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Paragons [M&M] (recruiting closed)


Caden Rayne a.k.a Reign

It's sort of a play on his last name. Mostly because he doesn't feel like he is anything special, so why should he really have a special name? (oh and I am planning on playing him as a person who is against killing anyone no matter what the cost. but of course, that could change during the story)

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First Post
I feel I should throw my hat into the ring.

"Can't we all just get along?" the man who would become Dendrite wanted to know, as he watched gang warfare tear his neighborhood apart. Trying to make peace in the middle of a gunfight has never been an especially good idea, but he didn't think he had much left to lose. He would have been so much collateral damage if his efforts to help the conflicting parties see eye to eye had failed. But he didn't fail.

Of course, success was largely thanks to his Breaking Out in the face of imminent perforation from both sides of an urban battlefield. The gangsters -did- end up on the same side. Or, at least, in the same psych ward until whatever Dendrite's newfound mental powers did to them wore off, by which time their old grudges were scarcely a concern.

Mundane roots: A down and out science teacher from a bad part of New York.

Powers: An array of telepathic abilities including but not limited to mind reading, emotion manipulation and mass-confusion.

Backup Concept: User Name
Viktor never thought of himself as a 'black hat' hacker. Nevertheless, the Russian Mafia goons made it clear that their boss thought he had great potential in in that field. Viktor knew what was at the end of that road. He thought he was good enough to dodge the 'job offer' and survive. He was wrong. Or, he would have been, if he hadn't Broke Out as the hit-men were getting ready to do their job.

A phone call from their boss, explaining that the whole thing was a misunderstanding, was enough to defuse the situation. When the goons reported back to their hideout in person they learned that no such call had been made. Of course, by then, Viktor was on a plane to the United States... posing as the the mob boss himself, whose identity he had stolen quite throughly.

Mundaine roots: Russian expatriot, software engineer and 'grey-hat' hacker

Powers: Cyberkinesis and shape-shifting
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Relique du Madde

Here's my character. I decided to change his codename from Windfall to Wildcard. I'm not really too sure about his personality though..

Up until recently, James Murdock has lived a rather unremarkable life. He is the youngest son of William Murdock, a nationally syndicated late night radio personality, and his wife Irene, a college professor. Unlike his parents and his elder sister Alicia, James did not excel at school and to ended up dropped out college during his freshman year. After dropping out, James began to work as a full time mechanic at South-Central Custom Choppers, a custom motorcycle shop in South-Central Los Angeles..

Ten days ago, an unusual string of events changed James Murdock's life forever. The day started with James purchasing a Super Millions lottery ticket before heading to Los Vegas to celibate his 21st birthday by attending an annual bike-show. During the his ride towards Los Vegas, James managed to do the unthinkable, he managed to avoid both red lights and traffic, even when he reached the famed Los Vegas strip.

Once in Los Vegas, James quickly immersed himself in festivities surrounding the of the bike show and eventually found himself within a casino's booking lounge while the Super Millions lottery drawing was about to be shown on the main screen. Curious about his chances at winning, James pulled out his ticket, and to his dismay saw that his ticket had the number 13 printed on it seven times. The unthinkable then happened: Each ball which was drawn from the lottery tumbler was blank, except for the last, which had a number 13 painted on it. This meant that although the results were later rendered invalid; he technically won the lottery.

He then noticed something equally strange: Every monitor within the booking lounge displayed a 13 as part of a winning result. Viewing this strange occurrence as a sign, James enter into the casino ready to try out his luck. As the night progressed, James discovered he was able to both predict and effect the outcome of events to varying degrees of success. He discovered that if when tried to influence the outcome of an game so that it directly benefits him, it often brought about his own misfortune soon after he succeeded. He also discovered that he could bring misfortune to others without receiving negative repercussions depending on how he framed his intent.

As he discovered the extents of his newly found powers, he quickly realized that he had to be careful about how he used them because if he wasn't careful he knew he would attract the attention of the FBI, PRA or another government agency. If reasoned that if they knew about his abilities, then they would prohibit him from using them to his own personal advantage. For this reason, he then decided that if he were forced to register, which he knows he eventually would, he would try to keep the full extent of his abilities a secret.


[Sblock="character Sheet"]

Name: Wildcard (PL 10, 150pp)
Secret ID: James Murdock
PRA Status: Unregistered

"The odds are stacked up against you."

Str 12 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 14 (+2)

Toughness +1/+5 , Fortitude +5 (1+4pp), Reflex +5 (3+2pp), Will +10 (2+8pp)
Attack +4 (melee +5, ranged +7, grapple +5), Defense: 18 (flat 14)
Initiative +3, Notice +5, Luck: 5

Beginners Luck, Equipment 4 (Cell Phone, Heavy Pistol, Laptop, Motorcycle, PDA), Luck 5, Redirect, Wealth 2 (+8)

Bluff +12 (10 +2 cha), Craft: Electronics +10 (8 +2 int), Craft: Mechanics +10 (8 +2 int), Diplomacy +4 (2 +2 cha), Knowledge: Popular Culture +6 (4 +2 int), Knowledge: Technology +6 (4 +2 int), Notice +12 (10 +2 wis), Sense Motive +12 (10 +2 wis)

Probability Control: 10 [59pp] (5pp/rank; PF: Dynamic; Extra: Fortune, Jinx, Range; Flaws: Side Effect*(-2) )
DAP: Luck Control 2 [12pp] (5pp/rank, Spend HP on behalf of others, Force re-roll; PF: Progression 2 (25ft); Extra: Area, Selective)
DAP: Damage 10 (3pp/Rank; PF: Indirect 3; Extra: Normal Range, Penetrating)
DAP: Deflect 10 (3pp/rank; All ranged attacks, PF: Ricochet, Subtle)
DAP: Nullify 10 (3pp/rank; PF: Selective; Extras: Randomize**)
AP: Super Senses 4 (Precognition Flaws: Unreliable Precognition^)

*Anytime the fortune effect is used successfully, Wildcard or one of his allies experiences a jinx during the following round.
** Targeted powers are not countered instead they become uncontrollable and act erratically.
^ WIldcard often sees alternate futures.

