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Metahuman College, Issue Two: Paths Converge


First Post
Cloud is caught off-guard when she sees James standing next to Dr. Garcia. Then it clicks.

James must be her brother, she thinks to herself. Well, that would certainly explain a lot about his behavior. I wonder how deep this story goes...

"Doctor Garcia," she says with a nod as she approaches the group. Cloud assumes a very calm, soothing persona. "James, I don't think I'm going out on a limb to guess that this is your sister? She's frightened of someone or something, but I didn't get a chance to learn more when I spoke with her yesterday.

"Would you like to speak with her?"

[ooc - If James takes her up on the offer, Cloud will open up a telepathic contact with the girl and James using Group Link.]

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First Post
James Dunbar, HP 5/5

Dr Garcia said:
“I think it is possible, James. As I have said before, we have been running tests on her, and there is nothing physically wrong with her. In fact, she is healthier than most girls her age yet she remains in this coma.” Dr. Garcia paused and looked to Amelia’s still form with a perplexed expression upon his face, before looking back to James. “Yesterday, one of the students saw her, and pointed out that her spirit has somehow been separated from her body. I spoke with Ms. Cross, and she verified the student’s discovery. It is for this reason that I want to try a different route.”

"Separated from her..." James looks totally bewildered by the doctor's words, but before he can say very much, he suddenly stiffens and shifts position slightly, moving so he is facing both the doctor and the door, his face shutting down again.

Cloud said:
As he spoke, a soft noise could be heard from the door. Standing in the doorway was the portly man who had spoken with him earlier, as well as the Native American girl from his family group, Cloud.

"Doctor Garcia," she says with a nod as she approaches the group. Cloud assumes a very calm, soothing persona. "James, I don't think I'm going out on a limb to guess that this is your sister? She's frightened of someone or something, but I didn't get a chance to learn more when I spoke with her yesterday.

"Would you like to speak with her?"

James watches Cloud silently, his expression closed. It's almost like extending a hand to a stray dog, uncertain whether it's going to bite or lick it. For several moments, James just looks at Cloud, his gaze even sharper than before, as if he's trying to bore a hole through her. At this range, the deep bags under his eyes are even more pronounced. After a brief scrutiny, though its intensity makes it seem much longer, James drops his gaze, letting out a shuddering breath. "Yes, Amelia's my sister. And yes, I want to speak with her." He looks away and looks back, the dangerous gleam back in his eye, and speaks in an expressionless monotone. "She is everything I have left, and I will protect her. If you hurt her, I will kill you." There's no hesitation in his gaze, and it's quite clear that he means every word. Then he seems to sag, the steel going out of his eyes, almost becoming a different person even as Cloud watches. When he speaks again, it's in a quiet, hoarse voice, with a tiny amount of hope behind it. "Can you...help her?"


First Post
"I don't know yet if I can help her," Cloud says. "I've never encountered something like this before, but I will do everything in my power to help you get Amelia back. I promise."

She stands next to the bed and looks not at the body, but at the spirit of Amelia. (ooc- I'm assuming that her spirit is still conspicuously separated from her body.)

"This conversation will have to be done telepathically," she says. "Please relax and try not to resist my contact."

Cloud tries to contact both James and Amelia. "Amelia, can you hear me? It's me, Cloud. I met you yesterday. I've brought your brother James along with me."


First Post
"Perhaps in the castle itself, but I think they would seal any off for our security," Hoshiko says. "So people could not spy on us without us knowing. I certainly hope there are none in our dormatory areas."


First Post
Rinea is not fooled for a minute by the vile creature's clever ‘cute, furry, and harmless’’ ploy. She has never actually been in a fight before, but has seen several battles on the television over the last week she has spent on Earth, so she knows what to do. She assumes a defensive posture, the sight of which would almost certainly cause anyone who knew the first thing about fighting to break into laughter, and waits for the creature to make the first move.

Dark Nemesis

First Post
James and Cloud

For a moment, the two of them stand beside the bed, looking down at the motionless girl. Then, Cloud speaks. To James, it sounds as if her voice has taken a dual quality- that which he hears with his ears, and that which he hears within his mind. A long silence follows her words. Then, James is aware of another presence in the room… one standing on the other side of the room.

“James?” Amelia’s voice sounds faint within their minds, but it is definitely present. “James! You’re here!” The girl’s voice was filled with joy.


“Man, that would be freaky. Secret passageways in the dorms? Heh…” Ken grinned nervously.

Alexandra smiled then. “Well, we’ll see. I think that would be worth finding out.” She then tossed her hair over her shoulder and gave Jake a quick glance. “I’m thirsty. Jake, would you be a dear and get me a soda?”

“Sure,” Jake replied without hesitation. Without another word, he turned and left the room.

Dark Nemesis

First Post

With a grunt, Marcus was able to toss Jason over his shoulder. Jason landed with a heavy thud on the padded floor, still within the circle. He quickly rolled to one side and gotto his feet.

“Lucky shot, kid,” Jason grunted, once again dropping into a defensive position.


At first, it appeared that Nate was starting to slide down the hillside, though the rocks rose around him, keeping him from slipping further.

“Oh, man,” Nate mumbled, rubbing the side of his head. “That hurt…” he appeared to be dazed.


For a moment, the terrible creature stared up at Rinea with soulless black eyes. Then, it sat back on its hind legs, and began to clean its face with its front paws.

Clearly, that was the distraction though, as a low rumbling could be heard from the ground ten feet away.


First Post
Rinea glances briefly in the direction of the rumbling noise, trying not to take her attention from the bathing foe.


First Post
"Well, if there are these hidden passages, they will likely be already on a blueprint of the school. It is unlikely they are undiscovered. Perhaps in the library there would be blueprints?"


I aim to misbehave
Marcus Stevens (Proton) Hps: 5/5

Jason said:
“Lucky shot, kid,” Jason grunted, once again dropping into a defensive position.
"Yeah, probably was," Marcus replied, shrugging his shoulders. "I suck at this sort of thing . . . not training like I should. Feel kinda sick, wonder if I've got a bug or somethin'." He turned all of his focus on his opponent, watching him warily. He wasn't going to make the next move, but he would be ready when Jason did. He was pretty certain he was up on points with the throw/takedown of Jason.

OOC: Setting Jason as the only Dodge opponent (+2 to Dodge). Readying action to body blow Jason and try and knock him down if he attacks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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