +15 Will: +7
Perception: +21
Initiative: +8
Current Weapon in Hand: +16 (hits Twice)/+16/+11/+6 (1d8+11)
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim/Endless Ammo (from Bow); Woodland Stride ; Evasion; Clustered Shots; Falcon's Aim (+3 Perception & 19-20 /x3);Longstrider (16 hours);Skill Focus Stealth (5 Min)

On Crit: Target makes DC 23 Fort Save. If Failed, Staggered 1d4+1; Else Staggered 1

Used Items:
19 taps CLW wand

Adaptation: 110/130 Minutes Remain (Darkvision, Iron Will, Skill Focus Stealth, Climb 15, Swim 15)

Level 1 Spells: Feather Step, Gravity Bow, Longstrider, BLANK
Level 2 Spells: Barkskin (+4), Wind Wall, BLANK
Level 3 Spells: Greater Magic Fang
Level 4 Spells:
Extend Rod: 1/3 per Day
Pearl of Power lvl 1: Casted Mage Armor on Shadow
Negate Crit: 1/1
Haste: 7/10
Fly (CL 5): 1/1
Potion of See Invisibility(Loan from Daylily): 0/1

[sblock=Shadow Stats]
AC: 24 + 4 (22 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 124/125
CMB: +16 + 1 CMD: 29 (33 vs Trip)
Fort: +12 Reflex: +10 Will: +6 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +21
Initiative: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+17 / +9 1d8 + 21 + Trip) + d6 Shocking Amulet of Mighty Biting (De-activated)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent, Magic Fang Greater (+2) (16 hours), Mage Armor +4 (10 hours);


First Post

Daylily taps the quasit against the stone wall once or twice, casually, to get its attention. "This is not good time for you to boastings and be other-the-wise annoyings. For first place, I am think we already kill abouts a third of your mighty armies, so they are not that impress. For places number two, I am already interest to find how much you are squishable."

[sblock=OOC]Nothing Daylily needs out of the loot, except for maybe a holy hand grenade to bludgeon baddies with.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 130/130
CMB: +17 CMD: 30
Fort: +13 Reflex: +8 Will: +7
Attack: +18/+10/+5 for WD+19

AC: 14 (14 flat-footed, 9 touch)
HP: 152/152
CMB: +19 CMD: 32
Fort: +15 Reflex: +8 Will: +9
Attack: +25/+17/+12 for WD+24

Perception: +15
Initiative: +3

Current Weapon in Hand: Quasit (probably 1d3 improvised)
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Rage Remaining: ??/18
Haste Remaining: ??/10

Used Items:
Potion of Fly, Potion of See Invisibility x2, Wand of CLW x16



Orlando Furioso, Venzan bravo

Fury runs his fingers along the cold iron blade of the longsword.

"So, this stuff is especially effective against demons, huh?" He looks tempted but then shakes his head. "Nah, the shortswords we picked up earlier suit my style better. I'm like Borric here; I've already got a decent back-up weapon."

He turns and looks around waiting for everyone to finish their business and return to the main group.


• Orlando Furioso •

[sblock=Actions/OOC]--[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 10 / Bard 2
Initiative: +9 Perception: +15

AC: 25 (18 touch; 18 flat-footed)
HP: 108 Current: 108
CMB: +10 CMD: 28 Fort: +5 Ref: +18 Will: +7

In Hand: rapier & dagger

Bard Spells
Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2
Spells Known:
1st: Expedition Retreat, Feather Step, Vanish
0-level: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Sift
Winged Boots 1/3 remaining.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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