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Mortal Kombat (Recruitment Closed)


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Buying healing items is not a serious solution.

First, potions only go up to a certain level, and cost quite a lot for what they do. A potion of CLW at 1d8+1 costs 50 gp. In order to heal, say, 75 hp(quite likely for a fighter type, after a tough fight),you would need to spend maybe 1 thousand. On average.

Secondly, yes, wands cost less than potions do.......much less. 50 charges of 1d8+1 only costs 750 gp for instance. The problem is anyone who can use it, either already can cast it, and thus wouldnt need it, or is a rogue/warlock/other class with use magic device as a class skill. Fighters, wizards, etc would not be able to do this. The same applies to scrolls.

I still dont get why you want players to fight matches in less than optimum condition? All its going to do is encourage people to be a class that can cast healing magic at will.

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First Post
Question said:
First, potions only go up to a certain level, and cost quite a lot for what they do. A potion of CLW at 1d8+1 costs 50 gp. In order to heal, say, 75 hp(quite likely for a fighter type, after a tough fight),you would need to spend maybe 1 thousand. On average.

Don't buy a butt-load of potions. Buy wands, or other items that can heal (ring of regeneration, etc.)

Question said:
Secondly, yes, wands cost less than potions do.......much less. 50 charges of 1d8+1 only costs 750 gp for instance. The problem is anyone who can use it, either already can cast it, and thus wouldnt need it, or is a rogue/warlock/other class with use magic device as a class skill. Fighters, wizards, etc would not be able to do this. The same applies to scrolls.

Take a few ranks in UMD, don't use Charisma as a dump stat (you've got plenty of points for point-buy to do that). Anyone can do this, and I think you can take a 20 outside of combat to activate the wand.

Question said:
I still dont get why you want players to fight matches in less than optimum condition? All its going to do is encourage people to be a class that can cast healing magic at will.

It sounds like we'll be fighting at least once per day in optimal condition, and possibly more after that with time between to heal. Should be interesting.

It also sounds like this isn't a straight arena fight pvp. It sounds like it will involve some NPC's and a modicum of plot.

And for the record, I didn't create a character of a class that can cast healing magic at all. (Though I did buy a wand and some ranks in UMD).


First Post
Question said:
I still dont get why you want players to fight matches in less than optimum condition? All its going to do is encourage people to be a class that can cast healing magic at will.

I understand your concern, I really do, but your missing the big picture here. The point of a tournament isn't just to overcome your next obstacle. Its also to save up as much strength as possible for later matches. What I'm trying to do is add a penalty for getting hurt really bad in a match. This adds the ideal that you need to ration your resources and strive to use less of them in a fight rather than waste everything you have on every fight knowing you'll get it all back later.


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For each page there will be an updated characters list.

Characters Recieved:
Einan - Kallandros - Good
Question - Tremere - Neutral
bluegodjanus - Torea - Good
devrimk - Katana - Lawful
Iku Rex - Zeki - Lawful
IcyCool - Sean McFallon - Lawful
Voidrazor - Shadow Dragon - Evil
Watus - Mord Ekland - Lawful
DrZombie - Acolyte Wu - (team not picked yet)
Last edited:


First Post
moritheil said:
Your campaign is potentially very interesting.

- Will you allow extensive casting of spells outside of combat? (For example, can planar creatures be summoned/bound?) I ask because it could be a hassle for a DM to deal with, but some builds are more viable that way.

- By "3.5 books," do you mean explicitly the 3.5 books, or does this include 3.0 books that were not updated? If the former, I think I can see why you got a ton of good and neutral entries but very few evil (as BoVD is 3.0, whereas BoED is 3.5 - leaving evil players somewhat in the lurch.)

Spellcasting can take place anytime anywhere as long as your able to do so and it does not effect other characters (in a negetive way mostly). As for 3.0 sources on the usable list, theres Savage Species (cause I like it), and I'm adding the BoVD too because it and the BoED are, in my mind, a package deal. FF I'm considering as 3.25 and also declaring it a useable source.

Iku Rex

(For the record: I don't have a problem with once/day healing.)

IcyCool said:
Don't buy a butt-load of potions. Buy wands, or other items that can heal (ring of regeneration, etc.)
Ring of regeneration? At 90000 that may well be the most overpriced item in the game. ;) And "etc"? ... like what? Healing is hard to come by.

IcyCool said:
Anyone can do this, and I think you can take a 20 outside of combat to activate the wand.
No, if you roll a natural 1 and fail you can't use the item for one day. If you don't have a very high UMD you need several wands if you're going to depend on them for your survival.

One thing to remember: A single level of paladin or ranger lets one use the much desired wand.


First Post
Albedo said:
For each page there will be an updated characters list.

Characters Recieved:
Einan - Kallandros - Good
Question - Tremere - Neutral
bluegodjanus - Torea - Good
devrimk - Katana - Lawful
Iku Rex - Zeki - Lawful

Did you get my character submission? I sent it to you via the Forum email option.


First Post
Iku Rex said:
Ring of regeneration? At 90000 that may well be the most overpriced item in the game. ;) And "etc"? ... like what? Healing is hard to come by.

Believe me, I looked long and hard at one of them. :) I believe there is an Ioun stone in the DMG that does roughly the same thing. I put the etc. in there to cover any items in the multitude of other books (including the XPH) that might heal. I'm aware that they are hard to come by.

Iku Rex said:
No, if you roll a natural 1 and fail you can't use the item for one day. If you don't have a very high UMD you need several wands if you're going to depend on them for your survival.

Ah, good thing I grabbed several ranks in UMD.

Iku Rex said:
One thing to remember: A single level of paladin or ranger lets one use the much desired wand.

Other options might be to take the Leadership feat for a healing cohort, or make an alliance early.

At any rate, I have no problem with the once/day healing.

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