Protection Rank 4 [3pp] (Reinforced biking suit; Drawback: Noticeable)

Abilities 22 + Saves 14 + Attack 8 + Defense 16 + Feats 13 + Skills 14 + Powers 63 = 150

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First Post
Tessaract's Crunchy Sheet - WIP

Still working on that third power in the first array. I'm thinking perhaps a "displacement" style power, representing spatial distortions that make it hard to target through...or I have an idea for a pair of linked powers that could represent a small black hole being ripped open. :)

Failing all that I could just merge the arrays and free up a whole lotta points.

Which could be good.

Name: Tessaract (PL 10, 150pp)
Secret ID:Tessa Mathers
“Well isn't that spatial.”
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 10
Toughness +2/+12, Fortitude +7, Reflex +6, Will +7
Attack +5 (melee +5, ranged +5, grapple +5), Defense: 18 (flat 14)
Initiative +3, Notice +8, Luck: 1​
Equipment (5pts)​
SKILLS: (8pts for 32 ranks total)
Computers [6] +9
Drive [6] +8
Knowledge: Physical Science [8] +11
Knowledge: Technology [8] +11
Notice [6] +8​

Super Senses +2 (Spatial Awareness, Radius) 2pp
Force Field +10, 10pp

Gravity Control +9 (PF: Precise, Subtle, Progression (area size), EX: Selective Attack) 30pp
AP - Nullify All Spatial/Dimensional +10 (EX: Nullification Field (+0), Concentration (+1)) 1pp
Ap - Still deciding +10 (PF: y, EX: x, FL: z) 1pp

Dimensional Pocket +10 (EX: Shapeable Area) 30pp
AP - Teleport +9 (PF: Velocity Adjust, Direction Adjust, Turnabout, EX: Accurate (+1)) 1pp
AP - Teleport +7 (PF: Progression x2, Attack (+0), Perception (+2)) 1pp​

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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Agent Mike - RE: drawback points
No... well, I'll let you decide. But either Roxanne or Vixen gets the drawback points, not both.

Also, you're right about your alternate power. My fault.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Walking Dad said:
Quick Question: The Paragon setting is "our" world only with superpowers?
In a very broad sense, yes.

Wildcard looks good Relique. ^_^

RE: Tesseract; you might try merging the arrays and then applying the Wide extra. That would allow you to manifest any 2 powers in the array at once. I think its a +2 extra even though the rules say its a +1. Let me check the errata on the the M&M site. Nope, its just a +1 extra.
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First Post
Lobo, that sounds interesting, though looking at all the powers, I'm not sure it'd be necessary...

The nullification field is Concentration duration, so she can't use more powers while using it anyway. The two teleports and the d-pocket are all mutually exclusive, since they're all Instant durations.

The only power that's limited by being in an array is the gravity field...which is a really nice ability, granted...but not so nice that she can't drop it for a round if she wants to TP someone, or scoop them up into her d-pocket.

Well, and there's the Mystery Power too, I guess...but even then, it's probably not worth a +2 modifier...

Of course, using it would increase the size of the array by 20 points. Which would let me increase its effects considerably... Though I could do that in other ways too.

Hoo. I like this character.

...maybe change Nullification to Power Control! HMMM. That could set up a fun Dr. Who scenario with someone doggedly trying to teleport away while Tess keeps redirecting them to appear right back in front of her.


Walking Dad

First Post

Abilities (10)
Str 12
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 12

Skills (8)
Acrobatics 5 (+7), Bluff 5 (+7), Concentration 13 (+13), Notice 5
(+5), Profession 4 (+4)

Feats (12)
Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack focus (Ranged) 6, Favored Environment (airborn), Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Change, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics , Bluff, Concentration, Notice)

Powers (93)
Energy Form (standard action, continuous) 10 (50)
Insubstantial 3 (15)
Immunity (21)
- Life Support
- Critical Hits
- Lethal Energy Damage becomes non-lethal
Flight 4 (8)
AP: Space Travel 8 (1)
Super-Movement (Permeate) (3)
Super-Senses (sight radius, infravision) (2)

Array (wide) 12 (36)
Light Control 12
Alternate Powers: (7)
Blast 12 (1)
Blast 8 (area line targeted) (1)
Dazzle (sight) 6 (no saving throw +2) (1)
Nauseate 12 (ranged, sense dependent (sight), alternate save (will)) (1)
Obscure (visual) 12 (1)
Strike (penetrating) 12 (1)
Force Field (imp) 12 (1)

Saves (9)
Fort +2 (+4)
Ref +2 (+3)
Will +5 (+5)

Combat (16)
Att 2 (4)
Def 6 (12)

Some titbits, still working on the details

- Name: Byron “Brian” Metcalf; hates his first name
- Quote: With great power comes great opportunity.
- More kind of a ladies man
- First took the name “Apollo” but thought it gay
- Quitted work as soon as he manifested his powers
- Aims to become a celebrity
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Voidrunner's Codex

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