NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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Hi UK,

OK, so the paladian in my game just got the Disciple template and now has his 2 domains. My question is, can he only cast up to 4th level spells, or does he get to cast all the spells on his domain lists?



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First Post
Per Ascension, you can use any SLA granted by your domain whose level is less than or equal your character level/2 (round up).

WarDragon said:

Hiya mate! :)

WarDragon said:
I had an idea for a new subset of the [Effect] divine abilities; Infusion. This ability would apply the effect to either a deity's damaging spells, or spell-like abilities, or one supernatural ability. I'm wondering if this would be balanced, and if so, what HD percentage it should be. Here's a breakdown of what it would do:

If the base is 1/32...
A 45 HD Lesser Deity with Superior Energy Infusion would deal an extra 4d6 energy damage with every damaging spell.
A 65 HD Intermediate Deity with Energy Mastery (Perfect Infusion) would deal 8d6 extra damage.
A 90 HD Greater Deity with Energy Mastery would deal an extra 11d6; a little better than Empowering a spell twice that normally caps at 10d6.

If the base is 1/16...
A 45 HD Lesser Deity with Superior Energy Infusion would deal an extra 8d6 energy damage with every damaging spell.
A 65 HD Intermediate Deity with Energy Mastery (Perfect Infusion) would deal 16d6 extra damage.
A 90 HD Greater Deity with Energy Mastery would deal an extra 22d6.

If the base is 1/8...
A 45 HD Lesser Deity with Superior Energy Infusion would deal an extra 16d6 energy damage with every damaging spell.
A 65 HD Intermediate Deity with Energy Mastery (Perfect Infusion) would deal 32d6 extra damage.
A 90 HD Greater Deity with Energy Mastery would deal an extra 45d6.

Cool idea, I like it! :D

I'm thinking you might be able to get away with 1/8th, certainly at least 1/16.

Hi Mercucio mate! :)

mercucio said:
U_K, can you provide some examples of Uncanny Wind Mastery. I'm working on my version of Odin and its effects seem kind of nebulous. It is supposed to be some kind of knockback effect?

Benefit: The effect knocks the target back 10 feet per hit die of the attack. Standing targets will take 1d6 damage per 10 feet they are knocked back and the total damage is doubled if they strike a solid object, such as a wall or building.

e.g. An greater deity (110 hit die) taking Wind Breath would gain a breath weapon that knocked medium size targets back a possible 250 feet. If they hit a wall 150 feet away, they would take 30d6 damage.

Hi Pssthpok mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
Update tomorrow, right?

I doubt it.

The next update will be on Thursday the 1st Feb.

Pssthpok said:
I also doubt that it will look like 10 days' worth of work, either.

No 10 day period is ever ten full days. Monday-Thursday are my full days, Friday is a half day and Sat/Sun are about a half day between them (unless its the day of an update).

So its usually about 5 from every 7.

Although in fairness I got into an argument on Saturday/Sunday over in the General Discussion forum, so I lost this weekends half day. :eek:

Pssthpok said:
See what you've done to my enthusiasm, UK. :(

I'm sorry mate. But look on the bright side, we are nearing the finish line.

Angel of Adventure said:

Hey Angel of Adventure mate! :)

Angel of Adventure said:
OK, so the paladian in my game just got the Disciple template and now has his 2 domains. My question is, can he only cast up to 4th level spells, or does he get to cast all the spells on his domain lists?

Mercucio already answred this question (thanks dude).

Someone also asked me (via email) about the epic (portfolio) spell-like abilites.

They should can be used 1/day.


First Post
Upper Krust, just remember - for every ability, we need to know how often it can be used, what it does, and what the saving throw difficulty is and how it's calculated. You forget to specify those quite often.


First Post
Quote from the other thread to bring discussion into the new one (along with dante's pretty-damn-cool ability suggestions):

Upper_Krust said:
Hey dante dude! :) know i started a new Ascension thread mate...but since you are already here.

dante58701 said:
Blade [Effect] (Su)
Your [Effect] ability manifests as tangible blades.
Prerequisites:[Effect] Ability, Immortal.
Benefit:Your [Effect] Ability manifests as tangible blades, inflicting +1/4 piercing damage and +1/4 slashing damage. These blades remain embedded upon inflicting damage, as they are quite real, and must be forcibly removed. Each time this ability is taken it applies to a different [Effect] ability.

Chain [Effect] (Su)
Your [Effect] ability manifests as tangible chains.
Prerequisites:[Effect] Ability, Immortal.
Benefit:Your [Effect] Ability manifests as tangible chains, inflicting +1/6 bludgeoning damage, +1/6 piercing damage, and +1/6 slashing damage. These chains can be used in conjunction with the Dancing Chains ability as they are quite real, although they only inflict damage when this is the desired effect. Each time this ability is taken it applies to a different [Effect] ability.

