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Paths of Legend: The Sunless Citadel (IC)


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“Lady, eh? Wouldn't be too sure about that...” Lenya says with a slight wink.

When Galon comes around to bring them another round of ale, Lenya asks him directly.

“Say, Galon, you told a tale about those goblins and them selling apples earlier. That does sound a bit strange for sure. Did noone ever buy a ‘magic apple’, just to see if it actually works? Do they have just one, or do they grow them on their ‘magic apple tree’?”

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Reverently, Rashana bows her head as the elf approaches maintaining such a position so as to keep their eyes from truly meeting. It is a traditional custom rigidly instilled in her by her father who decreed that women should avert their gaze in the presence of men outside of the family as a sign of respect. Old habits die hard. Kael’s announcement brings a thin smile to the sorceress’s lips. “I am pleased to meet you as well Corashkael Ferahar of Arifel and hope that I may humbly serve you as we embark on this noble endeavor. Perhaps there are more volunteers that can be rallied to the cause before we depart, but I respectfully defer the decision entirely to you.”, she responds in the most gracious tone she can muster.

And just as soon as the first recruit is signed up, another is delivered unto them. Pelor willing, indeed. Rashana’s ears prickle in excitement as they pick up on conversation between the newly arrived half-orc and the innkeeper. “Sir, if I may interject for a moment. My name is Rashana, and we were just in the midst of arranging an expedition to the ravine to…”, she calls out. But her sentence is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a scrappy looking and boisterously loud dwarf barging onto the scene. The words that escape his mouth, if they could in fact be called that, fail to translate leaving her absolutely dumbstruck. Perhaps Pelor can be a bit too willing?


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Looking down in the Ravine, Athanil asks his companions: Shall we find a way down and explore the site?

[sblock=ooc]Hi guys I'm sorry for my absence, I haven't been able to access the site for two days with Mozilla, I thought Enworld was down, but then I jus tried to open it with Explorer and it worked fine... Anyone has an idea what the reason might be? It still isn't working...[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
“Lady, eh? Wouldn't be too sure about that...” Lenya says with a slight wink.

When Galon comes around to bring them another round of ale, Lenya asks him directly.

“Say, Galon, you told a tale about those goblins and them selling apples earlier. That does sound a bit strange for sure. Did no one ever buy a ‘magic apple’, just to see if it actually works? Do they have just one, or do they grow them on their ‘magic apple tree’?”
Delber catches the wink and gives her back a mischivious grin and a raised eyebrow, accentuated by a set of bright red ears.

"uh right. the apples...what do they claim the apples do, do they bring them here or where if not. also are the little buggers trustworthy business wise? also, so they ever have more then 1?"


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Kael is briefly taken aback by the acquiescence of this supposed caster Rashana. The emergence of the strong half-orc unnerves him a little, a slight frown etches across his face as the age of mistrust and war between their two races had been passed down to his generation as well. Reluctance crept in as it appeared the young tanned woman would soon invite him along.

But then the dwarf burst in. Kael held no ill toward dwarves, they kept to their mines much like Kael's kin kept to their forests. But his training in the harsh dwarvish language allowed him to cut through this crass young dwarf's thick accent. If indeed this dwarf wanted to go to the ravine, it would behoove Kael to team up, power in numbers, but he was not about to follow this uncouth and unkempt dwarf. And, if he was correct in assuming the lady Rashana was to recruit the half-orc to accompany them, he would certainly not allow the creature to lead. As loathe as he was to take a leadership role, for his sake Kael knew he must take control now and not let it go.

In a heavy elven accent, which gave a tone of refinement to the crude language, Kael spoke out in Dwarven, "Dwarf, you speak too fast and your accent is too strong. These son of men might not understand what you say. But I do, and hear me now, you will accompany us. You will follow my lead. You appear hurried, ill-composed, and I will certainly not follow your command." Kael stares at him hard, unflinching. "This young human is a caster, for what I can tell. And we will be bringing this brute of an orc along with us as well, as far as I can tell. With you that would make four. Four is strong. So I offer you the choice, Dwarf, you can go it alone, or you can come with us, following my lead. You and your little dog too."

Kael remains hard, despite himself. He is unsure how well this will be received, his dealing with dwarves a scant better than his with men. At he knew the language better. After a few moments pass, Kael speaks softly in the common tongue of man, "What do you say?"
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First Post
The rude dwarf looks up at the snobbish elf and responds "Ah say if thayre weren't moneh innit fer meh, Ah'd bend yer skinneh arms inna knot 'round yer skinneh neck fer talkin' t' meh tha' way."

He puts hands on hips and frowns, then adds "But Ah don' care if yeh fehl like co-leadin', coz Ah'm nah that demandin' like yeh high an' mighty elves. It's them keeds Ah'm lookin' t' find, an yeh shood beh too."

The bulldog trots up behind Vardok and growls at the assembled strangers in the Ol' Boar. He kicks it once from behind to shut it up.


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Briefly sizing the dwarf up, Kael gives a wry smile, "Maybe one day you get that chance, Dwarf. And it good to know you being in it for coin, or I be worried you save lost children for your happy heart."

Feeling momentum on his side, Kael looks over to the orc with an impassive glance, he stands tall, regal, powerful for his slender stature, "And what you say? You going with us?"

Inside Kael is not quite sure how he'll take to leading or co-leading, as the dwarf sarcastically put it. He liked to stay behind the scenes, unnoticed if possible, but he felt like he needed to assert power over this dwarf or else it could come back to hurt him. And the orc, well, you can never trust an orc, at least that's Kael was taught.


First Post
Looking down in the Ravine, Athanil asks his companions: Shall we find a way down and explore the site?

[sblock=ooc]Hi guys I'm sorry for my absence, I haven't been able to access the site for two days with Mozilla, I thought Enworld was down, but then I jus tried to open it with Explorer and it worked fine... Anyone has an idea what the reason might be? It still isn't working...[/sblock]

Yes let's find a way down. As Ringrill begins to search for a path into the ravine he is startled by the appearance of a person standing on the edge of the ravine. He hardly notices her complete lack of clothing for his people wear nothing in the warm months of summer. Cautiously he raises his hand to signal her. Are you from around here? Do you know this place?

[sblock=ooc]Sometimes I'll have problems with it, but it will start working again. I don't know what the reason is.[/sblock]
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Darik smiled at the smallish woman as she approached. As she spoke, he was happy that he had actually sought her out, until she got to the potentially gruesome details. Nodding his head as if he understood what she was saying, Darik cleared his throat. "Yes, well his church is rather interested in what fate he has met. As I was on my way here to investigate the happenings in this area, they told me to seek you out and see if you could offer any insight as to what has been happening here. Obviously I am not a follower of Pelor, but as a follower of Heironeous, I believe that some of our interests and goals are somewhat close in nature. So my business with Sir Braford is that I wish to know his whereabouts and what he was investigating as my mission is one of investigation as well.
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Surprised to find that she understood this beings speech, Merenita stammered a bit as her brain attempted a new activity: two way conversation. "I...hmm...hello. The. Ravine. My home, yes." instinct guided her to adjust her pace. "Yes I am familiar with some of it." This experience was getting fun, but then she remembered the reason she came up. "Soon the smelly ones are here. They are bad, take others like you. Bad neighbors too." she added, which positively damned them in her mind.
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