Dancing Chains (Su)
Your divine aura manifests corporeal chains similar to those controlled by a dancing chains spell.
Prerequisites: Divine Aura, Immortal, Self Mastery.
Benefit:Your divine aura manifests corporeal chains that attack and move, according to your whims, as per a dancing chains spell. These chains are indestructible. These chains are negated by a dead magic zone.
You know I almost had an ability in Ascension called Weapon [Effect]. Which was basically like a sort of flechette/shard/metal [Effect]. But it just seemed a bit hokey and in terms of damage was the same as Force [Effect]. So I just thought it would be more likely that War deities (for example) would have Force effects shaped like weapons.
I think it might be worth mentioning, at this point, the fact that Exalted has several Charms and Sorceries that could be used for Divine abilities in the IH system, though obviously copyright issues would prevent UK himself from publishing them. This note about the Weapon [Effect], which I suspect would be something akin to a shower of shurikens or the like out of a wuxia film (correct, UK?), reminds me immediately of the Death of Obsidian Butterflies, which is one of the lowest "level" attack spells in Exalted. It basically creates a football-field-sized cloud of butterflies literally made of obsidian, volcanic glass, that just whirl and fly around at high speed and shred everything in the area.

Upper_Krust said:
Although, that said, I like the idea of the chains, reminds me of Hellraiser.
I think it reminds everybody of Hellraiser. :D That's not a bad thing, of course- I long ago made an Epic template for my game to create "Pain Elementals" which are highly derivative of the Cenobites. IH rules would make creation of such beings easy, and you can even stat up Leviathan from the second movie while you're at it, if you're so inclined.

Upper_Krust said:
dante58701 said:
Mask of Darkness (Su)
Your face is concealed by a mask only you can remove.
Prerequisites:Apocrypha, Divine Aura, Immortal, True Seeing.
Benefit:Your divine aura manifests a seemingly porcelain mask that only you can remove. No other being, including those of higher divine rank, or circumstances can remove this mask. Furthermore this mask is impenetrable to all forms of discernment or divination, effectively concealing you identity. This mask also renders it's wearer impervious to all gaze attacks and effects, as well as all attacks and effects reliant upon hearing, scent, sight, and taste. Removing or replacing this mask is a free action. This mask is negated by a dead magic zone.
Porcelain mask!? Thats very cool. I like it.
It reminds me of some anime I've seen, perhaps mostly of "Spirited Away" with the being that was all mask with just some nasty faceless goo underneath. But still, it is a pretty cool ability there, particularly if it were worded "Your Divine Aura manifests as a seemingly-porcelain mask..." which would mean the actual aura is not present while the mask is worn. That would allow the deity to walk around in any company, concealed effectively as a non-divine being. Also, it's perfect for a being like Hastur, who in his aspect as the King in Yellow goes around concealed under a mask. His ability to cause insanity in people affected by his Divine Aura would logically be suppressed while wearing said mask. That jibes perfectly with the stories which exist of that entity; supposedly seeing beneath the Pallid Mask causes complete and permanent insanity in the viewer.

Upper_Krust said:
dante58701 said:
Raiment of Darkness (Su)
Your divine aura manifests as an intangible raiment of darkness that moves according to your whims.
Prerequisites:Apocrypha, Divine Aura, Immortal, Self Mastery.
Benefit:Your divine aura acquires the additional effect of the Apocrypha ability. This effect benefits all of your allies. It also provides a +20 equipment bonus to all hide and move silently checks for both you and your allies. This raiment cannot be destroyed or removed and is never a hindrance to you. This raiment resembles any form of clothing ensemble desired. This raiment is negated by a dead magic zone.
Thats not bad.

Don't feel you need to mention dead magic negating a (Su) ability every time.
Isn't this a Cosmic ability, granting Apocrypha to those within the Immortal's Divine Aura? Still, I suppose it could be on par relative to other Divine abilities as "top-of-feat-chain" feats like Whirlwind Attack are to other feats. One has to take a couple of Divine abilities to even get it, so it's definitely a "top of the Divine ability chain" ability.

Anabstercorian said:
Upper Krust, just remember - for every ability, we need to know how often it can be used, what it does, and what the saving throw difficulty is and how it's calculated. You forget to specify those quite often.
Agreed- though I would remark that this is something that can be added in to the "Fix This!" thread. Usually, when I've used these abilities to stat up a monster or deity so far, I've explicitly written them out in mechnics-friendly form, specifying what type of action is used to activate the ability (if it's not constant), any daily limit on its use, and other similar considerations. For example, I figured that Divine Immensity requires the being to use a standard action to make a single size shift, and so growing or shrinking two sizes would require two actions (and thus most likely two rounds). This may not be what UK intended, but the existing Divine Immensity description doesn't make it clear.

Thanks for the feedback Anabstercorian! :)

Hey paradox dude! :)

paradox42 said:
Quote from the other thread to bring discussion into the new one (along with dante's pretty-damn-cool ability suggestions):

I have another equally prolific person email me with lots of new abilities and stuff, I need to find more time to review his stuff and put the best ideas up on the website.

paradox42 said:
I think it might be worth mentioning, at this point, the fact that Exalted has several Charms and Sorceries that could be used for Divine abilities in the IH system, though obviously copyright issues would prevent UK himself from publishing them. This note about the Weapon [Effect], which I suspect would be something akin to a shower of shurikens or the like out of a wuxia film (correct, UK?), reminds me immediately of the Death of Obsidian Butterflies, which is one of the lowest "level" attack spells in Exalted. It basically creates a football-field-sized cloud of butterflies literally made of obsidian, volcanic glass, that just whirl and fly around at high speed and shred everything in the area.

Exalted sure has some 'purdy' names. :)

As for Weapon [Effect] it was born out of the name of a Citadel Miniature from about 20 years ago. I seem to recall it was a Chaos Warrior called Antor Axebreath. I always thought wouldn't it be cool if a monster had a breath weapon that spat actual 'axes'. So that was where my idea for Weapon [Effect] sprang from.

paradox42 said:
I think it reminds everybody of Hellraiser. :D That's not a bad thing, of course- I long ago made an Epic template for my game to create "Pain Elementals" which are highly derivative of the Cenobites. IH rules would make creation of such beings easy, and you can even stat up Leviathan from the second movie while you're at it, if you're so inclined.

I have to admit I loved the second Hellraiser movie immensely. The Doctor was such a cool monster, and you also had the monster vs. monster battle as the temporarily redeemed Pinhead and his cronies take on this anarchic tendrilled menace.

Just searched wikipedia and apparently there are 8 Hellraiser movies in total. :eek:

Pinhead is ripe for a D&D conversion. Based on what I have seen hes certainly weaker than a demipower. Perhaps even as weak as a Prophet, with the other Cenobites as Disciples...hard to say.

paradox42 said:
It reminds me of some anime I've seen, perhaps mostly of "Spirited Away" with the being that was all mask with just some nasty faceless goo underneath.

Thats another great movie with so many wonderful ideas in it.

paradox42 said:
But still, it is a pretty cool ability there, particularly if it were worded "Your Divine Aura manifests as a seemingly-porcelain mask..." which would mean the actual aura is not present while the mask is worn. That would allow the deity to walk around in any company, concealed effectively as a non-divine being. Also, it's perfect for a being like Hastur, who in his aspect as the King in Yellow goes around concealed under a mask. His ability to cause insanity in people affected by his Divine Aura would logically be suppressed while wearing said mask. That jibes perfectly with the stories which exist of that entity; supposedly seeing beneath the Pallid Mask causes complete and permanent insanity in the viewer.

The idea of the porcelain mask also reminded me of undead types in certain wuxia movies. I suppose its a burial mask in such cases.

There is a great pic by Wayne Reynolds in the back of Oriental Adventures that features some zombies wearing porcelain masks.

paradox42 said:
Isn't this a Cosmic ability, granting Apocrypha to those within the Immortal's Divine Aura? Still, I suppose it could be on par relative to other Divine abilities as "top-of-feat-chain" feats like Whirlwind Attack are to other feats. One has to take a couple of Divine abilities to even get it, so it's definitely a "top of the Divine ability chain" ability.

I don't know if it should be cosmic or just have a lot of pre-req divine abilities and e itself a divine ability.

paradox42 said:
Agreed- though I would remark that this is something that can be added in to the "Fix This!" thread. Usually, when I've used these abilities to stat up a monster or deity so far, I've explicitly written them out in mechnics-friendly form, specifying what type of action is used to activate the ability (if it's not constant), any daily limit on its use, and other similar considerations. For example, I figured that Divine Immensity requires the being to use a standard action to make a single size shift, and so growing or shrinking two sizes would require two actions (and thus most likely two rounds). This may not be what UK intended, but the existing Divine Immensity description doesn't make it clear.



First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Benefit: The effect knocks the target back 10 feet per hit die of the attack. Standing targets will take 1d6 damage per 10 feet they are knocked back and the total damage is doubled if they strike a solid object, such as a wall or building.

e.g. An greater deity (110 hit die) taking Wind Breath would gain a breath weapon that knocked medium size targets back a possible 250 feet. If they hit a wall 150 feet away, they would take 30d6 damage.
How does this interact with creatures larger/smaller than the user? Do you halve/double the distance for each size category difference between the user and the target? Also what about a variant the flayed the flesh of/eroded a foe's bones to dust?

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